
Most common questions and answers used to hire Wordpress Developer. We’ve compiled a list of the most common and frequently asked interview questions in Wordpress interview. If you want to ace your job interview, then checkout these Interview Questions.

Q.1 What is the Ping of Death?
Ping of Death is Sending packets that, when reassembled, are too large for the system to understand.
Q.2 What is sniffing?
Sniffing is capturing and deciphering traffic on a network.
Q.3 Which file in wordpress stores database related functions ?
Q.4 How can image size be set in wordpress?
Image size be set in wordpress under admin settings.
Q.5 What is the main functionality of Akismet plug-in?
Akismet plug-in helps in spam control.
Q.6 What do you understand about WordPress?
WordPress refers to an Open Source Content Management System (CMS) and a blogging tool, based on PHP and MySQL. This is free of cost, and you can use it for any personal and commercial website.
Q.7 Is a website safe on WordPress?
WordPress is safe and secure for operating as there is no need for worrying about anything. But, it is recommended to stay updated with your site and the latest WordPress version to avoid hacking.
Q.8 Describe the limitations of the WordPress website.
WordPress can be used for e-commerce sites, membership sites, photo galleries, and any other type of site. However, some disadvantages include: Firstly, using many plugins can make the website heavy to load and run. Secondly, PHP knowledge is necessary for making modifications or changes to the WordPress website. Thirdly, software needs to be updated to keep WordPress up-to-date with the current browsers and mobile devices. Sometimes updating the WordPress version can result in data loss. Lastly, modifying and formatting the graphic images and tables is difficult.
Q.9 When was WordPress released?
WordPress was released on 27th May 2003 by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. And, it was announced as open source in October 2009.
Q.10 Explain the system requirements for installing WordPress.
The WordPress require: 1. Database: MySQL 5.0 + 2. Web Server: WAMP (Windows) Operating System - Cross-platform LAMP (Linux) XAMP (Multi-platform) MAMP (Macintosh) 3. Browser Support: IE (Internet Explorer 8+), Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera 4. PHP Compatibility: PHP 5.2+
Q.11 Explain the WordPress installation steps?
Firstly, download WordPress from www.wordpress.org. Secondly, extract the downloaded files and upload them on your web server or localhost. Then, open your web browser and navigate to the WordPress file path. There you will see the first screen of the WordPress installer. After that, select your preferred language. Then, you will see the information needed for the database before proceeding with the WordPress installation. Now, enter the details of your Mysql database. Then, enter the administration details. After that, click on the "Install WordPress" button. After installing, you will see the username and the password on this screen. Lastly, enter your username and password on the next screen and click 'login.'
Q.12 Name the various components displayed on the Home screen of WordPress.
1. Dashboard menu This provides the navigation menu options for posts, media library, pages, and comments on the left side of the screen. 2. Screen options This displays different types of widgets which can be shown or hidden on some screen. This contains the checkboxes to show or hide different screen options and enable to customize sections on the admin screen. 3. Welcome This helps us to customize the WordPress theme by clicking on the customize your site button. Also, the center column provides some of the useful links such as creating a page and view the front end of your web page, creating a blog post. 4. Quick Draft This includes a mini post editor which is used to write, save, and publish the post from the admin dashboard. This also contains the title of the draft followed by some notes about the draft and saves it as a draft. 5. WordPress news This displays the latest news regarding the latest software update of WordPress. 6. Activity This shows the latest comments, recent posts published. It also allows you to reply, edit, delete, approve, or disapprove the comments. You can also move comments to spam.
Q.13 Define hooks and their types.
Hooks allow users for creating WordPress themes or plug-ins with shortcode without changing the original files. However, there are two types of hooks: Firstly, Action hooks. This facilitates you to insert an additional code from an outside resource. Secondly, Filter hooks. This facilitates you to add content or text at the end of the post.
Q.14 Describe the features of WordPress?
Some of the main features of WordPress are: Firstly, easy to install and upgrade Secondly, an In-built SEO engine Then, free and easy theme selection Fourthly, flexibility Next, available in more than 70 languages Then, no unwanted advert on your website Lastly, easy publishing option
Q.15 Why there is a use of MySQL in WordPress?
Reasons to use MySQL with WordPress: Firstly, it is open source. Secondly, it is extremely fast. Thirdly, it is a widely available database server. Lastly, it offers low-cost Linux hosting.
Q.16 Name the tables available in WordPress by default.
Currently, there are about 11 tables in WordPress by default. wp_commentmeta wp_comments wp_links wp_options wp_postmeta wp_posts wp_terms wp_term_relationships wp_term_taxonomy wp_usermeta wp_users
Q.17 Tell the default prefix of WordPress tables.
The wp_ is by default the prefix of WordPress tables.
Q.18 What do you understand about pages in WordPress?
Pages can be considered different from posts. They are static, and they do not change often. They can be added with information about the site.
