Google+ Tools

Google+ Tools

Google+ offers unique benefits for writers wise enough to take advantage of them. Why do we need another social site when there’s already Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter? While these social sites are great networking tools, they don’t have all the capabilities of Google+.
Another consideration is cost. Only a fraction of those who sign up to receive your Facebook updates are allowed to see them. Facebook will extend your reach, but at a cost. Google+ lets you contact those in your circles free of charge.


Google+ Community

This feature is ideal for brands setting out to position themselves as thought leaders in their respective fields. By creating a Google+ Community, you are building an environment in which to establish expertise and cement relationships. You create a forum within which to determine the exact challenges your target audience faces. A Google+ Community is the ideal place to listen attentively to your audience, then take the time to respond by showing how your business brings value.

Google+ Integration and promotion
Integration Of Different Things

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