Adult Learning Tutorial | Train the Trainer

Adult Learning

There are five characteristics of adult learning that are different from the assumptions about the child learners:

  1. Self-Concept- As a person matures the self-concept changes from being a dependent one to the self-dependent one. This makes a person self-sufficient and self-reliant.
  2. Adult Learner Experience- When people become adults they collect more experiences which makes them more knowledgeable and mature.
  3. Readiness to Learn- With the growing age a person’s readiness to learn becomes more focused on the progressive works their social roles.
  4. Orientation to Learning- As a person becomes mature his/her perception changes from the suspended application of knowledge to instant application of the same. In addition to this, orientation makes a person more orientated towards the shifts of learning from one of subject to another.
  5. Motivation to Learn- Motivation of learning comes automatically from people as they get mature. This motivation inspires them to become more efficient towards their roles and responsibilities.


Adult Learning

Here are four principles of adult training that are not similar with the basic principles of adult training:

  1. It is very important for the learners to get involved in the planning and evaluation of the given instructions.
  2. Experiences that includes mistakes too, provides the basis for the learning activities conducted for making the learners more effective towards their work.
  3. Adults like to learn about the topics that have instant application and effect to the job and their life.
  4. Adult learning is not only concerned to the content, but also very effective in all the areas of problem solving.


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