Team Management

If you are a team leader looking for a your next job role. We have list down some important questions that can prepare you.

Q.1 How would your direct reports describe your management style?
This question allows the candidate to reveal how they interact with employees. You'll be able to assess if their style is better for a casual office environment or high-paced, no-nonsense atmosphere — and what that means for their ability to succeed at your company. What to look for in an answer: Self-awareness Indications that the candidate's leadership style will match your office Confidence in their ability to be flexible in their style as needed Example: "I am a somewhat hands-off manager. I like to give my team the tools they need to succeed and then let them do their thing. My staff tell me they appreciate the space I give them to make decisions, but I think they would also tell you I am there for guidance when they need it. I schedule monthly check-ins to find out about any challenges or ideas for change."
Q.2 How has your management style changed as you got more experience?
Growth is an essential part of career development. This question probes how the candidate has learned and evolved as a manager. What to look for in an answer: Evidence of willingness to learn and evolve as a manager Indications that their style will be effective for the team they would lead Examples of why they've changed their style Example: "I used to be more likely to micromanage. I thought I could keep the best handle on my team and our success if I was in charge of every detail. What I've learned through feedback and experience is that my team can feel smothered if I am too involved, and they're less likely to grow if they don't have room to make choices and mistakes."
Q.3 What is a common way you see people fail as managers?
This question evaluates whether your candidate has thought of management in terms beyond their own behaviour. It helps you gauge whether they are able to consider the important principles required to successfully manage a team. What to look for in an answer: Awareness of what effective management looks like Evidence they own their mistakes Confirmation that they are aligned with your company's expectations of management Example: "One of the biggest mistakes I've seen managers make is being less than transparent. Of course, some decisions need to happen at the executive level, but the best teams are lead by someone who is honest and accountable. If a manager is not upfront about challenges or changes, they can lose the trust of their team."
Q.4 When was the last time you had to deal with an underperforming employee, and how did you handle it?
Dealing with performance issues is a key responsibility of managers. Learning how your candidate deals with this sometimes uncomfortable task can tell you a lot about them. What to look for in an answer: Evidence they have experience handling employee performance issues Indications they are comfortable with confrontation Thoughtfulness regarding appropriate action for underperforming staff Example: "A few months ago one of my graphic designers began to have time management issues. As a result, he was turning things in late and the client noticed. I sat him down and we designed a plan for him to set new timeline goals and we took a few things off his plate that were slowing him down."
Q.5 How do you handle your mistakes in the workplace?
How a manager deals with their own mistakes can impact their team and the company. This question lets the candidate reveal how they face adversity and take responsibility for their own miscalculations or other errors. What to look for in an answer: Evidence they are able to identify their own shortcomings Awareness of the importance of self-correcting their mistakes as a leader Indications they hold themselves to a high standard as a manager Example: "As a manager I think it's important to have personal accountability. That sets the standard for the rest of the team. If I don't admit and correct my own mistakes, how can I ask my direct reports to do it? When I know I made a mistake I apologize to the people involved and explain about how I will do better in the future. For instance, recently I sent the wrong report to a client. I corrected the issue by sending the right report and made a commitment to the director that I would better organize my desktop files to avoid the same mistake again."
Q.6 How would you describe the most important contributions of a manager in the workplace?
Understanding their role in the company can help managers thrive. This question gets to the heart of how your candidate plans to use their role to contribute to your business. What to look for in an answer: Indications they have enough experience to understand the key elements of management Evidence of a value system that makes them a good fit for your organization Ability to prioritize the tasks of management Example: "I think keeping employees motivated and on track is one of the most important things a manager can do. We need to have our fingers on the pulse of what clients or customers need, but also the tools that our employees need to make magic happen. As a manager I think of myself as somewhat of a conduit between our clients and my direct reports. My role is to keep clients excited about our work and keep employees motivated and equipped to create exciting things."
Q.7 What are the different types of Project team?
Task forces or ad-hoc teams, cross-functional teams, self-directed or autonomous teams, and virtual teams.
Q.8 What is the purpose to form a team?
1. Produce an item or service 2. Share learning 3. Coordinate resources 4. Solve problems 5. Plan or develop strategies 6. Innovate and create 7. Decreased productivity 8. Complaints about quality of service
Q.9 How should the management support the team processes according to you?
1. Ensuring a constancy of purpose 2. Reinforcing positive results, 3. Sharing business results 4. Giving people a sense of mission 5. Developing a realistic and integrated plan 6. Providing direction and support
Q.10 What do you know about Project teams?
The Project, or ad hoc, teams are formed for special projects, especially those with a material focus.