Q.19 Differentiate between WordPress posts and pages.
WordPress posts refer to the content published on a site with an exact date and time. They can be categorized systematically by category and tags. They are listed in reverse chronological order on a website. Whereas, WordPress pages are static and do not frequently change such as contact us, about us, privacy policy. They do not have a publishing date and time. But, the database stores their published date and time.
Q.20 Define moderate comments in WordPress.
This refers to the comments by visitors on a post that are not published directly unless the admin provides it. However, for changing the comment moderation setting, select the Settings option from the dashboard and check the option "Comment must be manually approved."
Q.21 What do you understand about WordPress Plugins?
WordPress provides a large variety of plugins for maximum flexibility when it comes to creating a website. You have the option to add spam protection, social networking, complex galleries, calendars, forums, and hundreds of other plugins and features.
Q.22 Is WordPress helpful when it comes to SEO?
Yes, one of the benefits of using WordPress is that it has an inbuilt SEO search engine. Moreover, you can insert an additional plug-in in WordPress for helping with SEO and ranking on a popular search engine like Google.
Q.23 Explain the types of users roles in WordPress?
The type of user roles are: Administrator Role Author Role Editor Role Subscriber Role Contributor Role
Q.24 What are the steps for securing a WordPress site?
Firstly, using a unique username and password Secondly, using precautions against Brute force Thirdly, keep the versions, plugins, and themes updated. Next, avoiding viruses and malware. Lastly, using WordPress security plugins
Q.25 Suppose I got locked out of WordPress admin and my website is now a blank screen. Why did this happen?
This can happen if you have pasted the code from a website with the wrong formats. Or another reason can be pasting the code in an incorrect location. And, also if your IP is banned.
Q.26 Why do people use static front page in WordPress?
Some WordPress users want their WordPress installation to be more than a blog site. For providing their page a look more like a real website page some users use a static front page.
Q.27 Differentiate between wordpress.com and wordpress.org on the basis of security?
WordPress.com is considered more secure than wordpress.org because they limit the themes and also do not allow installing plugins. However, the security depends on how the hosting company is hosting your website(wordpress.org). And, the steps they are taking for preventing the security problems.
Q.28 Define a Child Theme.
The child theme refers to an extension of the parent theme. However, if you make changes to the main/parent theme, any update will undo the changes. Using the child theme, the customizations are preserved on an update.
Q.29 How to build a static page with WordPress?
For creating a static page in WordPress, in the page section firstly, upload a PHP file to the server in the theme folder. After that, select that as your template. Then, it allows you to add any page and look that you wanted for your blog and it will remain static.
Q.30 Define Template Tags.
Template tags are used inside the Templates for customizing the blog. The common types of tags are: Category Tags Comment Tags General Tags Author Tags Bookmark Tags Link Tags Post Tags Post-Thumbnail Tags Navigation Menu Tags
Q.31 Do de-activated plugins slow down the process of a WordPress site?
No, de-activated plugins cannot slow down the WordPress site. That is to say, WordPress only loads the active plugins and avoids the de-activated ones.
Q.32 What will be the cases in which you do not want your client to use WordPress?
The case in which we recommend not to use WordPress are: Firstly, if the client is working on a non-CMS-based project. Secondly, if a site wants complex or innovative e-commerce Thirdly, in the case of an enterprise intranet solution Lastly, sites are requiring custom scripting solutions.
Q.33 Define wp_footer() in WordPress.
This can be considered as a type of action hook where the code is dynamically added to a theme in between footer tag. Using these functions, we can insert plugins additional code into the footer tag.
Q.34 Define shortcode in WordPress.
Shortcodes in WordPress refer to the defined codes that enable the developers to do various tasks with minimal effort. They are used for simplifying tasks like creating objects or embedding files that need a lot of coding in a single line. However, a Shortcode is synonymous with a shortcut. Further, WordPress has five built-in shortcodes- audio, embed, caption, video, and gallery.
Q.35 Define WordPress Themes and Plugins.
A theme refers to an external effect of a website's presentation and design. Whereas, a plugin is an interior effect that adds or removes some functions to a site. However, you can customize some functionality in themes rather than installing the plugin, but plugins can't replace themes.
Q.36 I want to create a contact form in WordPress. Which plugin should I use?
You can use a plug-in like Gravity forms or a free plugin contact form 7 for creating a contact form in WordPress.
Q.37 Explain how we can optimize the WordPress site performance.
Optimization expands the speed of your site and gives the best possible outcome. Moreover, it improves the ranking of a website. Some of the ways for optimizing websites are: By using CDN Using a caching plugin By using a simple theme/framework Keeping site updated Dividing long posts into smaller pages
Q.38 Define meta-tags in WordPress.
Meta-tags refers to the keyword and descriptions used for displaying website or page information.
Q.39 What do you understand about custom fields in WordPress?
