ASP .Net Core Interview Questions

Checkout Vskills Interview questions with answers in ASP .Net Core to prepare for your next job role. The questions are submitted by professionals to help you to prepare for the Interview.    

Q.1 What is ASP.NET Core?
ASP.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform web framework for building modern, cloud-based applications.
Q.2 How does ASP.NET Core differ from ASP.NET?
ASP.NET Core is cross-platform, modular, and lightweight compared to the Windows-only ASP.NET.
Q.3 What are the key features of ASP.NET Core?
Features include cross-platform support, high performance, dependency injection, and a unified MVC framework.
Q.4 Explain the benefits of using ASP.NET Core.
Benefits include improved performance, cross-platform compatibility, and a modular, lightweight framework.
Q.5 What is .NET Core?
.NET Core is a cross-platform, open-source framework that provides a runtime and libraries for building applications.
Q.6 How does ASP.NET Core handle requests?
ASP.NET Core uses middleware components to handle incoming HTTP requests and responses.
Q.7 What is the Startup class in ASP.NET Core?
The Startup class configures the application's request pipeline and services during startup.
Q.8 What is Kestrel in ASP.NET Core?
Kestrel is a lightweight, cross-platform web server that's often used as the default web server in ASP.NET Core applications.
Q.9 Explain the role of the ConfigureServices method in Startup.cs.
ConfigureServices configures application services and dependency injection.
Q.10 What is Dependency Injection (DI) in ASP.NET Core?
DI is a design pattern used in ASP.NET Core to provide objects with their dependencies.
Q.11 How do you register a service in ASP.NET Core DI?
Services can be registered using the services.AddTransient, services.AddScoped, or services.AddSingleton methods.
Q.12 What is Middleware in ASP.NET Core?
Middleware are components that process requests and responses in the request pipeline.
Q.13 How do you add middleware to the pipeline in ASP.NET Core?
Middleware components are added to the pipeline in the Startup.cs file using the Use method.
Q.14 What is ASP.NET Core MVC?
ASP.NET Core MVC is a framework for building web applications using the Model-View-Controller pattern.
Q.15 What are the main components of ASP.NET Core MVC?
Components include models, views, controllers, routing, and action methods.
Q.16 How do you create a controller in ASP.NET Core?
Controllers are created by defining classes that inherit from Controller and have action methods.
Q.17 Explain the purpose of action methods in a controller.
Action methods handle HTTP requests and return views or data to the client.
Q.18 What is a Razor view in ASP.NET Core MVC?
Razor views are templates that define the HTML structure and dynamic content of web pages.
Q.19 How do you pass data from a controller to a view in ASP.NET Core MVC?
Data is passed using view models or ViewBag/ViewData.
Q.20 What is routing in ASP.NET Core MVC?
Routing maps URLs to controller action methods and determines which action to invoke.
Q.21 How do you define custom routes in ASP.NET Core?
Custom routes can be defined in the Configure method of Startup.cs using the UseEndpoints method.
Q.22 What is the use of the [Route] attribute in ASP.NET Core?
The [Route] attribute defines a route for an action method within a controller.
Q.23 What is the purpose of model binding in ASP.NET Core MVC?
Model binding maps data from HTTP requests to action method parameters.
Q.24 Explain TempData in ASP.NET Core.
TempData is a dictionary used to pass data between controller actions for a single request.
Q.25 What is ViewData in ASP.NET Core?
ViewData is a dictionary used to pass data from a controller to a view.
Q.26 How do you enable attribute routing in ASP.NET Core?
Attribute routing is enabled by adding [Route] attributes to controller actions and classes.
Q.27 What is the difference between ViewBag and ViewData in ASP.NET Core?
ViewBag is dynamic, while ViewData uses a dictionary. Both pass data from controllers to views.
Q.28 What is the purpose of the [HttpPost] attribute in ASP.NET Core?
[HttpPost] attributes are used to specify that an action method should only respond to HTTP POST requests.
Q.29 How do you enable CORS in an ASP.NET Core application?
CORS is configured in the Startup.cs file using the services.AddCors method.
Q.30 What is Entity Framework Core in ASP.NET Core?
Entity Framework Core is an object-relational mapping (ORM) framework used for database access.
Q.31 How do you perform database migrations in Entity Framework Core?
Migrations are managed using the dotnet ef migrations CLI commands.
Q.32 What is ASP.NET Core Web API?
ASP.NET Core Web API is a framework for building RESTful APIs using ASP.NET Core.
Q.33 How do you create a Web API controller in ASP.NET Core?
Web API controllers are created by defining classes that inherit from ControllerBase.
Q.34 What are action results in ASP.NET Core Web API?
Action results are used to return data from Web API controller actions.
Q.35 How do you handle errors and exceptions in ASP.NET Core?
Errors and exceptions can be handled using middleware, try-catch blocks, or global error handling filters.
Q.36 What is the purpose of the appsettings.json file in ASP.NET Core?
appsettings.json stores application configuration settings.
Q.37 How do you read configuration settings from appsettings.json in ASP.NET Core?
Configuration settings are read using the Configuration object.
