Wages less working hours

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Wages less working hours

The government under the minimum wages act, 1948 has made it mandatory to provide the workers working in a factory with minimum wages. Therefore the section 3 of this act states the fixation of minimum rates Of Wages. This will help the employees to get their hard-work paid appropriately. Now, the question here arises on the wages for workers working less than normal working hours a day i.e. Wages less working hours. The section 15 of this act deals with where the rate of wages has been fixed under the Act. By the day for an employee and if he works on any day on which he is employed for a period. Which is less than the requisite number of hours constituting a normal working day. Thus, he shall be entitled to receive wages for that day as if he had worked for a full working day.

Wages - less working hours


Also, the employees working on the rate wages for piece work:

Where an employee is engaged in work on piece work for which minimum time rate and not a minimum piece rate has been fixed. Thus, wages shall be paid in terms of Section 17 of the Act at minimum time rate.

Therefore, the employees whether working for a few hours or on the piece of work. They are eligible for the payment by their employer.  Although, the wages will totally depend on the number of hours one works and gets the wage accordingly.

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