Q.11 Explain Self-directed or cross-functional Teams?
The members of the Self-directed or cross-functional teams must have considerable training, experience, and cooperative skills, since they operate without constant direction from management.
Q.12 What are Cross-functional Teams?
Cross-functional teams promote the acceptance of change throughout the organization.
Q.13 Explain Virtual teams?
Virtual teams are especially projected or ad hoc teams, and they are necessary when members are geographically dispersed.
Q.14 How will you classify Teams?
1. Formal team 2. Informal team
Q.15 What are formal teams?
Formal team is a team formed to complete a specific objective or a specific set of objectives. The objective of the team formation is called as ‘mission’ or ‘statement of purpose’. It may consist of a charter, list of team members, letter of authorization and support from the management.
Q.16 What are Informal teams?
The informal team is a type of team that will not have documents that a formal team have. But an informal team comprises of versatile membership as the members in it can be changed as per the requirements of the task on hand.
Q.17 What challenges does management face in a virtual team?
1. establishing trust 2. establishing a group identity 3. developing clear structures 4. dealing with “cliques” or subgroups 5. sharing information 6. ensuring that information is understood
Q.18 What is the need to form Process Improvement Team?
The process improvement team is formed to discover the modifications required in a specific process in order to improve it. It comprises of members who belong to various groups that will be affected by the proposed changes, thus making it cross functional in nature.
Q.19 What are Self-directed and work group teams?
These have a wide-ranging goals that are ongoing and repetitive. This make the team to carry out activities regularly. They are usually formed to make decisions on matters such as safety, personnel, maintenance, quality, etc.
Q.20 Who is a team leader?
A team leader is a person who motivates, guides and helps the team to stay focused. She/he heads and conducts team meetings and also supervises the performance of the team.
Q.21 Who are sponsors?
Sponsors define the scope and goals of the project and provide the essential resources required to achieve the preset goals. They also monitors and the controls the team and its activities through the team leader.
Q.22 What is the function of a Facilitator?
The main function of a facilitator is to facilitate the team members in expressing their ideas and at times head the team meetings. They also aids the leaders in keeping the team focused and also aids the team in making decisions on matters of high importance.
Q.23 What is a Coach?
A Coach coordinates with the team leader and the facilitator to help the team work smoothly. Coach also leads the team members in fulfilling their obligations by supplying required resources.
Q.24 What is the role of a team member in a team?
They participate and share their views and ideas in the team meetings and also uses their expertise to accomplish the tasks assigned to them. They try to carry out the tasks as per the schedule.
Q.25 List some major factors that influence the selection of team members?
1. Ideal combination of required skills 2. Varied behavioral styles 3. Optimal number of members 4. Basic teamwork attributes 5. Adaptability 6. Schedule
Q.26 What are the Qualities of an effective team according to you?
1. Firstly diverse members with a common mission 2. Secondly knowledge and expertise 3. Next cooperation and trust between members 4. Subsequently effective communication skills 5. Then creativity 6. Lastly effective decision-making skills
Q.27 List certain conditions before launching a team?
1. The goals should be explicitly stated and directly related to the project work. 2. Appropriate training on team dynamics must be provided to the team members. 3. A well planned schedule must be prepared. The team must not be made to wait for specific work to be assigned after the project is underway. 4. The team must be made aware about what they are authorized to do. They must also be assured of total support from the management. 5. It must be ensured that there is balanced participation of members in the carrying out of the project. 6. There must be sponsor who has vested interest in the success of the project. 7. Proper communication channels must be created.
Q.28 What according to you is the best way to build an effective team?
The first rule of team building is, to lead a team effectively, you must first establish your leadership with each team member. One must remember that the most effective team leaders build their relationships of trust and loyalty, rather than fear or the power of their positions.
Q.29 What is the basic difference between influence and persuasion?
Influence affects change or action without using authority or control. And persuasion is a form of communication that uses logical arguments and evidence to gain support. Neither involves overpowering, bullying, pushing, or coercing to get what you want.
Q.30 How are exchanges characterized in influence and persuasion?
Exchanges based on the use of influence and persuasion are characterized by equality, caring, and respect for the ideas and logic of all contributors. Together, they’re used to inspire, motivate, resolve conflicts, sell ideas, change values, establish vision, and educate and empower others.
Q.31 Mention the three things that provide the foundation for effective influence?
1. Communication 2. Personal power 3. Credibility
Q.32 How can good communication skills can help for an effective influence?
As a leader, your communication skills impact your ability to influence others. Skilled communicators are more effective influencers and better leaders.
Q.33 As a leader, from where do you derive your personal power?
