
The dispatcher receives actions and dispatches them to stores that have registered with the dispatcher. Every store will receive every action. There should be only one singleton dispatcher in each application.


  • User types in title for a todo and hits enter.
  • The view captures this event and dispatches an “add-todo” action containing the title of the todo.
  • Every store will then receive this action.

The Dispatcher is basically the manager of this entire process. It is the central hub for your application. The dispatcher receives actions and dispatches the actions and data to registered callbacks. The dispatcher broadcasts the payload to ALL of its registered callbacks, and includes functionality that allows you to invoke the callbacks in a specific order, even waiting for updates before proceeding. There is only ever one dispatcher, and it acts as the central hub within your application.


One of the coolest parts of the provided Dispatcher module is the ability to define dependencies and marshall the callbacks on our Stores. So if one part of your application is dependent upon another part being updated first, in order to render properly, the Dispatcher’s waitFor method will be mighty useful.

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