Angular 6

Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source web application framework. It is one of the popular choice of web developer. So if you want to become a successful web developer, then you must require a sound knowledge of Angular. Practice these question and answers multiple time to prepare for your next job interview.

Q.1 What are the new features that comes with Angular6?
Some of the Key features of Angular 6 are -
1. There is added support for creating Custom Elements based on Angular Components.
2. There are animations expose element and params within transition matchers.
3. The Bazel - change ng_package rule to APF v6
4. The singleline, multiline and jsdoc comments are now supported
5. The compiler-cli add resource inlining to ngc
6. The support for TypeScript 2.7
7. Require node 8 as runtime engine
Q.2 What are the Ngmodule Metadata properties?

NgModule decorator identifies AppModule as a NgModule class. Such that the NgModule takes a metadata object that tells Angular how to compile and launch the application.

Some of the important NgModule metadata properties are – providers, declarations, imports, exports, entryComponents, bootstrap, schemas and id

Q.3 How do you define Zone in Angular?

Zones are a type of performance setting that empowers us to catch into our anachronistic tasks.

Primarily, Zones in angular APIs helps to increase the performance by executing our code exterior to the angular zone. Also Zone helps in preventing Angular from the governing unwanted alter detection assignments

Q.4 How can you generate a module in Angular?
In order to generate a module in Angular, cd to the current project directory and given command. ng g module module_name
Q.5 What do you understand by the term AOT?
AOT abbreviated as Ahead-of-Time compiler pre-compiles application components and their templates during the build process. Some of reason apps compiled with AOT launch faster for -
1. Application components execute immediately, without client-side compilation.
2. Templates are embedded as code within their components so there is no client-side request for template files.
3. We cannot download the Angular compiler, which is pretty big on its own.
4. The compiler discards unused Angular directives that a tree-shaking tool can then exclude.
Q.6 What is the difference between code snippet between “declarations”, “providers”, and “imports” in ng module for angular 6?
We shall now discuss about declaration, providers, and imports:

1. Declarations: One of the key features of Angular for available varieties components or pipes of a single directive for the current module to other directives of the current module. Therefore if someone is willing to use some same declare component in the current module from other directives then declaration should need to be done properly.
2. Imports: Helps of availability of other module components in a current module by importing the same.
3. Providers: It is helping DI for identifying and understanding of using services and values.
Q.7 Differentiate between “constructor” and “ngoninit” for angular JS 6 version?
One of the most general Angular 6 Interview Question asked in an interview.
1. Constructor: Constructor is one of the default declarations for any specific class or object, it can be referred every time when any class instantiated, also ensuring initialization properly of their subclasses and different instance variable fields.
2. Ngonint: It is one of the first initialize method used by Angular, mention in the first component of an angular life cycle. It mainly indicated that angular has been completed of creating entire require components properly. It is not mandatory to use but best practice to use.
Q.8 What's current In Angular 6? And what improvements are there in it?

The Angular Team are working on lots of bug fixes, new features and added/update/remove/ re-introduce/ and many more things.

Changes of Angular 6 can be explored step by step:
Included ng update - This CLI commands will update your angular project dependencies to their latest versions. The ng update is normal package manager tools to identify and update other dependencies.

Q.9 What Are The Ngmodule Metadata Properties?

AppModule is identified as NgModule class by the module director.
The NgModule takes a metadata object that instructs the Angular to how to compile and launch the application.
The NgModule importance metadata properties are:-

  • providers
  • declarations
  • imports
  • exports
  • entryComponents
  • bootstrap
  • schemas
  • id
Q.10 What are the Types Of Ngmodules?

There are four types of NgModules –

  • Features Module
  • Routing Module
  • Service Module
  • Widget Module
  • Shared Module
Q.11 What Is A Cookie?
A small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user's machine by the user's web browsers while the user is browsing is known as a Cookie.
Q.12 What Is Pure Pipe?

When a pure change to the input value is detected then only Angular executes a pure pipe. A pure change can be primitive or non-primitive.

Primitive data are only single values, and they do not possess any special capabilities and the non-primitive data types are used to store the group of values.

@Pipe({name: 'currency'})

Q.13 What Is Impure Pipe?

During every component change detection cycle, Angular executes an impure pipe. An impure pipe is called frequently, as frequent as every keystroke or mouse-move.

An Id if you want to make a pipe impure that time you will allow the setting pure flag to false.
@Pipe({ name: 'currency', pure: false })

Q.14 What Is Parameterizing Pipe?

