Human Resource Management | HR Staffing | Geographic targeting

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HR Staffing | Geographic targeting

Geographic targeting is a method of sourcing recruits based on where they live, and most of the companies follow this method. Companies normally look for local talent in filling vacancies present in lower level positions, and the geographical boundaries tend to widen for higher positions in the organizations hierarchy. For example, employees for lower level positions like administration are hired locally, but for positions such as senior director, CEO, etc are hired from the national talent pool and even global in nature.

College students, particularly fresher’s, always prefer to remain in their geographic locations initially and less likely to relocate. Similarly senior employees with family obligations and other factors mostly prefer not to relocate. Geographic targeting is done by focusing on local labor markets in locations similar to the organization location in terms of city, economic conditions, etc. Certain individuals have preferences for communities with specific characteristics and are more willing to relocate to those locations. Identifying communities in the organizations own location is one good promising sourcing strategy. Another important advantage of sourcing locally results in managing the retention rates.

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Human Resource Management | HR Staffing | Global sourcing
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