Q.38 What is the difference between AddSingleton, AddScoped, and AddTransient in ASP.NET Core DI?
They control the lifetime of registered services: Singleton, Scoped, and Transient, respectively.
Q.39 What is the purpose of the IWebHostBuilder in ASP.NET Core?
IWebHostBuilder is used to configure and build the web host for the application.
Q.40 What is the purpose of the app.UseExceptionHandler middleware in ASP.NET Core?
It handles unhandled exceptions and displays error information to the client.
Q.41 How can you enable HTTPS in an ASP.NET Core application?
HTTPS can be enabled by configuring Kestrel with an SSL certificate or using a reverse proxy.
Q.42 What is the purpose of the [Authorize] attribute in ASP.NET Core?
[Authorize] restricts access to specific controllers or actions to authorized users.
Q.43 How do you enable authentication in ASP.NET Core?
Authentication is enabled by configuring authentication middleware and identity providers.
Q.44 What is ASP.NET Core Identity?
ASP.NET Core Identity is a framework for managing user authentication and authorization.
Q.45 How do you create a new ASP.NET Core project using the CLI?
You can use dotnet new with the appropriate template (e.g., dotnet new web for a web app).
Q.46 What is the purpose of the ConfigureServices method in ASP.NET Core?
ConfigureServices configures services and dependencies for the application.
Q.47 How is logging configured in ASP.NET Core?
Logging is configured in the ConfigureServices method using services.AddLogging.
Q.48 What is ASP.NET Core Tag Helpers?
Tag Helpers are a way to create and render HTML elements using C# code in Razor views.
Q.49 How do you pass data from a view to a controller in ASP.NET Core?
Data is sent to the controller through form submissions, query strings, or route parameters.
Q.50 What is ASP.NET Core?
ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform, high-performance framework for building modern, cloud-based, and internet-connected applications. It's an evolution of the ASP.NET framework and is designed to be lightweight, modular, and efficient.
Q.51 What is the purpose of the IApplicationBuilder in ASP.NET Core?
IApplicationBuilder is used to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
Q.52 What are the advantages of using ASP.NET Core over previous versions of ASP.NET?
ASP.NET Core offers improved performance, cross-platform compatibility, and a modular architecture that allows developers to include only the components they need. It also supports modern development practices and has a built-in dependency injection system.
Q.53 What is the difference between cookies and sessions in ASP.NET Core?
Cookies store data on the client-side, while sessions store data on the server-side.
Q.54 Explain the concept of middleware in ASP.NET Core.
Middleware in ASP.NET Core is a series of components that handle requests and responses as they flow through the application pipeline. Each middleware component can perform specific tasks such as authentication, logging, routing, and more.
Q.55 What is the use of the [AllowAnonymous] attribute in ASP.NET Core?
[AllowAnonymous] allows unauthenticated users to access specific actions or controllers.
Q.56 What is Dependency Injection (DI) in ASP.NET Core?
Dependency Injection is a design pattern used to achieve loose coupling between components by providing dependencies from the outside. ASP.NET Core's built-in DI container allows developers to manage and inject dependencies into various parts of the application.
Q.57 How do you create custom middleware in ASP.NET Core?
Custom middleware is created by defining a class with a InvokeAsync method and adding it to the pipeline.
Q.58 How does ASP.NET Core handle configuration settings?
ASP.NET Core uses the appsettings.json file to store configuration settings. These settings can be accessed using the Configuration API, and different configuration sources (environment variables, command-line arguments) can be combined.
Q.59 What is the purpose of the IActionResult interface in ASP.NET Core?
IActionResult represents the result of an action method and can be used to return various HTTP responses.
Q.60 Explain the difference between Razor Pages and MVC in ASP.NET Core.
Both Razor Pages and MVC are approaches to building web applications in ASP.NET Core. Razor Pages focus on keeping related code and markup together in a single file, promoting simpler page-centric development. MVC separates concerns by using controllers and views to handle requests and rendering, allowing for more complex applications.
Q.61 What is the purpose of the ModelState in ASP.NET Core?
ModelState is used to validate and store model binding errors.
Q.62 What is the purpose of Razor View Engine in ASP.NET Core?
Razor is a view engine in ASP.NET Core used to render HTML content with embedded C# code. It provides a clean syntax for creating dynamic web content and supports features like layout pages, partial views, and custom tag helpers.
Q.63 How do you use model validation in ASP.NET Core?
Model validation is performed using attributes like [Required] and checking ModelState.IsValid.
Q.64 How does ASP.NET Core handle authentication and authorization?
ASP.NET Core provides authentication through various authentication schemes (e.g., cookies, JWT). Authorization is managed using policies, which define who can access certain resources based on roles, claims, or other criteria.
Q.65 What is ASP.NET Core Razor Pages?
Razor Pages is a page-focused framework for building web applications in ASP.NET Core.
Q.66 What is the difference between Kestrel and IIS in the context of ASP.NET Core hosting?
Kestrel is a cross-platform, lightweight web server that's designed to work with ASP.NET Core applications. IIS (Internet Information Services) is a more traditional Windows web server. In many deployments, Kestrel serves as the primary web server, while IIS functions as a reverse proxy to handle additional features like load balancing and security.
