Angular Basics

Angular Basics

AngularJS is not a single piece in the overall puzzle of building the client-side of a web application. It handles all of the DOM and AJAX glue code you once wrote by hand and puts it in a well-defined structure. This makes AngularJS opinionated about how a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application should be built. But while it is opinionated, it also tries to make sure that its opinion is just a starting point you can easily change. AngularJS comes with the following out-of-the-box:

Everything you need to build a CRUD app in a cohesive set: Data-binding, basic templating directives, form validation, routing, deep-linking, reusable components and dependency injection.
Testability story: Unit-testing, end-to-end testing, mocks and test harnesses.
Seed application with directory layout and test scripts as a starting point.

AngularJS simplifies application development by presenting a higher level of abstraction to the developer. Like any abstraction, it comes at a cost of flexibility. In other words, not every app is a good fit for AngularJS. AngularJS was built with the CRUD application in mind. Luckily CRUD applications represent the majority of web applications. To understand what AngularJS is good at, though, it helps to understand when an app is not a good fit for AngularJS.

Games and GUI editors are examples of applications with intensive and tricky DOM manipulation. These kinds of apps are different from CRUD apps, and as a result are probably not a good fit for AngularJS. In these cases it may be better to use a library with a lower level of abstraction, such as jQuery.

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