
Top 5S Interview Questions

Q.1 What is the primary purpose of 5S?
5S is defined as a housekeeping technique used to establish and maintain a productive and quality environment in an organization.
Q.2 What are the 5 steps of 5S?
The five words in 5S represent the five steps to accomplish this goal. They are sort, set, shine, standardize and sustain.
Q.3 What is sort responsible for?
Sort is responsible to sort through materials, keeping only the essential items needed to complete tasks.
Q.4 What is set in order?
Set in order ensure that all items are organized and each item has a designated place. Organize all the items left in the workplace in a logical way so they make tasks easier for workers to complete.
Q.5 What is shine responsible for?
Sine is responsible to perform proactive efforts to keep workplace areas clean and orderly to ensure purpose-driven work.
Q.6 What is standardize?
Standardize creates a set of standards for both organization and processes. These standards can involve schedules, charts, lists, etc.
Q.7 What is sustain? How is it helpful?
Sustain new practices and conduct audits to maintain discipline. This means the previous four S's must be continued over time. This is achieved by developing a sense of self-discipline in employees who will participate in 5S.
Q.8 Where can 5S be used?
The basic steps of 5S can be applied to any workplace. An office can use 5S to keep supplies organized, as can hospitals and medical clinics.
Q.9 What are the signs of disorganization 5S?

1. Time lost searching for misplaced items for information.

2. Being late for or missing appointments.

3. Missing work deliverables or submitting incomplete or unprofessional work.

4. Not spending time on the most important tasks.

5. Missing work due to stress or preventable workplace injuries.

Q.10 What are the benefits of 5's?

1. Increased Productivity.

2. Improved Safety.

3. Reduction in Waste.

4. Worker Commitment.

Q.11 How do you do a 5S audit?

1. Visualize the work area.

2. Look for waste.

3. Look for the root cause of every problem.

4. Develop standards.

5. Repeat the process.

Q.12 What is meant by 5S audit?
The 5S audit check or 5S Organization Checklists is the system that is used to make sure that workers follow all the standard housekeeping procedures.
Q.13 Who is the founder of 5S?
5S originated with Japanese inventor Sakichi Toyoda.
Q.14 What is 5S theory?
5S is defined as a methodology that results in a workplace that is clean, uncluttered, safe, and well organized to help reduce waste and optimize productivity.
Q.15 Why did the 5S fail?
5S is a valuable tool, and it is implemented with success in many factories in Japan. The failures that can be seen in the US and Europe are due to misunderstandings, translation errors, and wrong decisions.
Q.16 What are the 7 Mudas?
The seven wastes are Transportation, Inventory, Motion, Waiting, Overproduction, Overprocessing and Defects. They are often referred to by the acronym 'TIMWOOD'.
Q.17 Expand TIMWOOD?
TIMWOOD stands for Transportation, Inventory, Motion, Waiting, Overproduction, Overprocessing and Defects.
Q.18 What does Muda mean?
Muda means wastefulness, uselessness and futility, which is contradicting value-addition.
Q.19 Why is overproduction a waste?
Producing more of a product than can be consumed at the time creates the waste of overproduction.
Q.20 How transportation led to waste?
This type of waste is when you move resources (materials), and the movement doesn’t add value to the product.
Q.21 Explain Motion as a waste produce?
This kind of waste includes movements of employees, which are complicated and unnecessary. They can cause injuries, extended production time, and more.
Q.22 Which lean technique is used to eliminate waste?
Process mapping is a lean waste elimination tool that helps define an optimized workflow that can eliminate over processing.
Q.23 What are the steps for effective waste elimination?

1. Make Your Production Green.

2. Employ Super Heroes.

3. Use Mapping Tools To Root Out Bottlenecks.

4. Find Equilibrium.

5. Change Early, Change Often.

Q.24 What are the 8 lean tools?

1. 5S.

2. Kaizen.

3. Kanban.

4. Value Stream Mapping.

5. Visual Factory.

6. SMART Goals.

7. Gemba.

8. Muda.

Q.25 What is muda type?

The three types are

  • Muda (waste)
  • Mura (unevenness)
  • Muri (overburden)
Q.26 Sort is used to resolve which type of problems?

1. Tools and materials impeding workflow

2. Wasted time looking for parts, tools, and products

3. Stockpiling unnecessary and expensive inventory

4. Safety hazards resulting from clutter

Q.27 How is Set in Order useful. Explain?

1. Eliminate unnecessary items

2. Take before and after photographs

3. Label items and workplace with new Set in Order organization

4. Find the true use for each item in order to choose its new placement

5. Make a list of the items and their new locations until employees get used to the new set up

Q.28 Why does 5S fail sometimes?

Understanding why 5S sometimes fails is something that all companies should learn before beginning their implementation, so they can take steps to avoid common problems. The following are some of the most common reasons why 5S sometimes fails in a company.

