Working with Workbooks

Working with Workbooks

Working with workbooks in data entry or computer basics typically involves using spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets to organize and analyze data. Here are some common tasks involved in working with workbooks:

Creating a new workbook: This involves opening the spreadsheet software and starting a new file.

Entering data: Data can be entered manually into cells in the workbook, or it can be imported from other sources.

Formatting cells: Formatting cells can include adjusting the font size, style, and color, as well as adjusting the width and height of cells.

Using formulas: Formulas can be used to perform calculations on data within the workbook, such as adding or subtracting values.

Sorting and filtering data: Data can be sorted and filtered to make it easier to analyze, using tools such as the sort and filter functions.

Creating charts and graphs: Charts and graphs can be created to visually represent data in the workbook.

Saving and sharing the workbook: Once the workbook is complete, it can be saved and shared with others who need access to the data.

Split Windows

It is used to view different parts of same or different sheet simultaneously by splitting worksheet window into sections called panes which can be horizontal or vertical and scrolled independently.

Freeze Panes

If applied, it prevents row or column above it to move away during scrolling and is used to show headings. It is applied by clicking “freeze panes” in windows menu after placing at desired cell.

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