Fetch and Present Data with SqlDataSource

Fetch and Present Data with SqlDataSource

SqlDataSource is a web server control provided by ASP.NET that allows developers to fetch and present data in web applications from databases, XML files, or other data sources. It provides a way to access data from a variety of sources and easily display that data in controls such as GridView, ListView, and FormView.

SqlDataSource control supports SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, and other databases. It eliminates the need for manually writing ADO.NET code to access data, which can significantly reduce development time and improve code readability.

Developers can configure SqlDataSource by specifying a connection string and SQL commands for selecting, inserting, updating, and deleting data. The control can be used with or without parameters, which can help prevent SQL injection attacks. SqlDataSource can be used in both design and code view. In design view, developers can drag and drop the control from the Toolbox, configure its properties using the Properties window, and visually create data-bound controls. In code view, developers can access and modify the control’s properties programmatically.

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