Hyper Linking

Hyper Linking

Hyperlinking, or Linking, is the ability to click on a bit of text or an image and have it jump you to another page, or area of a page. This requires both the Opening <A> and the Closing </A> Anchor Tag.

Anchors also must have the HREF= (Hypertext Reference) attribute to work properly:

<A HREF=> </A>

But this tag is still incomplete and will do nothing until you give it a place to link to:

<A HREF=”http://www.Vskills.com/example.html”> </A>

Now to give your visitor something to click on, put some text between the opening and closing tag, like this:

<A HREF=”http://www.Vskills.com/example.html”>HTML Help For All</A>

it consists of following topics

base Tag

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