Automatically Completing Data As the User Types

Automatically Completing Data As the User Types

AutoComplete is a feature that allows users to enter data in a text box and quickly find and select a matching item from a list of pre-defined options, without having to type the entire text string. The AutoComplete feature is commonly used in web applications that require users to enter data, such as search boxes, address fields, and other data entry forms.

To implement AutoComplete in an ASP.NET application, you can use the AutoComplete extender control provided by the AJAX Control Toolkit. The AutoComplete extender control works with a data source, such as a database table, and displays a list of suggested items as the user types in the text box. The suggested items are based on the characters that the user has entered so far, and are retrieved from the data source using a partial match search.

To use the AutoComplete extender control, you need to follow these steps:

Add a reference to the AJAX Control Toolkit in your ASP.NET project.

Add a ScriptManager control to your web page to enable AJAX functionality.

Add a TextBox control to your web page and set its AutoPostBack property to “false”.

Add an AutoCompleteExtender control to the TextBox control and set its properties, such as TargetControlID, ServicePath, ServiceMethod, MinimumPrefixLength, CompletionInterval, and CompletionSetCount.

Implement a web service or a page method that returns a list of suggested items based on the user input.

Bind the web service or page method to the AutoCompleteExtender control by setting its ServicePath and ServiceMethod properties. Once you have completed these steps, the AutoComplete feature will be enabled in your ASP.NET application and users will be able to enter data in a text box and quickly find and select a matching item from a list of pre-defined options.

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Introducing the AJAX Control Toolkit
Creating the Data Lookup Web Service

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