In order to achieve the output a pipe can accept any number of optional parameters. Any valid template expressions, can be the parameter value. Follow the pipe name with a colon (:) to add optional parameters. It looks like- currency: 'INR'

In the following example–

The birthday is - {{ birthday | date:"MM/dd/yy" }}

Q.15 What do you understand from a Chaining Pipe?

To perform the multiple operations within the single expression the chaining Pipe is used. This chaining operation will be chained using the pipe (I). In the following example, to display the birthday in the upper case- will need to use the inbuilt date-pipe and upper-case-pipe.

In the following example –
{{ birthday | date | uppercase}}

Q.16 Why You Use Browsermodule, Commonmodule, Formsmodule, Router module, And Httpclientmodule?
  • BrowserModule – The browser module is imported from @angular/platform-browser and it is used when you want to run your application in a browser.
  • CommonModule – The common module is imported from @angular/when you want to use directives common and it is used - NgIf, NgFor and so on.
  • FormsModule – The forms module is imported from @angular/forms and it is used when you build template driven forms.
  • RouterModule – The router module is imported from @angular/router and is used for routing RouterLink, forRoot, and forChild.
  • HttpClientModule –The HttpClientModule is imported from @angular/common/http and it used to initiate HTTP request and responses in angular apps. The HttpClient is more modern and accessible to use the alternative of HTTP.
Q.17 Is node js required for angular 6?

Angular does not need node.js directly. For all the build and development tools, Node js is used.

Angular is a framework and to program using Angular you may use typescript or javascript or dart programming language.

Q.18 What are the new features of angular 6?
  • Develop Single Page applications Angular is a perfect framework.
  • Service Worker Support. Basically service workers are the scripts which run in the web browser and manage to cache an application.
  • Template Element.
  • i18n.
  • Ivy New Rendering Engine.
  • ngModelChange.
  • ElementRef
  • Basel Compiler.
Q.19 What is Appcomponent in angular?

Angular is a platform and framework for building client applications in HTML and TypeScript.

NgModules collect related code into functional sets; an Angular app is defined by a set of NgModules. An app always has at least a root module that enables bootstrapping, and typically has many more feature modules.

Q.20 Is angular 6 released?

Angular 6 was released on May 4th, 2018.

The highlights of Angular 6 include The Component Development KIT (CDK), the Angular Command Line Interface (CLI), and the Angular Material package update.

Q.21 Upgrade to Angular 6 — Within 15 Minutes
  • Add the new CLI. npm install @angular/cli@latest -g.
  • Upgrade the CLI locally in your project. ng update @angular/cli.
  • Upgrade Angular dependencies.
  • Upgrade Angular dev dependencies.
  • Upgrade Angular dependent dependencies.
  • Upgrade Angular dependent dev dependencies.
  • Install TypeScript 2.7.2.
  • Install RxJS 6+
Q.22 Why do we use angular 6?

Angular 6 also includes two very important superpowers to the CLI: Schematics and Libraries.

Schematics permits you to reduce your boilerplate code to a custom schematic that you can create for your own modules and components. While, the new library generator makes it much easier to contribute open-source modules.

Q.23 How do I upgrade AngularJS 4 to 6?
Step 1: Globally upgrade the Angular CLI from 1.x to 6. Then using Command Install the angular-cli 6 globally:
Step 2: Upgrade Angular CLI version in project. Go to project the source directory.
Step 3: Identify the packages that need an upgrade.
Step 4: Upgrade packages.
Step 5: Solve peer dependency issues.
Q.24 Should I use angular CLI?

My advice is to use the Angular CLI, If for your next project you choose Angular.

The Angular CLI is only a wrapper around Webpack. And especially when you are not a Webpack and Angular expert. But be prepared, that there is a very low chance that Angular CLI will not stay with your project until the end.

Q.25 What is angular and TypeScript?

Angular is a modern framework built entirely in TypeScript, and as a result, a seamless experience is provided by using Typescript with Angular.

The TypeScript isn't only used as a first-class citizen, but supported as the primary language by the Angular Documentation.

Q.26 What is the difference between angular 4 and 6?

Angular 2 and Angular 4 both are the enhanced size of AoT or ahead-of-time and have compiler generated code.

Due to compiler generated code, Angular 4 has become smoother and swift when compared to the Angular JS 2. Angular 2 supports TypeScript 1.8 version, whereas Angular 4 supports typescript 2.1 and 2.2 versions.

