Authorities Under The Act And Their Duties

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Authorities Under The Act And Their Duties

The authorities under the act and their duties are as follows:

Works Committee

The, section 3 of the Act, provides that the appropriate Government may by general or special order. Thus, require the employer to constitute in the prescribed manner a Works Committee in industrial establishments.Authorities Under The Act And Their Duties

Conciliation Officers

By notification in the Official Gazette, the appropriate Government may with the duty of mediating in. Thus, promoting the settlement of industrial disputes, appointing such number of Conciliation Officers as it thinks fit.

Boards of Conciliation

A Board shall consist of a Chairman and two or four other members as the appropriate Government thinks fit. Also, for promoting the settlement of an industrial dispute. Thus, by a notification in the Official Gazette, the appropriate Government may, as occasion arises, constitute, a Board of Conciliation.

Courts of Inquiry

Under section 6 of the Act, a Court of Inquiry into any matter appearing to be connected with or relevant to an industrial dispute. Therefore, by notification in the Official Gazette constitute, the appropriate Government may as occasion arises.

Labour Courts

Under Section 7, of the Act, the appropriate Government has the empowerment to constitute one or more Labour Courts. Hence, for the adjudication of industrial disputes relating to any matter specified in the Second Schedule and for performing such other functions as assigned to them under the Act.


By notification in the Official Gazette, the appropriate Government may constitute one or more Industrial Tribunals for the adjudication of industrial disputes. Thus, relating to any matter whether specified in the Second Schedule or the Third Schedule. And also for performing such other functions as may be assigned to them under this Act.


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