Specifications and Standards


Specifications may refer to satisfying the specific set of requirements by a material, design, product, or service. In this it includes being out of specification. In other words, it means if a material, product, or service fail to meet one or more of the applicable specifications. Moreover, use of under-spec or over-spec is when something is worse or better than specifiede. Above all, a specification is a type of technical standards.


Technical Standards

A technical standard is a norm or requirement in regard to technical systems. To know more about technical standards see the below points,

  • Moreover, it is usually a formal document that establishes uniform engineering or technical criteria, methods, processes and practices.  In contrast, a custom, convention, company product, corporate standard, etc. that becomes generally accepted and dominant is often called a de facto standard.
  • Above all, a technical standard can also be a controlled artifact or similar formal means for using calibration.
  • And, reference standards and certified reference materials have an value assign by direct comparison with a reference base.
  • You should know that, a primary standard is usually under the jurisdiction of a national standards body which uses, secondary, tertiary, check standards and standard materials for reference in a metrology system.

Similarity between Standardization and Specifications

As specifications and standards , there is a strong inter-linking of standardization and specifications. Moreover, specifications must be written to ensure that a product or a service has a standardization so that it may repeat number of times in exactly the manner required. Above all, the requirements and quality must be built into the design specification.

Innovations and Standardization

Both innovation and standardization must be achieve balance between them by analysis of materials, products and processes present in the design. And also against the background of their known reproducibility and reliability. Hindering designers can cause the design process to stop flowing technologically. Moreover, if there is advance innovations, then analysis or testing indicates objectively, justifying their adoption in preference to the established alternatives.

Specifications Requirements

The specifications and standards conveys the customer requirements to the supplier to allow the product or service to be designed, engineered, produced, or operated by means of conventional or stipulated equipment, techniques, and technology. The basic requirements of a specification are that it gives the:

  • Performance requirements of the product or service.
  • Parameters – such as dimensions, concentration, turn-round time.
  • Materials to be used by stipulating properties or referring to other specifications.
  • Method of production or delivery of the service.
  • Inspection/testing/checking requirements.
  • References to other applicable specifications or documents.

Above all, specifications and standards must be written in terminology to undertsand it  is easily and is unambiguous. Thus, resulting in only a single interpretation. Moreover, good specifications are usually the product of much discussion, deliberation and sifting of information and data, and represent tangible output from a QFD team.

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