Different clients for programming languages

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Different clients for programming languages

The Thrift API will continue to be supported for backwards compatibility. Using a high-level client is highly recommended over using raw Thrift calls.

A list of other available clients may be found on the Client Options page.

The Java, Python, and PHP clients are well supported.

Java: Hector Client API
Hector provides Java developers with features lacking in Thrift, including connection pooling, JMX integration, failover and extensive logging. Hector is the first client to implement CQL.

Python: Pycassa Client API
Pycassa is a Python client API with features such as connection pooling and a method to map existing classes to Cassandra column families.

PHP: Phpcassa Client API
Phpcassa is a PHP client API with features such as connection pooling, a method for counting rows, and support for secondary indexes.

Client layer with Thrift and Avro
Data Read and writes

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