Special Characters – PHP

Special Characters

PHP special characters are characters that have a special meaning in PHP and are used for specific purposes. Here are some commonly used PHP special characters:

  1. Dollar sign ($) – Used to declare and access variables in PHP.
  2. Double quote (“) – Used to enclose strings that can contain variables or escape sequences.
  3. Single quote (‘) – Used to enclose strings that are treated as literals and do not support variable interpolation or escape sequences.
  4. Backslash () – Used as an escape character to represent special characters or escape sequences within strings.
  5. Ampersand (&) – Used to concatenate strings or pass arguments by reference.
  6. Question mark (?) – Used in the ternary operator to represent a conditional expression.
  7. Exclamation mark (!) – Used to represent the logical NOT operator.
  8. Forward slash (/) – Used as a path separator in file paths.

It’s important to properly handle and sanitize input containing special characters to prevent potential security vulnerabilities in your PHP code.

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