Q.67 How do you add authentication to an ASP.NET Core application?
Authentication is configured in Startup.cs, and identity providers are added in ConfigureServices.
Q.68 How can you handle logging in ASP.NET Core applications?
ASP.NET Core provides a built-in logging framework that supports various logging providers like Console, Debug, EventLog, and more. Developers can configure logging levels, use structured logging, and create custom loggers to capture application events and troubleshoot issues.
Q.69 What is the difference between TempData and Session in ASP.NET Core?
TempData stores data for a single request, while Session persists data across multiple requests.
Q.70 What is ASP.NET Core MVC?
ASP.NET Core MVC is a design pattern that separates an application's concerns into three main components: Model, View, and Controller. It allows for the development of scalable and maintainable web applications by promoting the separation of concerns.
Q.71 How do you enable CORS for specific origins in ASP.NET Core?
Specific origins are allowed by configuring CORS policies with services.AddCors.
Q.72 Explain CRUD operations in the context of ASP.NET Core MVC.
CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete, which are the basic operations used to manage data in a system. In ASP.NET Core MVC, these operations are typically implemented using HTTP methods (POST, GET, PUT, DELETE) to interact with a database or other data source.
Q.73 What is the role of the IConfiguration interface in ASP.NET Core?
IConfiguration is used to access configuration settings in the appsettings.json file.
Q.74 How do you create a new record using ASP.NET Core MVC?
To create a new record, you use the HTTP POST method to send data to the server. In the controller, you receive this data, validate it, create a new instance of the model, and then save it to the database.
Q.75 What is the purpose of the appsettings.Development.json file in ASP.NET Core?
It stores configuration settings specific to the development environment.
Q.76 How do you retrieve and display records using ASP.NET Core MVC?
Retrieving and displaying records involves using the HTTP GET method. In the controller, you fetch data from the database using a data access layer, and then pass that data to the view for rendering.
Q.77 What is middleware chaining in ASP.NET Core?
Middleware components are executed in the order they are added to the pipeline.
Q.78 How can you update records in ASP.NET Core MVC?
Updating records is typically done using the HTTP PUT method. The controller receives the updated data, validates it, retrieves the corresponding record from the database, updates its properties, and then saves the changes.
Q.79 How do you create custom middleware to log requests in ASP.NET Core?
Custom middleware can log requests by intercepting them and writing logs to a logging provider.
Q.80 Explain the process of deleting records in ASP.NET Core MVC.
Deleting records is achieved using the HTTP DELETE method. In the controller, you retrieve the record by its identifier, validate it, and then remove it from the database.
Q.81 What is the purpose of the RedirectToPageResult in ASP.NET Core Razor Pages?
It redirects to a Razor Page using page handler methods.
Q.82 What are model binding and validation in ASP.NET Core MVC?
Model binding is the process of automatically mapping incoming HTTP request data to model properties. Validation ensures that the data adheres to specific rules before it's processed. ASP.NET Core MVC provides built-in model binding and validation mechanisms.
Q.83 How do you handle file uploads in an ASP.NET Core application?
File uploads are handled using the IFormFile interface and Request.Form.Files.
Q.84 How do you pass data from a controller to a view in ASP.NET Core MVC?
Data is passed from a controller to a view using a ViewModel or ViewData. A ViewModel is a model specifically designed to carry data to the view, while ViewData is a dictionary that stores data for the current request.
Q.85 What is the role of the [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] attribute in ASP.NET Core?
It helps protect against cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks by validating anti-forgery tokens.
Q.86 What is scaffolding in ASP.NET Core MVC?
Scaffolding is a code generation tool that creates basic CRUD views and controller actions based on a model. It's used to quickly generate the initial code for a data-driven application.
Q.87 What is the use of the [FromBody] attribute in ASP.NET Core Web API?
[FromBody] is used to bind complex types from the request body in Web API methods.
Q.88 How can you handle routing in ASP.NET Core MVC?
Routing maps URLs to controller actions. ASP.NET Core MVC uses a routing middleware that examines incoming requests and routes them to the appropriate controller action based on the URL pattern.
Q.89 How do you configure global error handling in ASP.NET Core?
Global error handling can be configured using the app.UseExceptionHandler middleware.
Q.90 What are Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core?
Razor Pages is a page-centric framework in ASP.NET Core that focuses on combining code and markup in a single file. It simplifies development by grouping related functionality for a specific page into one unit.
Q.91 What is the purpose of the ConfigureServices method in ASP.NET Core Identity?
ConfigureServices configures services related to ASP.NET Core Identity.
Q.92 How do you perform CRUD operations using Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core?
CRUD operations in Razor Pages are achieved by defining handler methods in the page model. Each handler corresponds to an HTTP verb (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and performs the respective action, interacting with a data source.
Q.93 How do you hash and verify passwords in ASP.NET Core Identity?
Passwords are hashed using a secure hashing algorithm, and verification is done using PasswordHasher.
Q.94 Explain the structure of a Razor Page in ASP.NET Core.
