Goal Setting In A Social Environment

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Goal Setting In A Social Environment for Social Media Marketing

Social media networks are mode of social interaction. It is a platform of sharing and discussing information among human beings. Social media can include text, audio, video, images, podcasts and other multimedia communication elements. Social media sites are nothing but a group of special and user friendly websites.

Social media marketing is a very broad term. Social media marketing is a technique of building a business using various social media networks. For instance, videos and blogs that gives exposure to your company. ultra-effective social media goals to help you maximize your returns from social media:

Everybody uses social media, there’s no avoiding it. It’s our number one place to stay connected to friends, family, colleagues, news, and, most importantly to marketers, companies and brands.

There are now more than 2.3 billion active social media users, which makes social media an unavoidable part of your marketing strategy. Unlike the past where marketers blindly advertised and hoped for the best, social media provides your company the opportunity to engage with customers in real time. Customer complaint? You can solve it. Positive customer review? You can thank the user and offer a gift or promotion.

Simply being there isn’t enough. Your company needs to engage and interact to grow a loyal following.

Brand Awareness
Brand awareness is all about your brand becoming relevant to potential buyers. This means posting content regularly that answers the questions your customers are asking. That content includes links to blog posts, infographics, statistics, and relevant articles. But don’t forget to show the world who your brand is by posting photos of employees, the office, and company events. You can also post humorous, relevant memes that support your brand. This will help build a connection with customers.

Analytics to Track:

Increase Engagement




Example of S.M.A.R.T. Goal:
Gain 1,000 Twitter followers by the end of the month.

Enhance Public Relations
By following your company’s mentions, you can find out what customers are saying about your brand, and respond to complaints in a timely manner. In fact, according to Social Media Today, when companies engage and respond to customer service requests over social media, those customers end up spending 20% – 40% more with the company. Responding quickly and solving problems allows you to stay ahead of large-scale complaints and create brand loyalty. This type of engagement is easier by using tools such as a Unified Social Inbox.

Analytics to Track:

Improve Relationships




Example of S.M.A.R.T. Goal:
Gain 10 5-Star Reviews on Google in three months.

Build Community of Advocates
Brand loyalty has always been one of the most important factors in long term growth. In the past, companies relied on word of mouth. Now, social media provides an entirely new platform where brand loyalty can be shared with thousands of people in real time.

For instance, as the amount of photos of food increases on social media, restaurants are offering promotions and discounts for those that post pictures of their food on social media. That provides the restaurant with exposure and the customer feels connected.

Analytics to Track:


Example of S.M.A.R.T. Goal:

Achieve 10 mentions a week on Twitter within three months.



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