Custom fields are also known as post meta which refers to a feature via which users can add arbitrary information while writing a post. This metadata can be displayed using template tags in WordPress themes.
Q.40 Why backup is important in a WordPress site?
A backup is just the copy of your original site via which you can restore your original site if there is any failure. Moreover, it is best to keep a backup. Further, a site is generally made up of two parts. One is all the installed themes/plugins, media and the other is the Database that stores all your blogs, posts, and comments. So without files, there is no site, and without the database, there is no data. So, it is important to take backup.
Q.41 Explain the database backup process steps.
Firstly, click on Export. Here, Quick is used when the database is small. Custom is used when the database is large. Let’s choose Custom. After choosing Custom, a table appears. There, select all the tables. Now move to the Output section. Then, select SQL from the Format drop-down menu. After that, check "Add drop table." It is useful for overwriting an existing table. Now, check "If not exists." It stops errors when tables are already there. Lastly, click Go. And, data will be saved in the system.
Q.42 Define GNU.
GNU is a General Public License (GPL). This comes with some terms and conditions for copying, modifying, and distributing the software licensed under its name. GNU ensures that any software source code licensed under it has to make originating source code open and freely available to all its users. However, freely here means that it is freely available to users for distributing and modifying the code.
Q.43 Can we change the table prefix ( wp_ ) in WordPress?
Yes, this can be done in two ways: Firstly, before installation. Go to wp_config.php file and rename $table_prefix = 'wp_' with any name. Secondly, after installation. Go to PHPMyAdmin. Then, select your database. After that, check all tables and Add/Update table prefix.
Q.44 What do you understand about importers in WordPress?
In WordPress, an importer can be considered as a tool used for migrating content from an existing WP website to another one. This tool can also be used for moving a website from the localhost that means a local server to an online hosted server. However, using importer you can migrate data like: Custom fields and post metadata New Posts, pages, or other custom created post types Comments in posts Categories, tags, and other terms from the custom taxonomies section Authors on the website
Q.45 I want to create a custom Post In WordPress. How will I do it?
Custom posts types in WordPress are the new post types that developers can create. Add a custom post type through register_post_type() function, which allows the developers for defining the new post type by labels, features, and availability. Further, we can also create custom post types using plugins like Custom Post Type UI and Custom Field.
Q.46 Define Widget in WordPress.
The widget can be defined as a configurable code snippet that allows users for customizing the functionality and appearance of a WordPress blog. Users can access the widgets page from the appearance menu. Moreover, widgets in WordPress enable you to drag and drop the elements into the sidebar of your website.
Q.47 Explain the process for enabling debug mode in WordPress?
For enabling debug mode in WordPress, developers have to edit the wp-config.php file and modify the WP_DEBUG constant value to true condition. For enabling debug mode in WordPress, developers have to edit the wp-config.php file and modify the WP_DEBUG constant value to true condition.
Q.48 Define permalink in WordPress.
Permalinks can be considered as the permanent Full URLs to your website blog posts and pages including tag archives and categories. This is the web address used for linking to your content. However, WordPress allows us to create a custom URL structure for your permalinks and archives. This helps in improving the usability and forward compatibility of your website's links.
Q.49 I want to make others pages to the front page in WordPress. How will I do it?
For making your static page a front page: Firstly, go to Admin Panel Then, select "A Static Page" After that, select your page from the "Frontpage" section As a result, the selected page from FrontPage is set to the default front page.
Q.50 Define usermeta function in WordPress.
This function is mostly used by developers for retrieving the metadata of users. The usermeta function has the ability to return an array or single metadata. The syntax that needs to be used for applying usermeta function is: get_user_meta( int $user_id, string $key = '', bool $single = false )
Q.51 What do you understand by Avatar in WordPress?
Avatar or Gravatar refers to an icon or representation of a user in a shared virtual reality like chat, forum, website, or any other form of online community in which the user wants to have something for distinguishing themselves from other users.
Q.52 Define a Category in WordPress.
A category can be considered as the predefined taxonomies in WordPress, used for sorting and grouping content into different sections. In the new WordPress installation, "Uncategorized" is the default category. So, we can change the default category from Settings then, the Writing screen. Further, the WordPress posts can be filed under many categories and can have both tags and categories.
Q.53 What do you understand about Tag in WordPress?
A tag refers to the pre-defined taxonomy in WordPress. You can add tags to posts along with categories in WordPress. However, they are smaller in scope and focused on defined topics.
Q.54 What is the process for checking the active status of any plugin in WordPress?
For this, we can is_plugin_active() for checking any particular plugin is active or not. For checking use syntax: include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); if ( is_plugin_active( 'plugin-directory/plugin-file.php' ) ) { // Activated }
Q.55 I am not able to see the plugin menu on a WordPress site, why?
The site must be hosted on free wrodpress.com, that’s why plugin menu will not appear. Also if you don't have an account for the administrator level, you can't see the plugin menu.
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