Positioning yourself

Contrary to the opinions of consumers and a good many agents, not all agents offer the same or even similar services. It’s safe to say that all agents work to bring real estate transactions to successful closings, but from there the differences in approach, style, and effectiveness vary wildly. As the owner of a real estate business, you must help prospects and clients realize the unique and beneficial position you hold in the marketplace.

People need to know clearly why they should hire you. As you communicate your position through your marketing efforts, remember these three points:

Tell and remind people that you’re in the real estate business. After your business achieves a high level of success, people will contact you based on your reputation. As a newer agent, however, you must notify everyone you know that you’re in real estate sales, and then you must keep reminding them at regular intervals.

Say and prove that you’re good at what you do. In a service business where all choices cost basically the same amount of money, as is the case in real estate sales, agents must differentiate themselves based on the expertise and service quality they provide. Client success stories, references from past clients, presentation of statistical advantages, results of satisfaction surveys, and glowing testimonials break you free from the crowd.

Remind consumers that their choice of agent matters. Agents need to band together to get this message into the minds of all real estate buyers and sellers. Agents as a whole in the real estate industry haven’t convinced clients that the right agent makes a difference in terms of down payment, sales price, purchase price, ease of transaction, level of satisfaction, after-sale service, and countless other benefits. Make it your job to convey to the public that the right agent makes a difference, and that you’re the best agent to make a difference in their deal.

Successful real estate advertising is the result of doing three things right

  • Creating ads that grab your target prospects’ attention
  • Saying the right things to generate interest, prompt responses, and
  • Move the prospect closer to the buying decision
Positioning your Offering
Using Publications that Reach your Target Prospects

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