Q.27 What is Angular 6?
Angular 6 is a TypeScript-based open-source framework for building web applications.
Q.28 What is the key feature of Angular 6?
Angular 6 introduced several features, including the Angular CLI, ng update, and improved tree-shaking for smaller bundles.
Q.29 What is TypeScript, and why is it used in Angular 6?
TypeScript is a statically typed superset of JavaScript used in Angular 6 to provide better tooling and type checking.
Q.30 What is the Angular CLI?
The Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is a command-line tool for generating, building, and deploying Angular applications.
Q.31 Explain the concept of components in Angular 6.
Components are the building blocks of an Angular application, encapsulating the UI and behavior of parts of the application.
Q.32 What is the role of the AppModule in an Angular 6 application?
AppModule is the root module that bootstraps the Angular application and contains metadata about the app.
Q.33 What is data binding in Angular 6?
Data binding in Angular 6 allows you to establish a connection between the UI and the component's data, enabling automatic updates.
Q.34 How do you create a new component in Angular 6?
You can create a new component using the Angular CLI by running ng generate component component-name.
Q.35 What is interpolation in Angular 6?
Interpolation is a way to embed expressions or variables from the component into the HTML template using double curly braces {{}}.
Q.36 What is event binding in Angular 6?
Event binding allows you to listen to and respond to events triggered by the user or the DOM elements in the template.
Q.37 What is a directive in Angular 6?
Directives are markers on DOM elements that instruct Angular to manipulate or modify the behavior of the element.
Q.38 Explain the difference between ngIf and ngFor in Angular 6.
ngIf is used for conditional rendering, showing or hiding elements, while ngFor is used for iterating over a collection and rendering multiple elements.
Q.39 What is dependency injection in Angular 6?
Dependency injection is a design pattern in Angular 6 that allows you to inject dependencies (such as services) into a component or service.
Q.40 What is a service in Angular 6?
A service is a reusable piece of code that can perform specific tasks and is often used for data retrieval and sharing data between components.
Q.41 How do you handle user input in Angular 6?
User input can be handled using event binding and template-driven or reactive forms for more complex input scenarios.
Q.42 What is Angular routing in Angular 6?
Angular routing enables navigation between different views or components in a single-page application (SPA).
Q.43 What is an Angular module in Angular 6?
An Angular module is a logical grouping of components, directives, pipes, and services that help organize and modularize an application.
Q.44 What is a pipe in Angular 6?
A pipe is used to transform data in the template, such as formatting dates or filtering lists.
Q.45 What is the purpose of ngOnInit in Angular 6?
ngOnInit is a lifecycle hook in Angular 6 that is called after the component is initialized and can be used to perform initialization tasks.
Q.46 How do you make HTTP requests in Angular 6?
Angular 6 provides the HttpClient module for making HTTP requests to a server to retrieve data.
Q.47 What is dependency injection in Angular 6, and how does it work?
Dependency injection is a design pattern in Angular 6 that allows you to inject dependencies, such as services, into a component or service, making it more modular and testable. It works by providing the dependency in the constructor of the class that needs it.
Q.48 What is Angular 6 CLI, and how is it helpful?
Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) is a powerful tool for generating, building, testing, and deploying Angular applications. It simplifies many development tasks and enforces best practices.
Q.49 What is a module in Angular 6, and why is it used?
A module in Angular 6 is a logical container for organizing related components, services, directives, and pipes. It helps in managing the application structure and separating concerns.
Q.50 Explain the difference between ngOnInit and constructor in Angular 6.
The constructor is a basic method that initializes the class instance, while ngOnInit is a lifecycle hook specifically provided by Angular for initialization tasks. ngOnInit is called after the constructor.
Q.51 What is the purpose of the async pipe in Angular 6?
The async pipe in Angular 6 is used to subscribe to an Observable or Promise in the template and automatically handle the subscription and unsubscription, ensuring data is displayed when it arrives.
Q.52 How do you pass data between parent and child components in Angular 6?
Data can be passed from parent to child components using @Input decorators on child component properties.
Q.53 What is Angular CLI ngForOf?
ngForOf is not a part of Angular CLI but a part of Angular itself. It's a directive used for looping and iterating over an iterable (e.g., an array) in the template.
Q.54 What is Angular CLI ngIf?
ngIf is a structural directive in Angular used with Angular CLI to conditionally add or remove elements from the DOM based on a condition in the template.
Q.55 How can you optimize the performance of an Angular 6 application?
Performance optimization strategies include lazy loading, AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation, optimizing change detection, and using the Angular CLI to generate smaller bundles.
Q.56 What is Angular Material in Angular 6?
Angular Material is a UI component library that provides pre-designed and styled UI components to create modern web applications with a consistent look and feel.
Q.57 What is a resolver in Angular 6 routing?
A resolver is a service that pre-fetches data before a route is activated, ensuring that data is available when the associated component is rendered.
Q.58 What is Angular 6's HttpClientInterceptor used for?
HttpClientInterceptor is used to intercept HTTP requests and responses and perform actions like modifying headers, caching, or logging.
Q.59 Explain the concept of zone in Angular 6.
Zones are an execution context that helps Angular track and manage asynchronous operations, such as handling callbacks and updates in the UI.
Q.60 What is the purpose of Angular 6's RouterModule.forRoot() method?
RouterModule.forRoot() is used to configure the root routing module of an Angular application and provide the routes for the app.
Q.61 How do you handle errors in Angular 6 HTTP requests?
You can handle errors in Angular 6 HTTP requests using the catchError() operator and providing error-handling logic within the service.
Q.62 What are Angular 6's view encapsulation modes?
Angular 6 supports three view encapsulation modes: Emulated (default), None, and Shadow DOM, which determine how styles are scoped to components.
Q.63 What is an Angular 6 directive, and how can you create a custom directive?
A directive is a behavior attached to a DOM element. You can create a custom directive in Angular 6 using the @Directive decorator and implementing the necessary logic.
Q.64 What is the purpose of a ViewChild decorator in Angular 6?
ViewChild is used to access child components or elements in a parent component's template and interact with them programmatically.
Q.65 How do you handle form validation in Angular 6?
Angular 6 supports template-driven and reactive forms for form validation. You can use built-in validators or create custom validators for more complex requirements.
Q.66 What is the Angular 6 router outlet?
The router outlet is a directive used in the Angular router module to display the components associated with specific routes in the application's template.
Q.67 What is the purpose of Angular 6's HttpClient module, and how is it different from the Http module?
HttpClient is a more powerful and user-friendly replacement for the Http module in Angular 6. It simplifies making HTTP requests and handles JSON parsing by default.
Q.68 What angular 6?

