Professionals learning Data science with python are responsible for analyzing business sources for better performance and building AI tools that automate certain processes. They provide new ideas into the business by using their advanced statistical analysis and data visualization techniques for creating solutions. They have the ability to identify the data sources and also Undertake to preprocess of structured and unstructured data. Moreover, they have the skills and abilities to analyze large amounts of information for discovering the latest trends and patterns. Further, they also build predictive models and machine-learning algorithms as well as combine models through ensemble modeling. And, lastly, they also present information using data visualization techniques and create solutions and strategies for meeting business challenges.
Vskills Certified Data Science with Python Professional
Data science is in trend in computational and predictive statistical analysis. That is to say, it is used by various organizations for making data-driven decisions. However, Vskills Data Science with Python certification will help candidates to understand the theory of data science with the help of Python and many other integrated toolsets. They will learn about data science using more advanced techniques and operations. For individuals who want to expand their knowledge of Python while learning data science, then earning Vskills Data Science with Python Certification can help candidates differentiate in today’s competitive job market.

Vskills being India’s largest certification providers gives candidates access to top exams as well as provides after exam benefits. This includes:
- The certifications will have a Government verification tag.
- The Certification is valid for life.
- Candidates will get lifelong e-learning access.
- Access to free Practice Tests.
- Candidates will get tagged as ‘Vskills Certified’ On Monsterindia.com and ‘Vskills Certified’ On Shine Shine.com.

Data Science Career Path (with Python)
Python is a key to the future of data science, according to recent headlines. Python for Data Science has become the tools and frameworks of choice for data scientists. Let us discover Data Science Career Path (with Python).
Course Outline
Certified Data Science with Python Professional covers the following topics –
Introduction to Data Science
- Introduction to data science
- What is Big Data
- Using Data Wisely
- Application Examples
- Data Science Process Flow
Python Essentials for Data Science
- Installing python and text editor
- Introduction to python
- Python Objects
- Exercise 1
- Indexing & Slicing
- Python lists, tuples & dictionaries
- Mutable & Immutable Objects
- User-defined Functions
- Built-ins & Methods
- Control Flow Tools
- Modules, Libraries & Packages
- Introduction to Jupyter Notebook
- Essential Data Science Packages
Data ScienceToolBox – 1
- Introduction to Numpy
- Creating a Numpy Array
- More Array Creation techniques
- Exercise 1
- Indexing, Slicing& Iterating with Numpy Arrays
- Exercise 2
- Introduction to Matplotlib
- Plotting with the plot function
- Histogram
- Scatter Plot
- Box Plot
- Adding a Legend
- Creating Subplots
- Lambda Functions
- List Comprehensions
Data Science ToolBox – 2
- Introduction to Pandas
- Pandas Series
- Pandas DataFrames
- Pandas DataFrames 2
- Input-Output Tools
- Start your first Case Study
- Iterators
- Generators
Importing & Cleaning Data
- Importing Flat Files
- Pickled Files
- Importing from a URL
- Using APIs & JSONs
- Inspecting Data Types
- Inspecting Outliers
- Finding Correlation & Duplicates
- Handling Missing Data
- Regular Expressions
Data Visualization with Statistical Thinking
- Introduction to Seaborn Package
- SeabornDistplot
- SeabornDistplot 2
- SeabornJointplot
- SeabornHexplot
- SeabornPairplot
- Seaborn Boxplot
- SeabornViolinplot&Swarmplot
- SeabornCountplot
- Heatmap
- Exercise – Studying the feature correlation
- Feature Selection
- Feature Scaling
- Applying Feature Scaling & Feature Extraction
- Feature Extraction using PCA
Introduction to Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Supervised & Unsupervised Machine Learning
- Classification
- Regression
- Clustering
- Scikit-Learn – Naïve Bayes Algorithm
- Scikit-Learn – Decision trees
- Scikit-Learn – Random Forest
- Scikit-Learn – Linear Regression
- Scikit-Learn – Logistic Regression
- Scikit-Learn – Support Vector Machines
- Scikit-Learn – kNN(K Nearest Neighbours)
- Scikit-Learn – K Means
Practice with Case Studies
Preparation Guide for Vskills Certified Data Science with Python Professional
Study resources are essential during the exam preparation time. Having all the resources will help candidates to start preparing for the exam in an accurate manner. Moreover, it will save a lot of time researching for the exam contents and topics. Further, this will provide an advantage to better understand the concepts. However, in the Certified Data Science with Python Professional exam preparation guide, we will discuss some of the most important resources to help you prepare well for the exam.

Exam Objectives
The very first task for candidates should be to get all the content and topics related to the exam. As it provides a huge benefit to candidates during the preparation time. Doing this will help them to understand things more accurately. For the Certified Data Science with Python Professional topics include:
- Introduction to Data Science
- Python Essentials for Data Science
- Data ScienceToolBox – 1
- Data Science ToolBox – 2
- Importing & Cleaning Data
- Data Visualization with Statistical Thinking
- Introduction to Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn
Vskills E-Learning
Vskills Certified Data Science with Python Professional helps candidates to prepare for the exam using the online learning material for a lifetime. The online material for this is regularly updated. The E-learning includes hard copy material for helping candidates in improving skills and staying up to date with the learning curve for getting better opportunities.
Books for Reference
Candidates should start taking help from reference books as it can provide an advantage for understanding things more accurately. However, for the Certified Data Science with Python Professional exam, there are various books available which you can find online or in libraries. Some of the books are as follows:
- Python Data Science Handbook Book by Jake VanderPlas
- Python for Data Science Book by Ethan Williams
Evaluate yourself with Practice Test
After completing the topics for the Certified Data Science with Python Professional exam, candidates should start assessing using practice tests. By doing so, they will be able to learn about their weak areas and can improve them on time. Moreover, it also gives an advantage to candidates to improve their answering skills to save time during the certification exam. So, get prepared and become certified.
Prepare for Data Science Job Interview
These job interview questions on Data Science with Python will help you to crack your interview whether you are a fresher or looking to upgrade your career. These interview questions are solely designed to serve the purpose to enrich you with knowledge.
Get ready to Become Certified Data Science with Python Professional