  • Failing to Get Initial Buy In
  • Cost Savings are Not Tracked
  • Lack of Direction
Q.29 List the key features of set in order?

1. Arrange items for convenience when using.

2. Eliminate wasting time looking for certain tools and items.

3. Simplify the work process by making it easier to find necessary tools.

4. Create a plan to help the workplace stay in this new organization.

5. Organize items based on their frequency of use and proximity to where they are used.

Q.30 Is Eliminating Waste a Priority?

For most workplaces waste is a big problem that drives up costs. Whether the waste is in the form of excess materials that have to be disposed of, or products that are created with defects, or some other form of waste, it is important to get rid of it. 5S is set up to eliminate this type of waste by improving processes and minimizing defects.

Q.31 What are 5S red tags?

5S red tags are a simple product that can really help to ‘make or break’ the whole system. They are specifically used for the sort process in the 5S program. When employees sort through items in an area, they will use red tags to classify them. Anything that is not needed in a specific area will be red tagged so that it can be moved to a ‘red tag holding area.’

Q.32 Shine Step Allows Companies to Inspect and Improve. How?
Shine helps companies prevent a multitude of problems down the line or detect simple maintenances they had been missing before. It increases productivity and enhances workplace quality, allowing for the company to perform at top efficiency and have a sense of security towards the future.
Q.33 List the 3 parts of the Standardize stage of 5S?
This stage has three parts: integrating 5S needs, maintaining a schedule of tasks, and tracking results.
Q.34 What does standardize stage includes?

1. Create a schedule of tasks and timelines in which they will be completed

2. Include daily, weekly, monthly, and semi-annual tasks

3. Implement schedule with each employee so they aid in the standardization

4. Track implementation of the schedule 5. Audit results from 5S steps 1-4

Q.35 What does the Standardize to do list do?
1. Check that first three S’s were completed correctly 2. Create a space where the standardize lists you’ve created can be displayed 3. Include red tag procedures and holding area rules in addition to just cleaning duties and schedules 4. Give feedback during auditing of standardization
Q.36 List the Characteristics of the Sustain?

1. 5S becomes routine and embedded

2. Regular monitoring and auditing of 5S

3. Training employees on 5S and how to uphold it

4. Goal setting and feedback begins

5. Encouraging self-discipline and monitoring among employees

Q.37 List some examples of training materials?

1. Seminars

2. Inspections

3. Feedback meetings

4. Newsletter/email blasts

5. 5S events

6. Posters

Q.38 What are some example of 5S strategies?

1. 6S.

2. Lockout Tagout (20)

3. Equipment Labeling.

4. Facility Marking.

5. Organized Workplace.

Q.39 What is PDCA?
PDCA stands for Plan-Do-Check-Act. It is an iterative design and management method used in business for the control and continuous improvement of processes and products.
Q.40 What is the purpose of PDCA?
PDCA is a method used in companies of all sizes to improve and optimize management by continuously controlling activities and the production process.
Q.41 What are the 3 pillars of kaizen?

1. Housekeeping.

2. Elimination of Waste.

3. Standardization.

Q.42 What are the five lean principles according to Womack and Jones?
According to Womack and Jones, there are five key lean principles: value, value stream, flow, pull, and perfection.
Q.43 What is the final step of 5S implementation?
Shitsuke is the fifth and final step of the 5S method. It means "sustain" or "sustained discipline".
Q.44 What are the 3 types of audits?

There are three main types of audits:

  • external audits,
  • internal audits,
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audits.
Q.45 What are the four steps in the PDCA cycle?

1. PDCA Cycle is a simple and scientific way for problem-solving and process improvement.

2. PDCA Cycle involves four key steps: Plan, Do, Check and Act.

3. PDCA works slightly differently from Deming Cycle, Shewhart Cycle, and PDSA.

4. PDCA Cycle is a never-ending process that can be used on a continual basis.

Q.46 What are the stages of Deming cycle?
The Deming cycle is a continuous quality improvement model which consists of a logical sequence of four key stages: Plan, Do, Study, and Act.
Q.47 What is PDSA cycle in quality improvement?
The PDSA cycle is used for testing a change by developing a plan to test the change, carrying out the test, observing and learning from the consequences, and determining what modifications should be made to the test.
Q.48 What is full from of ISO?
ISO stands for International Organization for Standardization.
Q.49 What are the signs of disorganization 5S?

1. Time lost searching for misplaced items for information.

2. Being late for or missing appointments.

3. Missing work deliverables or submitting incomplete or unprofessional work.

4. Not spending time on the most important tasks.

5. Missing work due to stress or preventable workplace injuries.

Q.50 How does 5S improve safety in your home?
This is possible with standardizing processes that will ensure everything is done the same way every time. This will reduce the risk of malfunctions, accidents, and other issues.
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