Non-Verbal Communication

Communication is more than verbal. Good negotiators must first be good communicators. Unfortunately, many negotiators think of communication only as oral or written verbal exchanges. But verbal exchanges account for only a fraction of the messages people send and receive. Research has shown that between 70 and 90 percent of the entire communication spectrum is non-verbal which includes body language, physical environment, personal attributes. For instance, eagerness is often exhibited with the simultaneous physical displays of excessive smiling along with frequent nodding of the head.

Being aware of both non-verbal and verbal messages will give you an important edge as the Skills in interpreting nonverbal communications will help you glean useful information from others involved in the negotiation and an awareness of nonverbal communication may also prevent you from harming your own negotiation position by inadvertently sending nonverbal signals that disclose confidential information or weaknesses in your position.



Non-verbal communication Behaviour in Negotiation

Nonverbal behaviour listed below must be interpreted in context including the sequence in which it occurs :

1. Chronemics or Time – Some negotiators place great importance on time being prompt, meeting deadlines and using time efficiently. However, this emphasis on time may translate into impatience.

2. Proxemics or Space and Distance – Some negotiator prefer maintaining secondary relationship distance when negotiating, they prefer negotiating in environments that ensure distance like sitting on opposite sides of table.

3. Kinesics or Body – Some negotiators prefer environment that support formal, controlled behaviour

4. Physical appearances and dress – Negotiator may rely on appearance attributes to indicate respect for negotiation situation.

5. Paralanguage – Like face/eye expression, negotiators may trust judgements based on vocal tone, rate etc.


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