Networking Concepts

Networking Concepts

Networking concepts in the context of data entry or computer basics refer to the basic principles and technologies used to connect and communicate between different computer systems and devices. Some key networking concepts may include:

Network Topology: This refers to the physical or logical layout of the network, including how devices are connected to each other.

Protocols: These are a set of rules or standards that govern how data is transmitted over a network, such as TCP/IP or HTTP.

Network Security: This involves protecting a network from unauthorized access, such as by using firewalls, encryption, or access control.

IP Addressing: This refers to the unique identifier assigned to each device on a network, which allows devices to communicate with each other.

Wireless Networking: This involves connecting devices to a network without the use of physical cables, such as through Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

Network Devices: These are hardware components used to connect devices to a network, such as routers, switches, and modems.

Networking of computers mean interconnection of two or more computers or computer peripherals, which are joined by some type of communication media.

Advantages Of networking

  • Sharing of data – Computers if networked, can share data amongst themselves.
  • Sharing of peripherals – Computers can also share expensive peripherals like printers, scanners, etc.
  • High communication speed– Sometimes inter office mail takes long time for receipts, but in case of a computer, the communication speed is very high and data reaches the destination quickly.
  • High communication accuracy – Data transmitted does not get lost and no ambiguous messages are taken by the message from others. Messages are more easily composed, edited and saved for future use.
  • Interactive data transfer – Data can be transmitted in interactive format, for which various media (sound, animation, video, etc.) are used.
  • Lower cost – Data transmission being fast and accurate is cheaper than a fax.

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