Installing Appium

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Process of Installing Appium

How to install Appium

You can initiate the process of installing Appium in any of the two ways. Firstly you begin the installation via NPM or else we can downloading Appium Desktop, which is a graphical, desktop-based way to launch the Appium server.

1. Installation via NPM

Let us suppose you want to run Appium via an npm install, hack with Appium, or contribute to Appium. Then you will need Node.js and NPM, by using nvm, n. Further, you must make sure you have not installed Node or Appium with sudo, else you may run into problems. We recommend the latest stable version, though Appium supports Node 8+. Moreover, the actual installation is as simple as –

npm install -g appium

2. Installation via Desktop App Download

Simply download the latest version of Appium Desktop from the releases page –

Driver-Specific Setup

You may wish to use Appium to automate something specific, like an iOS or Android application. In general, the support for the automation of a particular platform is provided by an Appium “driver”. Further many such drivers that give you access to different kinds of automation technologies, and each come with their own particular setup requirements.

How to verify the Installation?

You may verify that all of Appium’s dependencies are met, you can use appium-doctor. It is suggested that you must install it with npm install -g appium-doctor. Thereafter, you can run the appium-doctor command, supplying the –ios or –android flags to verify that all of the dependencies are set up correctly.

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