A Razor Page consists of a .cshtml file that contains both HTML markup and embedded C# code. It also has a corresponding .cshtml.cs file, known as the page model, which contains the code logic and handler methods.
Q.95 What is the role of the UserManager in ASP.NET Core Identity?
UserManager is used for managing users, including creation, deletion, and role management.
Q.96 How do you create a new record using Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core?
To create a new record, you would define a handler method with the HTTP POST verb in the page model. This method would receive data from the form, validate it, create a new instance of the model, and save it to the database.
Q.97 What is the [Authorize(Roles = "RoleName")] attribute used for in ASP.NET Core?
It restricts access to actions or controllers to users with specific roles.
Q.98 How do you retrieve and display records using Razor Pages?
Retrieving and displaying records involves defining a handler method with the HTTP GET verb. This method fetches data from the database using a data access layer and passes it to the Razor Page for rendering.
Q.99 How do you create a custom user authentication provider in ASP.NET Core Identity?
You can create a custom authentication provider by implementing the IUserStore interface.
Q.100 How can you update records using Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core?
Updating records is typically done by defining a handler method with the HTTP POST verb. This method receives updated data from the form, validates it, retrieves the corresponding record from the database, updates its properties, and then saves the changes.
Q.101 What is the purpose of ASP.NET Core DataAnnotations?
DataAnnotations are attributes used to specify validation rules for model properties.
Q.102 Explain the process of deleting records in Razor Pages.
Deleting records is achieved by defining a handler method with the HTTP POST or DELETE verb. This method receives the record's identifier, validates it, and then removes the record from the database.
Q.103 How do you create a custom authentication middleware in ASP.NET Core?
Custom authentication middleware can be created by implementing the AuthenticationMiddleware class.
Q.104 What is ModelState.IsValid and how is it used in Razor Pages?
ModelState.IsValid is a property that indicates whether the data submitted to a handler method is valid according to the model's validation rules. It's used to ensure that incoming data meets the specified requirements before further processing.
Q.105 What is the role of the Entity Framework Core DbContext in ASP.NET Core applications?
DbContext is used to interact with the database and perform CRUD operations.
Q.106 How can you pass data from a Razor Page to its model and vice versa?
Data can be passed from a Razor Page to its model by using route parameters or form inputs. Data can be passed back to the page using properties in the model, which can be accessed in the Razor Page's markup.
Q.107 What is ASP.NET Core SignalR?
SignalR is a library for adding real-time features to web applications using web sockets or other protocols.
Q.108 What is dependency injection in Razor Pages?
Dependency Injection (DI) is a technique used to provide dependencies to classes rather than having them create their dependencies. Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core make use of the built-in DI container to inject services and dependencies into the page model's constructor.
Q.109 How do you enable SignalR in an ASP.NET Core application?
SignalR is enabled by adding the SignalR middleware in the Startup.cs file.
Q.110 What is N-Tier Architecture in ASP.NET Core?
N-Tier Architecture is a design pattern that separates an application into multiple layers, each responsible for a specific set of tasks. This promotes modularity, maintainability, and scalability by organizing code into distinct tiers.
Q.111 What is dependency injection (DI), and why is it important in ASP.NET Core?
DI is a design pattern that allows for the decoupling of components and makes applications more testable and maintainable.
Q.112 What are the common layers in an N-Tier Architecture?
The common layers in an N-Tier Architecture are: Presentation Layer (UI), Application Layer (Business Logic), Business Layer (Domain Logic), Data Access Layer (Data Access), Infrastructure Layer (Utilities, Cross-Cutting Concerns)
Q.113 How do you implement dependency injection in ASP.NET Core?
DI is implemented by registering and injecting services through the built-in container.
Q.114 What is the purpose of the Presentation Layer in N-Tier Architecture?
The Presentation Layer is responsible for user interface components and interaction. It displays data to users and gathers input, forwarding it to the Application Layer for processing.
Q.115 What is the difference between Singleton and Scoped lifetime services in ASP.NET Core DI?
Singleton services have a single instance per application, while Scoped services have one instance per HTTP request.
Q.116 Explain the role of the Application Layer in N-Tier Architecture.
The Application Layer contains business logic that orchestrates interactions between the Presentation Layer and the Business Layer. It coordinates tasks and handles user requests.
Q.117 How do you inject a service into a controller in ASP.NET Core?
Services can be injected into controllers using constructor injection.
Q.118 What functions does the Business Layer serve in N-Tier Architecture?
The Business Layer contains domain-specific logic and rules. It enforces business processes, validates data, and ensures consistency and integrity.
Q.119 What is the purpose of the [ApiController] attribute in ASP.NET Core Web API controllers?
It simplifies the behavior of Web API controllers by enabling features like automatic model validation and response formatting.
Q.120 How does the Data Access Layer fit into N-Tier Architecture?
The Data Access Layer handles communication with data sources, such as databases. It abstracts the underlying data storage technology and provides methods for reading and writing data.
Q.121 How do you return JSON responses in ASP.NET Core Web API controllers?
JSON responses are returned by using the Ok() or ActionResult with the desired object.
Q.122 What is the role of the Infrastructure Layer in N-Tier Architecture?
