Artistic text

Artistic text

Artistic text in CorelDRAW refers to a type of text that allows for more creative and decorative typography. It gives you the flexibility to apply various artistic effects and transformations to text, making it visually appealing. Here’s how you can create and work with artistic text in CorelDRAW:

  1. Launch CorelDRAW and open a new or existing document.
  2. Select the Text tool from the toolbox on the left side (shortcut key: F8).
  3. Click on the canvas where you want to place the artistic text.
  4. Type the desired text into the text box that appears.
  5. With the text still selected, you can customize its appearance using the options in the property bar at the top of the interface. The property bar allows you to modify the font, size, color, alignment, and other basic text properties.
  6. To convert the text into artistic text, click on the “Artistic Text” button in the property bar. This button has an icon that looks like a letter ‘A’ with a paintbrush.
  7. Once you’ve converted the text into artistic text, you can apply various artistic effects and transformations to it. Some of the options available in the property bar for artistic text include:
    • Font Effects: Apply effects like drop shadow, outline, 3D, envelope, etc., to the artistic text.
    • Distortion: Apply different distortions like stretch, squeeze, fish-eye, etc., to the text.
    • Transformations: Rotate, scale, skew, or mirror the artistic text.
  8. Experiment with the available options to achieve the desired artistic look for your text. You can also combine multiple effects and transformations to create unique effects.
  9. To edit the content of the artistic text, simply double-click on the text and modify it. The changes will be reflected in the applied effects and transformations.
  10. Once you’re satisfied with the appearance of the artistic text, you can continue working on your design, save the file, or export it in the desired format.

Keep in mind that the specific options and capabilities of artistic text may vary slightly depending on the version of CorelDRAW you are using.

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