Meeting Terminologies Glossary

Meeting Terminologies Glossary

Here are some common meeting terminologies that you may encounter in office administration:

Agenda: A list of items to be discussed or considered during a meeting.

Minutes: A summary of the discussions, decisions, and actions taken during a meeting.

Quorum: The minimum number of members required to be present at a meeting in order to conduct official business.

Action items: Tasks or assignments that are identified during a meeting and need to be completed by a certain deadline.

Motion: A proposal or idea put forth by a member of the meeting for discussion and decision.

Second: A member of the meeting agreeing with and supporting the motion made by another member.

Adjournment: The formal ending of a meeting.

Chairperson: The person responsible for leading the meeting and managing the discussions.

Agenda item: A specific topic or issue to be discussed during the meeting.

Point of order: A request for the meeting to follow proper rules and procedures.

Roll call: A list of the names of the members present at the meeting.

Proxy vote: A vote cast by a member who is unable to attend the meeting.

Round-robin: A discussion format where each member of the meeting is given a chance to speak in turn.

Open discussion: A free-flowing conversation among members of the meeting without any specific agenda or structure.

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