Universal Resource Locators

Universal Resource Locators

A Universal Resource Locator (URL) is a string of characters that identifies a specific resource on the internet. It is commonly used to specify the address of a webpage or a file that can be accessed using a web browser. A URL typically consists of several parts, including the protocol, the domain name, the path, and the file name or resource identifier.

For example, the URL for the homepage of the Google search engine is:


Here, the protocol is HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure), the domain name is www.google.com, and the path is empty. The URL specifies that the browser should use the HTTPS protocol to connect to the server at the domain www.google.com and retrieve the default webpage for that domain.

The URL format can vary depending on the specific protocol being used. For example, the URL for a file on a file transfer protocol (FTP) server might look like this:


In this case, the protocol is FTP, the domain name is example.com, the path is /path/to/, and the file name is file.txt.

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HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol HTTPS and SSL
FTP File Transfer Protocol Secured FTP

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