Angular6 is a Open source Javascript framework, to develop dynamic web applications.

Angular 6 eases development of web application as it uses HTML like syntax to declare various functionality of a web application.

Angular 6 features

  • Released on April 2018
  • Improvements in tool-chain
  • removed <template> tag with “<ng-template>”
  • Changed Registering provider
  • Changes in ngModelChange event
  • ng update <package> command in CLI for app update
  • ng add command in CLI for new capability to add to app
  • complete support of Angular Elements to create an Angular component and publish it as  web component
  • supports configuration of navigation URLs within the Service Workers
  • i18n is with runtime rendering
  • New rendering engine added - Ivy
  • Bazel compiler support
  • RxJS 6.0 support

Q.69 How do you handle routing parameters in Angular 6?
You can access route parameters using ActivatedRoute in a component and subscribe to paramMap to retrieve the parameter values.
Q.70 What is the use of angular 6?

Angular6 is a open source Javascript framework, to develop dynamic web software applications.

Angular6 is used for

  • is used to develop single page applications or SPA.
  • Makes it easy to build web Single Page Applications.
  • publish web component
  • Using Component Development Kit or CDK to build own UI components library
  • supports for Responsive Web Design.
  • Has Angular Command Line Interface (CLI) with ng-update and ng-add command
  • Use Angular Material Design Library to visualize tree structures in hierarchical order.
  • Use Bazel Compiler which offers optimized dependency, distributed caching, parallel execution,
  • Use Closure Compiler to build minimum JavaScript modules
  • Has Ivy Renderer

Q.71 What is the use of Angular 6's Renderer2?
Renderer2 is a service in Angular 6 used for manipulating the DOM directly, providing a safer and more abstract way to work with the DOM.
Q.72 Is AngularJS and angular 6 same?
No, AngularJS and angular 6 are not the same
Q.73 How can you share data between sibling components in Angular 6?
You can use a shared service to store and communicate data between sibling components in Angular 6.
Q.74 What is the angular latest version?
The latest in Angular is version 8 released in May, 2019 and the latest updated version of Angular is 8.2.13 as in October, 2019
Q.75 What are the key differences between ngOnChanges and ngOnInit in Angular 6?
ngOnChanges is a lifecycle hook that is called when input properties change, while ngOnInit is called when the component is initialized.
Q.76 How do I create a project in angular 6?

