Conflict Management Technique

A conflict is a situation when the interests, needs, goals, or values of involved parties interfere with one another. Conflict is a common occurrence in the workplace. Often, conflict is a consequence of perception. Conflict is not always a bad thing. Sometimes, a conflict presents chances for improvement. Hence, it is important to understand the various conflict techniques.

Conflict Resolution

Some of the more common issues that cause conflict are,

  • In any team, there will be personality clashes. These are a basic human form of conflict where, for instance, strong personalities jockey for position.
  • As team members take on different roles, pressures emerge that can often cause conflict. Internal deadlines, differing styles of work, or pressure from management all contribute to conflict situations.
  • Different people will bring different sets of values to any team situation.
  • Unless goals are clearly defined agreed upon, they can be a big cause of conflict on a team.
  • Change can be threatening, and if team members perceive that their position is being threatened by the implementation of new practices or management systems, there’s a greater chance of conflict developing.
Conflict Resolution Strategy
  • Avoiding is a temporary way of handling conflict that involves giving up, pulling out, or simply refusing to deal with the situation.
  • Accommodating is the art of de-emphasizing, or avoiding areas of difference, and instead of finding and emphasizing the areas of agreement.
  • Competing is an aggressive strategy used when there’s no common ground on which to negotiate or bargain, and when both parties are uncooperative and strong-willed.
  • Collaborating is the most productive strategy of all and involves both parties facing the conflict directly, adopting a problem-solving approach, and working through their disagreements.
  • Compromising is the art of give-and-take. It is a strategy that allows you to search for solutions that bring some degree of satisfaction to the parties in a dispute.

Also known as competing. An individual firmly pursues his or her own concerns despite the resistance of the other person. This may involve pushing one viewpoint at the expense of another or maintaining firm resistance to another person’s actions.

Examples of when forcing may be appropriate

  • In certain situations when all other, less forceful methods, don’t work or are ineffective
  • When you need to stand up for your own rights, resist aggression and pressure

Possible advantages of forcing

  • May provide a quick resolution to a conflict
  • Increases self-esteem and draws respect when firm resistance or actions were a response to an aggression or hostility

Some caveats of forcing

  • May negatively affect your relationship with the opponent in the long run
  • Cannot take advantage of the strong sides of the other side’s position
  • Taking this approach may require a lot of energy and be exhausting to some individuals
Win-Win (Collaborating)

Also known as problem confronting or problem-solving. Collaboration involves an attempt to work with the other person to find a win-win solution to the problem at hand – the one that most satisfies the concerns of both parties. The win-win approach sees conflict resolution as an opportunity to come to a mutually beneficial result.

Examples of when collaborating may be appropriate

  • When consensus and commitment of other parties is important
  • In a collaborative environment
  • When it is required to address the interests of multiple stakeholders

Possible advantages of collaborating

  • Leads to solving the actual problem
  • Leads to a win-win outcome
  • Reinforces mutual trust and respect
  • Builds a foundation for effective collaboration in the future

Some caveats of collaborating

  • Requires a commitment from all parties to look for a mutually acceptable solution
  • May require more effort and more time than some other methods. A win-win solution may not be evident

Compromising looks for an expedient and mutually acceptable solution which partially satisfies both parties.

Examples of when compromise may be appropriate

  • To reach a temporary settlement on complex issues
  • To reach expedient solutions on important issues
  • As a first step when the involved parties do not know each other well or haven’t yet developed a high level of mutual trust

Possible advantages of compromise

  • Faster issue resolution. Compromising may be more practical when time is a factor
  • Lowers the levels of tension and stress resulting from the conflict

Some caveats of using compromise

  • May result in a situation when both parties are not satisfied with the outcome (a lose-lose situation)
  • Does not contribute to building trust in the long run
  • May require close monitoring and control to ensure the agreements are met

Also known as avoiding. This is when a person does not pursue her/his own concerns or those of the opponent. He/she does not address the conflict, sidesteps, postpones or simply withdraws.

Examples of when withdrawing may be appropriate

  • When the issue is trivial and not worth the effort
  • When it is not the right time or place to confront the issue
  • When you need time to think and collect information before you act (e.g. if you are unprepared or taken by surprise)

Possible advantages of withdrawing

  • Withdrawing is a low stress approach when the conflict is short
  • Gives the ability/time to focus on more important or more urgent issues instead
  • Gives you time to better prepare and collect information before you act

Some caveats of withdrawing

  • Using withdrawing strategies without negatively affecting your own position requires certain skill and experience
  • When multiple parties are involved, withdrawing may negatively affect your relationship with a party that expects your action.

Also known as accommodating. Smoothing is accommodating the concerns of other people first of all, rather than one’s own concerns.

Examples of when smoothing may be appropriate:

  • When the issue is not as important to you as it is to the other person
  • When you accept that you are wrong
  • When you have no choice or when continued competition would be detrimental

Possible advantages of smoothing

  • In some cases smoothing will help to protect more important interests while giving up on some less important ones
  • Gives an opportunity to reassess the situation from a different angle

Some caveats of smoothing:

  • There is a risk to be abused. Therefore it is important to keep the right balance and this requires some skill.
  • May negatively affect your confidence in your ability to respond to an aggressive opponent
  • Some of your supporters may not like your smoothing response and be turned off
Resolving Conflict Situations

To manage conflict effectively you must be a skilled communicator. That includes creating an open communication environment in your unit by encouraging employees to talk about work issues. Listening to employee concerns will foster an open environment. Make sure you really understand what employees are saying by asking questions and focusing on their perception of the problem.

Here are some tips you can use when faced with employees who can’t resolve their own conflicts:

  • Acknowledge that a difficult situation exists
  • Let individuals express their feelings
  • Define the problem
  • Determine underlying need
  • Find common areas of agreement, no matter how small,
  • Agree on the problem
Dealing with Anger

When you meet with someone who is angry, you can use the tools of effective listening to help defuse this anger.

To effectively defuse anger, keep in mind the needs of the angry speaker:

  • An angry person needs to let off steam and release the anger that may have been brewing for a long time- use your communication skills to allow the person to do this.
  • An angry person wants to know that you are paying attention – use your body language to show this.
  • An angry person wants someone to listen to his/her point of view – acknowledge the feelings you hear.
  • An angry person wants someone to appreciate how he/she feels – try to empathize with his/her experience.

When you’re listening to an angry person:

  • Be attentive and patient.
  • Be sincere.
  • Be calm.
Conflict Management Technique concept

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