Base lining

Base lining

Baselining is a process used in software quality assurance to establish a reference point or baseline for software artifacts, such as source code, documentation, and libraries. The baseline represents a stable and approved version of the software artifact that is used as a basis for future development.

The baselining process involves identifying the software artifact, such as a source code file, and creating a baseline for it. This involves documenting the version number, date, and other relevant information, and storing the baseline in a configuration management system.

Once a baseline has been established, any changes made to the software artifact are tracked and managed through the configuration management system. This ensures that any future versions of the software artifact can be compared to the baseline to determine if changes have been made and to identify any potential issues.

Baselining is an important component of software quality assurance because it helps to ensure that software artifacts are properly managed and controlled throughout the development lifecycle. It provides a mechanism for tracking changes and identifying issues, and ensures that software products are developed and maintained in a consistent and controlled manner.

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Configuration management and software configuration identification
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