Create a project in angular 6 by using Angular 6 CLI as

ng new project-name

A project structure is created.

Q.77 What is Angular 6's trackBy function used for in ngFor?
The trackBy function is used to optimize ngFor performance by providing a unique identifier for each item, reducing unnecessary DOM updates.
Q.78 What is NPM in angular?

NPM in angular is used for package management.

Angular framework and CLI are NPM packages and distributed by NPM registry.

NPM expands to Node Package Manager and is the default package manager for Node.js.

Q.79 How do you implement lazy loading of modules in Angular 6?
Lazy loading is implemented by configuring routes with loadChildren in the routing module to load modules on-demand.
Q.80 What are observables in angular 6?

Observables in Angular 6 are placeholder or an interface for asynchronous operations using RxJS.

It is like an subscription such that we process or take action, if something happens.

Angular's http client library returns observables by default. With reactive programming (like rxJS) we can make observables out of events like click events.

The HTTP module uses observables to handle AJAX requests and responses. We can define custom events that send observable output data from a child to a parent component.

Q.81 What is an Angular 6 resolver, and when should you use it?
A resolver is a service that pre-fetches data before a route is activated. It should be used when you need to ensure data availability before rendering a component.
Q.82 Is angular 6 released?
Yes, Angular 6 released on April 2018
Q.83 How can you implement a multi-step form in Angular 6?
A multi-step form can be implemented by using Angular's FormBuilder and form validation to navigate between form steps.
Q.84 What are new features in angular 6?

Angular 6 features

  • Improvements in tool-chain
  • removed <template> tag with “<ng-template>”
  • Changed Registering provider
  • Changes in ngModelChange event
  • ng update <package> command in CLI for app update
  • ng add command in CLI for new capability to add to app
  • complete support of Angular Elements to create an Angular component and publish it as  web component
  • supports configuration of navigation URLs within the Service Workers
  • i18n is with runtime rendering
  • New rendering engine added - Ivy
  • Bazel compiler support
  • RxJS 6.0 support
Q.85 What is Angular 6's ng-content used for?
ng-content is used for content projection, allowing you to insert content from a parent component into a child component's template.
Q.86 What AngularJS 7?

Angular 7 is open source Javascript framework.

Angular 7 features

  • Released on Oct, 2018
  • Angular 7 supports Typescript 3.1, RxJS 6.3 and Node 10.
  • CLI Prompts helps users to explore the in-built SCSS support, routing, etc.
  • Increased application performance by to automatically removing reflect-metadata from polyfills.ts file
  • Has virtual scrolling to bind a long list of elements in small packets
  • Support for dragging and dropping items in the list using CDK
  • Can set up a budget limit of final bundle size default lower limit is 2MB and higher is 5 MB
  • updates in Angular Elements
  • support for Node 10, TypeScript3.1, and the RxJS6.3
  • Angular 7 offers Do-Bootstrap and ngDoBootstrap
  • @Output has better error handling

Q.87 Explain the purpose of RxJS in Angular 6.
RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript) is used for handling asynchronous operations and managing streams of data in Angular applications.
Q.88 How do I create a project in angular 2?
  • Set Up the Development Environment. For building an Angular 2 project, you need to have the Angular CLI (command line interface). 
  • Create a New Project. Open a terminal window. ...
  • Serve the Application. Go to the project directory and install node modules in your project directory.
Q.89 How can you handle route guards in Angular 6?
Route guards are used to control access to routes. You can implement canActivate, canActivateChild, canDeactivate, or resolve guards.
Q.90 How install angular from NPM?

Installing angular from NPM, is done by installing from Angular CLI.
Angular CLI needs Node.js as it is available as NPM package.

Steps to installing angular from NPM, are

  • Check Node.js is installed by giving the command – node –v
  • Install Angular CLI by command - npm install -g @angular/cli
  • Angular is installed, create new project by command - ng new <project or app name>

Angular, the Angular CLI, and Angular apps depend on features and functionality provided by libraries that are available as npm packages.

Q.91 What is the Angular 6 Animations module used for?
The Animations module allows you to create and apply animations to elements and components in Angular 6 applications.
Q.92 What is subscribe in angular 6?

Subscribe is an method in RxJS library and is used with observables.

The subscriber function defines how to obtain or generate values or messages to be published.

