IDE and Simulator

IDE and Simulator

The iPhone SDK has an iPhone simulator that is, effectively, a fully functioning, pixel-perfect iPhone on your Mac. But because it’s an app on your Mac, it is also just another browser on your system. So treating it as such in Dreamweaver is a snap.

First, download and install the free iPhone SDK from Apple’s iPhone Development Center. Since you are not releasing apps through the App Store, you do not need to pay to be a part of the Application Developer Program. You just need a free developer account on Apple’s site.

Once you download and install the SDK, open up Dreamweaver.

  1. Go File > Preferences > Preview in Browser
  2. Click the “plus” button to add a new browser to your list
  3. Navigate to /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Applications/
  4. Select the iPhone
  5. Click Ok, and then close out your preferences
  6. Now the iPhone Simulator is in your list of browsers
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