The Infrastructure Layer contains shared components, utilities, and cross-cutting concerns like logging, caching, and authentication. It supports the other layers without being tied to the specific business logic.
Q.123 How do you handle errors in ASP.NET Core Web API controllers?
Errors are handled by returning appropriate HTTP status codes and error messages in the response.
Q.124 What are the benefits of using N-Tier Architecture in ASP.NET Core?
N-Tier Architecture offers improved maintainability, reusability, testability, and scalability. It also enables parallel development and isolates changes in one layer from affecting others.
Q.125 What is the role of the [ApiController] attribute in ASP.NET Core Web API controllers?
It simplifies the behavior of Web API controllers by enabling features like automatic model validation and response formatting.
Q.126 How can dependency injection be used in N-Tier Architecture?
Dependency Injection (DI) is a key part of N-Tier Architecture. It allows for loose coupling between layers by injecting dependencies (e.g., services, repositories) from higher layers into lower layers, improving separation of concerns.
Q.127 What is Entity Framework Core Code-First approach?
Code-First approach allows you to define your data model using C# classes and generate the database schema from them.
Q.128 Can you explain how N-Tier Architecture supports the SOLID principles?
N-Tier Architecture aligns with SOLID principles: Single Responsibility: Each layer has a distinct role. Open/Closed: New features can be added in a separate layer without modifying existing code. Liskov Substitution: Components can be replaced with derived classes in a layer. Interface Segregation: Interfaces define contracts between layers. Dependency Inversion: High-level layers depend on abstractions, and low-level layers depend on those abstractions.
Q.129 How do you enable authentication for specific actions in ASP.NET Core?
Authentication for specific actions is enabled by using the [Authorize] attribute on those actions.
Q.130 What is the Repository Pattern in ASP.NET Core?
The Repository Pattern is a design pattern that abstracts data access logic from the rest of the application. It provides an interface for accessing data and acts as a bridge between the application and the data storage.
Q.131 What is ASP.NET Core Identity UserManager?
UserManager is a class in ASP.NET Core Identity used for managing user accounts, including creation, deletion, and role management.
Q.132 What problems does the Repository Pattern address?
The Repository Pattern helps in centralizing data access logic, promoting separation of concerns, and providing a consistent way to interact with data sources. It also makes unit testing easier by allowing mock implementations of repositories.
Q.133 How do you secure an API in ASP.NET Core?
API security can be achieved through authentication and authorization using JWT, OAuth, or other mechanisms.
Q.134 How does the Repository Pattern work?
The Repository Pattern defines a set of methods to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on data entities. It encapsulates the actual data access logic, abstracting away the underlying data storage.
Q.135 What is the difference between Entity Framework Core and Entity Framework 6?
Entity Framework Core is cross-platform, lightweight, and designed for .NET Core, while Entity Framework 6 is Windows-only.
Q.136 What are the advantages of using the Repository Pattern in ASP.NET Core?
The Repository Pattern offers improved code organization, better testability, reduced coupling between the application and data access, and the ability to switch data sources without affecting the application code.
Q.137 How do you create and apply migrations in Entity Framework Core?
Migrations are created using the dotnet ef migrations CLI commands and applied using Update-Database in Package Manager Console.
Q.138 How can you implement the Repository Pattern in ASP.NET Core?
To implement the Repository Pattern, you define interfaces for repositories that provide methods to access data. Then, you create concrete implementations of these interfaces that interact with the data storage, such as databases or APIs.
Q.139 What is the purpose of the [Route] attribute in ASP.NET Core?
The [Route] attribute is used to specify the URL route for a controller or action method.
Q.140 What is the purpose of a Unit of Work in conjunction with the Repository Pattern?
A Unit of Work is responsible for tracking changes made to multiple entities and coordinating the saving of these changes to the data storage. It ensures that changes are persisted in a consistent and transactional manner.
Q.141 How do you implement authorization in ASP.NET Core?
Authorization is implemented by using the [Authorize] attribute and specifying roles or policies.
Q.142 How can the Repository Pattern be useful when working with Entity Framework in ASP.NET Core?
The Repository Pattern can provide a custom layer of abstraction over Entity Framework, allowing you to encapsulate data access logic and adapt the repository methods to specific business requirements.
Q.143 What is the use of the [AllowAnonymous] attribute in ASP.NET Core?
[AllowAnonymous] allows unauthenticated access to specific actions or controllers.
Q.144 Can you explain the difference between a generic repository and a specific repository?
A generic repository provides common CRUD operations in a generic manner, suitable for multiple entity types. A specific repository, on the other hand, is tailored to a particular entity type and may include methods specific to that entity's domain.
Q.145 How do you configure and use routing in ASP.NET Core?
Routing is configured in the Startup.cs file using the app.UseEndpoints method and used to map URLs to controllers and actions.
Q.146 What is the relationship between the Repository Pattern and dependency injection in ASP.NET Core?
The Repository Pattern aligns well with dependency injection. Repositories can be injected into the application's services or controllers, making it easy to switch between different implementations or mock repositories for testing.
Q.147 What is the difference between TempData and Session in ASP.NET Core?
