Android manifest XML

Android manifest XML

The AndroidManifest.xml file is an essential part of an Android application that describes the entire application’s content, package name, and how all its components are put together. The Android operating system uses this manifest file to understand the application’s metadata, such as the app’s name, the activities it comprises, the permissions it requires, and its API levels. The manifest file is also used to enforce security settings and to ensure that only authenticated users have access to specific app components.

Here are some key elements that can be defined in the AndroidManifest.xml file:

Package name: It specifies the application’s Java package name.

Application icon: It specifies the application icon that appears in the device’s app launcher.

Activities: It defines the activities that make up the application.

Intents: It defines the intents that can be used to start the application’s activities.

Permissions: It defines the permissions required by the application to access various resources, such as the device’s camera, GPS, or network connection.

Services: It defines the services that the application provides.

Receivers: It defines the broadcast receivers that listen for system-wide events or broadcasts.

Content providers: It defines the content providers that provide access to shared data.

Instrumentation: It defines the instrumentation classes used for testing the application. The AndroidManifest.xml file is located in the root directory of the application and must be included in the application package when it is built. Any changes made to the manifest file require a recompilation of the entire application.

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