

Sharding is a data partitioning technique used by MongoDB to horizontally scale large datasets across multiple servers or nodes. In sharding, data is divided into smaller subsets called shards, which are distributed across multiple servers in a cluster.

Each shard contains a subset of the data, and MongoDB ensures that each shard contains a roughly equal amount of data. This allows for more efficient querying and faster data retrieval, as each shard can be processed in parallel by multiple servers.

MongoDB uses a sharding key to determine which shard a particular piece of data should be stored in. The sharding key is a unique identifier that is used to distribute data evenly across the shards. MongoDB also provides tools for managing and monitoring the sharded environment, including the ability to add or remove shards, rebalance data, and monitor performance.

Overall, sharding in MongoDB allows for improved scalability and performance, making it a popular choice for large-scale data-driven applications.

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