TempData stores data for a single request, while Session stores data across multiple requests.
Q.148 Are there any scenarios where the Repository Pattern might not be suitable?
The Repository Pattern might be overkill for small, simple applications or projects where data access is straightforward. In these cases, the built-in data access mechanisms provided by Entity Framework might be sufficient.
Q.149 How do you handle exceptions globally in ASP.NET Core?
Global exception handling can be set up using the app.UseExceptionHandler middleware.
Q.150 What is ASP.NET Core Identity?
ASP.NET Core Identity is a membership system that provides features for user authentication, authorization, and identity management in ASP.NET Core applications. It simplifies user management tasks and supports various authentication methods.
Q.151 What is a Razor Page in ASP.NET Core?
Razor Pages are a page-centric framework for building web applications, allowing you to define both the UI and logic in a single file.
Q.152 What are the key components of ASP.NET Core Identity?
ASP.NET Core Identity consists of user stores (data persistence), user managers (user management operations), and sign-in managers (authentication operations). It also includes authentication middleware and UI templates for user-related actions.
Q.153 How do you enable authentication and authorization in ASP.NET Core?
Authentication and authorization are configured in Startup.cs using services.AddAuthentication and services.AddAuthorization.
Q.154 How do you enable ASP.NET Core Identity in a project?
ASP.NET Core Identity can be enabled in a project by adding the necessary NuGet packages and configuring services in the Startup.cs file. The AddIdentity method sets up identity-related services and options.
Q.155 What is the purpose of the appsettings.json file in ASP.NET Core?
appsettings.json stores configuration settings for an application.
Q.156 What is the purpose of the IdentityDbContext class in ASP.NET Core Identity?
The IdentityDbContext class is used to configure the data storage and schema for ASP.NET Core Identity. It provides a context for storing user-related data, such as users, roles, and claims, in a database.
Q.157 How do you read configuration settings from appsettings.json in ASP.NET Core?
Configuration settings are accessed using the Configuration object.
Q.158 How can you customize user properties in ASP.NET Core Identity?
User properties in ASP.NET Core Identity can be customized by inheriting from the IdentityUser class and adding additional properties or even introducing entirely new entities related to users.
Q.159 What is the use of the [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] attribute in ASP.NET Core?
It helps prevent cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks by validating anti-forgery tokens.
Q.160 What is role-based authorization in ASP.NET Core Identity?
Role-based authorization allows you to restrict access to certain parts of an application based on user roles. Users are assigned roles, and roles are associated with specific permissions or access rights.
Q.161 How do you create a custom authentication middleware in ASP.NET Core?
Custom authentication middleware is created by implementing the AuthenticationMiddleware class.
Q.162 How can you secure controllers and actions using ASP.NET Core Identity?
You can secure controllers and actions by adding the [Authorize] attribute, which restricts access to authenticated users. Additionally, you can use [Authorize(Roles = "RoleName")] to restrict access based on roles.
Q.163 What is the role of the Entity Framework Core DbContext in ASP.NET Core?
DbContext is used for interacting with the database, performing CRUD operations, and managing entity instances.
Q.164 What are claims in ASP.NET Core Identity?
Claims represent a piece of information about a user, stored as a key-value pair. They are used to determine what actions a user is authorized to perform within the application.
Q.165 How do you enable and configure CORS in an ASP.NET Core application?
CORS is enabled and configured using the services.AddCors method in Startup.cs.
Q.166 How can you implement external authentication (social logins) with ASP.NET Core Identity?
ASP.NET Core Identity supports external authentication providers like Google, Facebook, and Twitter. You can configure external providers in the Startup.cs file and create callback routes to handle the authentication process.
Q.167 What is the purpose of the [ApiController] attribute in ASP.NET Core Web API controllers?
The [ApiController] attribute simplifies the behavior of Web API controllers, enabling features like automatic model validation and response formatting.
Q.168 What is two-factor authentication in ASP.NET Core Identity?
Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring users to provide a second form of authentication, usually in addition to their password. This can be a code sent to their phone or email, or a token from an authenticator app.
Q.169 How do you handle errors and exceptions in ASP.NET Core?
Errors and exceptions can be handled using middleware, try-catch blocks, or global error handling filters.
Q.170 What is a Shopping Cart in the context of ASP.NET Core?
A shopping cart is a temporary storage mechanism that allows users to add, modify, and remove products they intend to purchase while browsing an e-commerce website.
Q.171 What is the purpose of the [Authorize(Roles = "RoleName")] attribute in ASP.NET Core?
The [Authorize(Roles = "RoleName")] attribute restricts access to actions or controllers to users with specific roles.
Q.172 How can you implement a Shopping Cart in ASP.NET Core?
To implement a shopping cart, you can use session state or a database to store cart items. You'll need to create models for products and cart items, and then manage operations like adding, updating, and removing items.
Q.173 What is the role of a Cart Controller in ASP.NET Core Shopping Cart implementation?
A Cart Controller handles interactions between the user interface and the shopping cart logic. It typically contains methods for adding, updating, and removing items from the cart.
Q.174 How can you ensure persistence of a user's shopping cart across sessions in ASP.NET Core?
