Training Programmes in India Tutorial | Train the Trainer

Training Programmes in India

Training programmes in India- A lot of research has been conducted to determine the efficiency of the training programs and some of the engaging results of these are here:

Duplication of effort: Most of the training programs have a lot of copied elements. There is a lack of consistency between the training programs created by different institutions. If an executive has attained one training programs, he will not be able to get some new content if he attends any more training program on the same subject. This erodes the learning will in the trainees.


Training Programmes in India


Conducted by generalists: Very few behavioral scientists involve themselves in the training programs. So, those who do not attain the skills and knowledge organize the training programs. There are a few organizations that train the tutors, but not all of the tutors concentrate on these programs. Lack of the basic skills and knowledge makes the training one-dimensional, which can be unsuccessful in impressing the trainees.

Inadequate training facilities: Even in the present time of increasing technological growth, there are areas which may lag in terms of materials to deliver the training programs. This can be a major hurdle in creating an effective training program.


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