Understanding Performance Measurement Framework

Performance Measurement Framework (PMF)

A performance measurement framework (PMF) refers to a strategic planning and process management model. Moreover, it consists of elements that relate to,

  • Firstly, strategy development/goal deployment.
  • Secondly, process management.
  • Then, individual performance management.
  • Lastly, review.

Above all, strategic planning and goal deployment key is the identification of a set of CSFs and associated KPIs.

performance measurement

You should know that there should be the development of action plans over both the short- and long term. Moreover, there should be assigning of responsibility for performance. Above all, there should be a translation of the measurement of performance and communication with strategic goals to all individuals.

Performance Measurement Framework Needs

Moreover, a successful performance measurement needs identification and translation of customer requirements. And also strategic objectives into process performance measures.

Above all, the use of performance review techniques is done to identify improvement opportunities in driving continuous improvement.

The five elements of the Performance Measurement Framework :

The five elements of framework are,

Level 1

In the first level, strategy development and goal deployment leading to mission/vision, critical success factors and key performance outcomes (KPOs).

Level 2

In this, process management and process performance measurement through key performance indicators (KPIs)

Level 3

In this level, there is an individual’s performance management and performance appraisal.

Level 4

Lastly, in this level, there is a review performance that includes,

  • Firstly, internal and external benchmarking.
  • Then, self- assessment against quality award criteria.
  • Lastly, quality costing.

Learn more about perfomance measurement framework in detail by becoming Certified TQM Professional Now!

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