You can use session state or a persistent data store (e.g., database) to store the shopping cart data. In ASP.NET Core, the session state can be configured in the Startup.cs file.
Q.175 How do you calculate the total price of items in a shopping cart in ASP.NET Core?
You calculate the total price by summing up the individual prices of all the items in the cart. You can do this by iterating through the cart items and calculating the product of quantity and price for each item.
Q.176 What is the importance of ViewModel when displaying a shopping cart in a view?
A ViewModel is essential to shape the data you want to display in the cart view. It combines information from the cart items and products to create a model that matches the view's requirements.
Q.177 How can you handle the checkout process in ASP.NET Core Shopping Cart implementation?
The checkout process typically involves collecting user information, confirming the items, and processing the payment. You might integrate with payment gateways or external services to handle payment processing.
Q.178 What are the security considerations when dealing with shopping carts and user data?
Security is critical to protect user data. Implement secure authentication and authorization mechanisms to ensure that only authorized users can access and modify their shopping carts.
Q.179 How can you improve the user experience of a shopping cart in ASP.NET Core?
You can improve the user experience by adding features like real-time updates, product recommendations, saved carts, and a user-friendly interface for managing cart items.
Q.180 Can you explain how to handle inventory management in a shopping cart?
Inventory management ensures that items in the cart are available for purchase. When items are added to the cart, you need to check the inventory to prevent overselling. If an item is out of stock, you can notify the user and update the cart accordingly.
Q.181 What is Order Creation in the context of ASP.NET Core?
Order creation refers to the process of creating and processing orders for products or services in an e-commerce application. It involves capturing user selections, calculating totals, and managing inventory.
Q.182 How can you implement Order Creation in ASP.NET Core?
To implement order creation, you need to gather user-selected items, calculate the order total, manage inventory levels, and store the order details in a database or other data store.
Q.183 What are the key components of an Order Entity in ASP.NET Core?
An Order entity typically includes information such as order number, user/customer details, order date, order status, order items (products/services), and the total amount.
Q.184 How do you calculate the total amount for an order in ASP.NET Core?
The total amount for an order is calculated by summing up the prices of all the ordered items, considering the quantity of each item. This ensures that the user is charged accurately for their selections.
Q.185 How can you manage inventory levels when an order is created in ASP.NET Core?
When an order is created, you need to update the inventory levels of the ordered items. You should check if there's sufficient inventory to fulfill the order and adjust the quantities accordingly.
Q.186 What is the role of a Controller in ASP.NET Core Order Creation?
A Controller handles interactions between the user interface and the order creation logic. It typically contains methods for creating orders, processing payments, and updating order status.
Q.187 How can you ensure data consistency and integrity during order creation in ASP.NET Core?
You can use transactions to ensure that all related database operations (e.g., order creation, inventory updates) either succeed together or fail together, maintaining data consistency and integrity.
Q.188 What is the importance of error handling during order creation in ASP.NET Core?
Error handling is crucial to provide a smooth user experience. If an error occurs during order creation, you should provide informative error messages and gracefully handle exceptions.
Q.189 How can you implement payment processing as part of order creation in ASP.NET Core?
You can integrate with payment gateways or third-party payment services to process payments. This might involve redirecting users to a payment page or handling API callbacks to confirm payment status.
Q.190 Can you explain how to provide order tracking and history for users in ASP.NET Core?
Order tracking and history can be implemented by associating orders with users, allowing them to view their past orders and their current order status. You can create dedicated views or APIs to provide this information.
Q.191 What is Order Management in the context of ASP.NET Core?
Order management involves the process of organizing, tracking, and fulfilling customer orders in an e-commerce application. It encompasses tasks like order creation, processing, status tracking, and inventory management.
Q.192 How can you implement Order Management in ASP.NET Core?
To implement order management, you need to design a system that handles order creation, processing, updates, and tracking. This involves integrating with inventory management, payment processing, and order fulfillment systems.
Q.193 What information is typically stored in an Order Management system in ASP.NET Core?
An Order Management system stores information such as order details (items, quantities, prices), customer information, shipping details, payment information, order status, and timestamps.
Q.194 How can you track the status of an order in ASP.NET Core Order Management?
Order status can be tracked using a status field in the order entity. Common statuses include "Pending," "Processing," "Shipped," and "Delivered." You can update the status based on events like payment confirmation and order fulfillment.
Q.195 What is the role of a Controller in ASP.NET Core Order Management?
A Controller handles interactions between the user interface and the order management logic. It contains methods for retrieving orders, updating order status, and managing order-related actions.
Q.196 How can you manage multiple user roles and permissions in Order Management in ASP.NET Core?
You can use role-based authorization to control access to order management functionalities based on user roles. Different roles might have access to different actions, such as viewing orders, processing orders, or managing inventory.
Q.197 What is the importance of audit logging in ASP.NET Core Order Management?
Audit logging tracks changes made to orders and order-related data. It provides a record of who performed what action and when, which is valuable for troubleshooting and maintaining data integrity.
Q.198 How can you implement batch processing for order updates in ASP.NET Core?
