Android Events

Android Events

In Android, events are actions or occurrences that take place in an application. Examples of events include button clicks, text entry, and changes to device orientation. The Android framework provides a range of classes and interfaces for handling events. The core classes for handling events are the View and ViewGroup classes, which are used to create the user interface for an application.

The View class is used to create user interface elements, such as buttons, text fields, and images. Each View has a set of event listeners that can be used to handle events that occur on the view. The most common listeners are the OnClickListener and OnTouchListener, which are used to handle button clicks and touch events respectively.

The ViewGroup class is used to create containers that hold multiple Views. Examples of ViewGroup classes include the LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, and FrameLayout classes. Each ViewGroup can have its set of event listeners, which are used to handle events that occur within the container. Android also provides a range of other event classes, such as MotionEvent, which is used to handle touch events, and KeyEvent, which is used to handle key presses. These classes are used in conjunction with the View and ViewGroup classes to provide a comprehensive set of event handling features for Android applications.

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Handling click and touch events in Android

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