Top traded commodities (Exports)

Top traded commodities (Exports)

Top traded commodities (Exports)

Let’s learn about Top traded commodities (Exports). Following is the list of top trading commodities

1 Mineral fuels, oils, distillation products etc 1.658 trillion
2 Electrical, electronic equipment 1.605 trillion
3 Machinery, nuclear reactors, boilers etc 1.520 trillion
4 Vehicles other than railways, tramway 841 billion
5 Pharmaceutical products 416 billion
6 Optical, photo, technical, medical apparatus 396 billion
7 Plastics and articles thereof 387 billion
8 Pearls, precious stones, metals and coins 320 billion
9 Organic Chemicals 310 billion
10 Iron and steel 273 billion

Every day, massive quantities of goods get traded on the global market. These goods can be entirely customized and unique, but more often they are things like commodities or bulk goods that get moved around on huge container ships from country to country. Included in this latter category would be common exports like crude oil, automobiles, iron ore, pharmaceuticals, and smartphones.Which goods get traded the most, and what countries play the most important roles in these deals.

Finished automobiles are the top good traded worldwide with $1.35 trillion being traded each year between countries. Auto parts are not far behind in the #4 spot with $685 billion of trade.

Oil also stands out as a key commodity: refined petroleum ranks #2 with $825 billion of trade, while crude petroleum and petroleum gas are at #8 and #12, for $549 billion and $254 billion traded, respectively.

Finally, an odd standout is the category of human and animal blood – which apparently sees $252 billion in aggregate international trade each year.


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