You create an Observable instance that defines a subscriber function, which is called  when a consumer calls the subscribe() method

To execute the observable you have created and begin receiving notifications, you call its subscribe() method, passing an observer. This is a JavaScript object that defines the handlers for the notifications you receive. The subscribe() call returns a Subscription object that has an unsubscribe() method, which you call to stop receiving notifications.

Q.93 How do you use Angular 6's ngIfElse and ngSwitch directives?
ngIfElse is used to specify an alternate template when a condition is false, while ngSwitch is used for conditionally rendering templates based on a value.
Q.94 What are observables in angular 7?

Observables in Angular 7 are placeholder or an interface for asynchronous operations using RxJS.

It is like an subscription such that we process or take action, if something happens.

Angular's http client library returns observables by default. With reactive programming (like rxJS) we can make observables out of events like click events.

The HTTP module uses observables to handle AJAX requests and responses. We can define custom events that send observable output data from a child to a parent component.

Q.95 What is the purpose of Angular 6's providedIn property in a service?
providedIn is used to specify the module that should provide a service, making it tree-shakable and optimizing application size.
Q.96 Why We Use subscribe in angular 6?

Use of subscribe in angular 6, is done with usage of observables inn Angular 6.

Subscriber function defines how to obtain or generate values or messages to be published.

Subscribe is a method in RxJS library and is used with observables.

You create an Observable instance that defines a subscriber function, which is called  when a consumer calls the subscribe() method.

To execute the observable, you call its subscribe() method, passing an observer. The subscribe function returns a Subscription object with an unsubscribe() method for stopping the notifications.

Q.97 What is the difference between Angular 6's ViewChild and ViewChildren decorators?
ViewChild is used to access a single child component or element, while ViewChildren is used to access multiple child components or elements.
Q.98 What is promise in angular?

Promise in Angular, is used with asynchronous tasks.

Promises return only a single value as

  • data or output if promise resolves
  • or error message if promise rejects

Request initiated by a promise is not cancellable. Promise was added in Angular from Angular 2.
An observable in comparison, handles multiple events similar to a stream.

Q.99 How do you implement form validation in Angular 6 using both template-driven and reactive forms?
Template-driven forms use ngModel and ngForm for validation, while reactive forms use form controls with Validators to perform validation.
Q.100 What is RxJS in angular?

RxJS in angular is a library for reactive programming using observables to easily compose asynchronous or callback-based code.

RxJS in Angular, gives an implementation of the Observable type.

RxJS expands to Reactive Extensions for JavaScript.

RxJS in Angular also gives many utility functions for creating and working with observables, like

  • Converting existing code for async operations into observables
  • Iterating through the values in a stream
  • Mapping values to different types
  • Filtering streams
  • Composing multiple streams

Q.101 What is the purpose of Angular 6's async pipe?
The async pipe is used to subscribe to and display data from an Observable or Promise in the template, automatically handling subscriptions and unsubscriptions.
Q.102 What is HttpClient in angular?

HttpClient in Angular, is an client HTTP API.

HttpClient in Angular, is in @angular/common/http for Angular applications using the XMLHttpRequest interface.

HttpClient provides benefits to Angular, as HttpClient has

  • testability features
  • typed request and response objects
  • request and response interception
  • Observable apis
  • streamlined error handling
Q.103 How can you implement authentication and authorization in an Angular 6 application?
Authentication and authorization can be implemented using services like Angular's HttpClient to communicate with a backend server, JWT (JSON Web Tokens), and route guards.
Q.104 How do you handle errors in Angular 6 HTTP requests using catchError()?
catchError() is used to catch and handle errors in HTTP requests, allowing you to provide custom error handling logic.
Q.105 What is the role of Angular 6's NgZone?
NgZone helps manage and optimize the execution of asynchronous tasks in Angular 6 applications, including change detection.
Q.106 How can you implement a dynamic form with variable input fields in Angular 6?
You can create a dynamic form using FormBuilder to add or remove form controls based on user interactions.
Q.107 What is the purpose of Angular 6's ElementRef?
ElementRef provides access to the DOM element associated with a component, allowing direct manipulation of the DOM.
Q.108 What is the Angular 6 CLI command for generating a new component?
The Angular CLI command to generate a new component is ng generate component component-name.
Q.109 How can you implement internationalization (i18n) in Angular 6?
Internationalization can be implemented using Angular's built-in i18n support, enabling translations for different languages.
Q.110 What are Angular 6's template-driven and reactive forms, and when should you use each?
Template-driven forms are driven by the template and use ngModel for data binding. Reactive forms are driven by form controls and are preferred for complex forms and dynamic form scenarios.
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