Batch processing can be implemented by creating background tasks or jobs that handle order updates in bulk. This might involve updating order statuses, sending notifications, or performing other batch operations.
Q.199 How can you provide order analytics and reporting in ASP.NET Core Order Management?
You can create reporting features that aggregate and visualize order data. This might include generating sales reports, tracking order trends, and providing insights into customer behavior.
Q.200 Can you explain how to handle returns and refunds in ASP.NET Core Order Management?
Handling returns and refunds involves defining a process for customers to initiate returns, managing return authorization, updating inventory, and processing refunds based on return conditions and policies.
Q.201 What is Tag Helper in ASP.NET Core MVC?
Tag Helpers are a feature in ASP.NET Core MVC that enable server-side code to participate in creating and rendering HTML elements. They enhance code readability and provide a more natural HTML syntax.
Q.202 Explain how Dependency Injection (DI) works in ASP.NET Core MVC.
Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core MVC allows you to inject services and dependencies into your application's components, such as controllers and views. The built-in DI container manages object creation and lifetime.
Q.203 What are Filters in ASP.NET Core MVC?
Filters are attributes that allow you to add behavior to controller actions and other MVC components. They enable tasks like authorization, exception handling, caching, and more, to be applied globally or selectively.
Q.204 What is Model Binding in ASP.NET Core MVC?
Model Binding is the process of mapping HTTP request data to action method parameters. It simplifies data extraction and conversion, making it easy to work with incoming data in controller actions.
Q.205 Explain the concept of Areas in ASP.NET Core MVC.
Areas are used to organize a large MVC application into smaller functional units. Each area contains its own set of controllers, views, models, and other MVC components.
Q.206 What is the purpose of View Components in ASP.NET Core MVC?
View Components provide reusable chunks of UI logic that can be used across multiple views. They are similar to partial views but offer more flexibility and encapsulation.
Q.207 What is Razor Pages in comparison to Razor Views in ASP.NET Core MVC?
Razor Pages is a page-based programming model that simplifies the development of page-focused scenarios. Razor Views are typically associated with controllers and allow for more complex UI construction.
Q.208 How can you implement custom authentication and authorization in ASP.NET Core MVC?
Custom authentication and authorization can be implemented by creating custom authentication schemes, policies, and filters. This allows you to define your own logic for verifying user identities and permissions.
Q.209 Explain the use of Middleware in ASP.NET Core MVC.
Middleware are components that handle requests and responses in the application pipeline. They can perform tasks such as authentication, routing, logging, and more, before passing control to the next component in the pipeline.
Q.210 What are Razor Class Libraries (RCL) in ASP.NET Core MVC?
Razor Class Libraries allow you to package Razor views, Razor Pages, and MVC controllers as reusable components. They're useful for building UI components that can be shared across different applications.
Q.211 What is Database Seeding in ASP.NET Core?
Database seeding involves populating a database with initial data during application startup. It's often used to provide sample or default data for testing and development.
Q.212 How can you implement Database Seeding in ASP.NET Core?
Database seeding can be implemented using the DbContext and the OnModelCreating method to define and insert initial data. This is commonly done using a data seeder class within the ConfigureServices method in Startup.cs.
Q.213 What is Azure Deployment in the context of ASP.NET Core?
Azure Deployment refers to deploying an ASP.NET Core application to the Microsoft Azure cloud platform. This allows the application to be accessible over the internet and hosted in a scalable and managed environment.
Q.214 What are the different ways to deploy an ASP.NET Core application to Azure?
ASP.NET Core applications can be deployed to Azure using various methods, including Azure App Service, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Azure Functions, and Azure Container Instances.
Q.215 How can you deploy an ASP.NET Core application to Azure App Service?
You can deploy to Azure App Service by using tools like Visual Studio, Azure DevOps, or Git deployment. Azure App Service provides a fully managed platform for hosting web applications.
Q.216 What is a Connection String and how is it used in ASP.NET Core for database deployment?
A Connection String is a configuration setting used to specify the location and credentials required to connect to a database. In ASP.NET Core, it's stored in the appsettings.json file and used to establish a connection to the database during deployment.
Q.217 How can you secure sensitive information like Connection Strings when deploying to Azure?
Sensitive information like Connection Strings can be stored in Azure Key Vault and accessed securely by your ASP.NET Core application. This helps in separating configuration from code and enhances security.
Q.218 What is Continuous Deployment in the context of Azure and ASP.NET Core?
Continuous Deployment (CD) automates the deployment process by automatically deploying changes to an application whenever new code is committed to the repository. Azure DevOps and GitHub Actions are common tools for setting up CD pipelines.
Q.219 What is the benefit of using Azure DevOps for ASP.NET Core deployment?
Azure DevOps offers a comprehensive set of tools for building, testing, and deploying applications to Azure. It provides integrated CI/CD pipelines, release management, and monitoring capabilities.
Q.220 How can you monitor and troubleshoot an ASP.NET Core application deployed on Azure?
Azure provides monitoring and diagnostics tools like Application Insights, which can be integrated into your ASP.NET Core application to monitor its performance, detect issues, and troubleshoot errors.
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