As a leader, anyone's personal power is derived from a combination of your knowledge, abilities, and skills, as well as from your character and personality.
Q.34 How is your influence based on credibility?
Influence is based on your credibility, which is derived from approaches and values like focus, flexibility, fairness, accountability, approachability, and honesty.
Q.35 Leaders are likely to have four sources of position power in common. What are they?
1. formal authority 2. control over hard rewards, such as promotions 3. control of the flow of information 4. the ability to reduce uncertainty about the future of the organization, and individuals or groups within the organization
Q.36 What are open-ended questions?
Open-ended questions are used to gain information. They tend to encourage discussion, so one should listen carefully for important information about what the stakeholders’ concerns and interests are.
Q.37 What is the use of closed-ended questions?
Closed-ended questions require a definitive answer, they’re great for obtaining agreement in order to move on or to focus a discussion.
Q.38 How will you influence people?
1. Acknowledging opposing perspectives but moving on. 2. Using logic and evidence. 3. Providing options that people can agree to without compromising their position or dignity.
Q.39 List six techniques that will help you influence others and gain their support?
Asking for what you want, customizing the message, using questions, acknowledging opposing perspectives but moving on, using logic and evidence, and providing options that people can agree to without compromising their position or dignity.
Q.40 What are the two types of motivation?
1. Intrinsic Motivation 2. Extrinsic Motivation
Q.41 What is Intrinsic motivation?
It points to self, generated factors that influence people to behave in a particular way or to move in a particular direction. These factors include responsibility, freedom to act, scope to use and develop skills and abilities, interesting and challenging work, opportunities for advancement etc.
Q.42 What do you know about Extrinsic motivation?
These are the efforts made by others to motivate people. This may be e.g.: reward, punishment, appreciation etc.
Q.43 What is the main objective of developing a suitable motivational atmosphere?
The major objective of developing a suitable motivational atmosphere is to make sure that the people in the organization are sufficiently motivated to deliver performance in agreement with the expectations of the management.
Q.44 Define organizational conflict?
A basic definition of organizational conflict is disagreement by individuals or groups within the organization, which can centre on factors ranging from resource allocation and divisions of responsibility to the overall direction of the organization.
Q.45 Give an example of organizational conflict?
A simple example of organizational conflict happens when workers demand higher pay and the business owner or management wants pay levels to remain status low.
Q.46 What are the negative outcomes of an organizational conflict?
Conflicts cause stress, which reduces worker satisfaction. The reduced satisfaction level can lead to high rate absenteeism and turnover. Conflict can also lower trust in supervisors and fellow employees, which can slow or stop progress on projects. The pileup of internal negative consequences, such as lost trust and slowed progress, can cause a negative impact on customer satisfaction due to missed deadlines and reduced work quality.
Q.47 By managing conflicts skillfully what will you gain?
1. Gain cooperation from team members 2. Improve performance and productivity 3. Reduce stress and preserve integrity 4. Solve problems as quickly as possible 5. Improve relationships and teamwork 6. Enhance creativity 7. Increase staff morale
Q.48 What are the sequential stages in decision making?
Decision making moves in sequential stages: understanding the problem, generating solutions, narrowing down solutions, and then deciding which solution to implement.
Q.49 What are the different Decision-making Techniques in Teams?
1. Consensus Decision-Making 2. Voting-Based Methods 3. Delphi Method 4. Dotmocracy
Q.50 Explain the Delphi Method?
This method is a structured communication technique for groups, originally developed for collaborative forecasting but also used for policy-making.
Q.51 What is Dotmocracy?
A method that relies on the use of forms called “dotmocracy sheets” to allow large groups to brainstorm collectively and recognize agreement on an unlimited number of ideas they have authored.
Q.52 What are the advantages of group decision making?
1. Greater knowledge 2. Greater skills 3. Creative approach 4. Shared responsibility 5. Higher commitment
Q.53 What are the disadvantages of group decision making?
1. Conformity 2. Dominance 3. Less recognition 4. Time consumption 5. Groupthink effects
Q.54 What is Interpersonal Conflict?
Interpersonal conflict involves conflict between two or more individuals and is probably the most frequent and most recognized conflict.
Q.55 What are Inter-organizational conflict?
These conflicts are may be between buyer organizations and supplier organizations about quantity, quality and delivery times of raw materials and other policy issues. Such conflict could also be between unions and organizations employing their members
Q.56 What do you know about Intergroup conflict?
The intergroup conflicts are not so much personal in nature as they are due to factors intrinsic in the organizational structure. One of the most common conflicts is between the line and the staff members of the organization.
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