Payment Of Minimum Wages Is Obligatory On Employer (Section 12)

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Payment Of Minimum Wages

The payment of minimum wages is under the section 11 of the Act. Providing minimum wages payable to the workers in cash. Although if there is a custom of paying the wages wholly or partly in kind, the appropriate government may authorize and approve such payments. Also, such government has the sole authority for supplying the essential commodities at concessional rates. While the payment is to be made in kind, the cash value of the wages in the form of essential commodities or in kind shall be estimated in the prescribed manner.

Payment Of Minimum Wages

The obligations of the employer

Payment of less than the minimum rates of wages notified by the appropriate Government is an offence. Section 12 clearly lays down that the employer shall pay to every employee engaged in a scheduled employment under him such wages at a rate not less than the minimum rate of wages fixed by the appropriate Government under Section 5 for that class of employment without deduction except as may be authorized, within such time and subject to such conditions, as may be prescribed.


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