Quality Pioneers

Quality Pioneers

Various Quality Pioneers come out to shape the quality principles and situate the foundations for six sigma.

quality experts

The Quality Pioneers are as follow,

Walter A. Shewhart 

  • He is the quality experts of Modern Quality Control. Moreover, he recognized the need to separate variation into assignable and un-assignable causes.
  • Above all, he is the founder of the control chart and originator of the plan-do-check-act cycle.
  • Moreover, he was the first to successfully integrate statistics, engineering, and economics. And he defined quality in terms of objective and subjective quality.

Dr. W. Edwards Deming

He studied under Shewhart at Bell Laboratories. And the major contributions includes,

  • Firstly, developing 14 points on Quality Management.
  • Secondly, a core concept on implementing total quality management.
  • Lastly, he is a set of management practices to help companies increase their quality and productivity.

14 points on Quality management:

The 14 points are,

  • Creating constancy of purpose for improving products and services.
  • Adopting the new philosophy.
  • Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality.
  • Ending the practice of awarding business on price alone.
  • Improving every process for planning, production and service.
  • Institute training on the job.
  • Adopt and institute leadership.
  • Drive out fear.
  • Breaking down barriers between staff areas.
  • Eliminating slogans, exhortations and targets for the workforce.
  • Eliminating numerical quotas for the workforce and numerical goals for management.
  • Removing barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship, and eliminate the annual rating or merit system.
  • Institute a vigorous program of education and self-improvement for everyone.
  • Put everybody in the company to work accomplishing the transformation.

Joseph Juran 

Quality Pioneer Joseph juran major contributions are directing most of his work at executives and the field of quality management. Moreover, also in developing the “Juran Trilogy” for managing quality, as Quality planning, quality control, and quality improvement. Above all, he uses the world on the concept of the “vital few, trivial many” which is the foundation of Pareto charts.

Philip Crosby

Quality Pioneer Philip Corsby, stressed on Quality management and four absolutes of quality. this includes,

  • Firstly, conformance to requirements defines Quality.
  • Secondly, system for causing quality is prevention not appraisal.
  • Then, performance standards of zero defects not close enough.
  • Lastly, measurement of quality is the cost of nonconformance.

Arman Feigenbaum

He developed a systems approach to quality by emphasizing that costs of quality.

Moerver, this may be separated into costs for prevention, appraisal, and failures (scrap, warranty, etc.)

Kaoru Ishikawa

He developed the concept of true and substitute quality characteristics as,

  • Firstly, true characteristics are the customer’s view
  • Then, substitute characteristics are the producer’s view
  • Lastly, degree of match between true and substitute ultimately determines customer satisfaction

Moreover, he also stand up for the use of the 7 tools. And, advanced the use of quality circles or worker quality teams.

Above all, he also developed the concept of Japanese Total Quality Control. This includeq,

  • Quality first and not short term profits.
  • Next process is the customer.
  • After that, Use facts and data to make presentations.
  • Lastly, Respect for humanity as a management philosophy of full participation

Genichi Taguchi

Firstly, he developed the quality loss function and promoted the use of parameter design or robust engineering.

Morever, the goal is to develop products and processes. Further, which performs on target with smallest variation insensitive to environmental conditions. And the focus is on engineering the design.

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