Modify Table Formats

Modify Table Formats

You can modify table formats in Microsoft Word to change the appearance of your table. Here are the steps to do so:


Select the table that you want to modify.

Right-click on the table and choose “Table Properties” from the drop-down menu.

In the Table Properties dialog box, click on the “Table” tab.

Use the options in the “Table” tab to modify the table format. For example, you can change the border and shading of the table, adjust the cell margins, and specify whether the table should be aligned with the left or right margin of the page.

Click on the “Row” tab to modify the height of the table rows, specify whether the row should be repeated at the top of each page, and specify whether the row should be part of the header row.

Click on the “Column” tab to modify the width of the table columns, adjust the space between columns, and specify whether the column should be part of the header column.

Click on the “Cell” tab to modify the vertical alignment, text direction, and other formatting options for individual cells in the table.

Click OK to apply your changes.


Note: You can also use pre-defined table styles to quickly format your table. To do so, select the table and then choose a table style from the “Table Tools” tab in the ribbon. You can modify the table style by clicking on the “Design” tab in the “Table Tools” tab and using the options in the “Table Styles” group.

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