Tweeting From Anywhere

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Tweeting From Anywhere

Tweeting is for the website It is a very popular website. When you “tweet” on twitter you are simply updating what you are doing which can be helpful to friends, family and even co-workers. Tweeting is when you write what you are doing in the box. Just like when you talk; you are talking. You update and post bulletins on Twitter.

What is computer tweeting?
In the good old days when your parents were your age they socialised by talking over the back fence. These days people use the Internet to socialise and chat about various things. Twitter is one of the websites that young people use to keep in touch with friends, etc

What is a tweet?
A tweet is either the distinctive call of a bird, or a singlemessage left by a user on Twitter.

How do you delete tweets?
If you were the one that tweeted the tweet, as soon as your mousehovers around the particular tweet you want deleted you should see(at the bottom righthand corner) a little trashcan picture with theword “Delete” next to it. This way you can delete your tweets. If you want to delete all yourtweets, you could try something like Tweet Eraser

How do you tweet on Twitter?
To tweet on your twitter account, log in to twitter and you should be taken to a page that says, “What are you doing?” Just type in the box whatever it is you want to tweet to your followers and click update.

What is a emo tweet?
I believe it is an emo version of a twitter post such as: . “Im felling very depressed”

How do you tweet someone?
Click the little quill in the top right corner of the search bar. It’s a little blue button.

Do you Twitter or do you tweet?
“Tweet” is the preferred term, though it’s not unheard of to catch people “twittering” from time to time.

How do you protect your Tweets?
Visit your Twitter settings page and tick the box that says “Protect my tweets”. Then click save.

How do you check tweets?
Log into your account and you will see the recent tweets from those you are following. To see tweets that you have been mentioned in, click on the @username tab on the right hand side.

How can you see your tweet?
Any tweet you send will be shown on your timeline and also on your profile.

Where can you find who retweeted your tweets?
If you go to your to the sidebar where it says home, you go down to where it says “Retweets,” click on it and then 3 tabs will appear, if you go to the last one, that’s where you can find who has retweeted your tweets!

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