Increases in Brand Awareness

Increases in Brand Awareness

Awareness is the first step in the customer purchase process. A prospective buyer needs to be aware of the product or service before evaluating and consciously choosing to purchase the brand. Measurements of the early stages of the customer purchase funnel are dependent on surveys of perceptions such as awareness, consideration, preference and/or purchase intention. This is where the definition of brand awareness becomes incredibly important. If you are making the case that brand awareness has value, you must be able to articulate to executives the exact definition and the strategy for how you expect this will drive a financial contribution for the company.

When defining awareness, a person must determine how much awareness is present.

  • Awareness of the just the company or brand name? And is that defined as the ability to name your brand name unaided as a provider in your category or is an aided recall enough?
  • Awareness of the brand promise that you are communicating?
  • Awareness of key attributes or differentiators that are likely to influence purchase decisions?

Your strategy for how awareness will ultimately contribute to driving sales and financial outcomes defines the metrics you will use to measure the effectiveness of your brand awareness programs. There are three major categories of strategies that lead to different definitions of brand awareness.

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