Control Flow

Control Flow

Control flow in Python refers to the order in which statements and instructions are executed in a program. Python provides several control flow statements, including conditional statements, loops, and exception handling.

Conditional statements, such as if/elif/else, allow you to execute different blocks of code depending on whether a certain condition is true or false. For example:


x = 5

if x < 0:

    print(“x is negative”)

elif x == 0:

    print(“x is zero”)


    print(“x is positive”)

Loops, such as for and while loops, allow you to repeat a block of code multiple times. For example:


for i in range(5):


while x < 10:


    x += 1

Python also provides the break and continue statements for breaking out of loops or skipping iterations based on certain conditions.

Exception handling allows you to handle errors and exceptions that might occur during the execution of your program. This is done using the try/except/else/finally statements. For example:



    x = int(input(“Enter a number: “))

except ValueError:

    print(“Invalid input, please enter a number.”)


    print(“The square of the number is:”, x**2)


    print(“Thank you for using the program.”) Overall, control flow statements are essential in Python for creating programs that can perform different tasks and respond to different situations based on certain conditions.

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