Changing the FormView control’s templates

Changing the FormView control’s templates

The FormView control in ASP.NET provides various templates to customize the display and behavior of the control. The following are the templates available in the FormView control:

ItemTemplate: Displays the data in read-only mode.

EditItemTemplate: Displays the data in edit mode.

InsertItemTemplate: Displays the data in insert mode.

EmptyDataTemplate: Displays a message when there is no data to display.

HeaderTemplate: Displays a header for the FormView control.

FooterTemplate: Displays a footer for the FormView control.

PagerTemplate: Displays a pager control for the FormView control.

To change the FormView control’s templates, follow these steps:

Open the web page containing the FormView control in Visual Studio.

Click on the FormView control to select it.

Click on the smart tag of the FormView control and select “Edit Templates”.

Select the template you want to modify from the dropdown list.

Modify the template as needed using the Design or Source view of the editor.

Save the changes and switch back to the page designer view to preview the updated FormView control. You can customize the templates by adding, removing, or modifying the HTML elements and server controls within the template. You can also use data binding expressions to display data from the data source in the FormView control.

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