Port Formalities and Customs Clearance

Port Formalities and Customs Clearance

Port Formalities and Customs Clearance

Let’s learn more about Port Formalities and Customs Clearance. On receipt of the documents sent by the export department, the clearing and forwarding agent takes delivery of the cargo from the railway station or the road transport company and arranges its storage in the warehouse. He also initiates action to obtain customs clearance and permission from the port authorities to bring cargo into the shipment shed. According the Section 40 of the Customs Act, the person in-charge of the conveyance vessel, vehicle, aircraft, etc., cannot permit loading of export cargo at the Customs Station unless and until a formal permission to the export given by the authorised Customs Officer is presented. Before granting the permission, the Customs Officer ensures that the goods being exported are in accordance with different regulations.

  • The exporter. goods are of the same type sort and value as have been declared by the exporter.
  •  The duty or cess leviable thereon has been properly determined and paid.
  •  Provisions of Export (Control) Order, Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act and Foreign Exchange (Regulation) Act are complied with.

The objectives of customs control are:

  • To ensure that the goods go out of the country after compliance with different laws concerning export trade
  • To ensure the authenticity of the value of export goods to check over/under-invoicing
  • To correctly assess and collect export duty, if applicable
  • To compile data on cargo movements
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