Attack techniques (code injection and parameter passing)

Attack techniques (code injection and parameter passing)

Code injection and parameter passing are common attack techniques used by attackers to exploit vulnerabilities in software applications.

Code injection is a technique where an attacker injects malicious code into a program or system, with the intention of altering its behavior or taking control of it. There are different types of code injection techniques, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and command injection. Attackers can use these techniques to execute arbitrary code, steal sensitive data, or perform unauthorized actions on a system.

Parameter passing is a technique where an attacker modifies the parameters of a software application, such as input fields or URL parameters, with the intention of manipulating its behavior or bypassing security measures. For example, an attacker can modify a URL parameter to gain access to restricted information, or modify input fields to execute a SQL injection attack.

To prevent these types of attacks, software developers must implement security controls such as input validation, output encoding, and access controls. Input validation involves verifying that user input meets certain criteria, such as length and format, and rejecting any input that does not meet these criteria. Output encoding involves encoding data before displaying it to users, to prevent attacks such as XSS. Access controls involve enforcing user permissions and roles to ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive data or perform privileged actions.

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