Indian Customs EDI System (ICES)

Indian Customs EDI System (ICES)

Indian Customs EDI System (ICES)

The Indian Customs EDI System (ICES) is now operational at 111 major customs locations handling nearly 98% of India’s International trade in terms of import and export consignments.

It is now operational at 245 major customs locations handling nearly 98% of India’s International trade in terms of import and export consignments. ICES is designed to exchange/transact customs clearance related information electronically using Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).

Following are the major objectives of ICES:

  • Respond more quickly to the needs of the trade
  • Computerization of customs related functions including import/export, general manifest    control, ex-bond clearance of warehoused goods, goods imported against export promotion schemes, monitoring of export promotion schemes.
  • Reduce interaction of the trade with Government agencies
  • Provide retrieval of information from other custom locations to have uniformity in assessment and valuation
  • Provide management information system for policy making and its effective revenue and
    pendency monitoring and
  • Provide quick and correct information on import/export statistics to Director General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics 
For Import and Export consignments ICES has two aspects:
  • The Customs House has an internal automation setup for a complete, paperless, fully automated customs clearance system that makes the working of customs totally transparent and efficient.
  • The data that goes through ICEGATE is an online, real-time electronic interface with banks regulatory, trade, transport and transport concerned with customs clearence of import and export.

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