Six Sigma Yellow Belt

Are you are fresher looking to build your profile in quality management? Here we have listed all the important question and answers that can be asked in the interview.

Q.1 What is a good Six Sigma score?
From a quality perspective, Six Sigma is defined as 3.4 defects per million opportunities. If company is able to achieve this then it is considered to be a good score.
Q.2 What are the 5 steps of the Six Sigma improvement model?
Six Sigma consists of five basic phases: Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control. This process is also known as DMAIC.
Q.3 What are various Six Sigma tools?
Here are some Six Sigma tools
1. The 5S System
2. Value Stream Mapping. 
3. Regression Analysis. 
4. Pareto Chart. 
5. FMEA. 
6. Kaizen (Continuous Improvement) 
7. Poka-yoke (Mistake Proofing)
Q.4 What are the 5 s in Six Sigma?
5S was originally a Japanese organization method composed of the following terms: 1. seiri: sort 2. seiton: set 3. seiso: shine 4. seiketsu: standardize 5. shitsuke: sustain
Q.5 What is 6s in Six Sigma?
6S is a modification of the 5S methodology which includes "Safety" as the 6th term.
Q.6 How is Six Sigma calculated?
six sigma calculate the defects per opportunity (DPO) by dividing the total number of defects by the total number of units, times the number of opportunities for error per unit. Then multiply DPO by 1,000,000 to determine DPMO.
Q.7 What is Six Sigma technique used for?
Six Sigma is a kind of quality-control technique. It emphasizes cycle-time improvement while at the same time decreasing manufacturing defects to a level of no more than 3.4 occurrences per million units or events.
Q.8 Mention the Six Sigma tools.
  • Value-Stream Mapping.
  • Kanban System.
  • The 5 Whys.
  • Cause-and-Effect Analysis.
  • Pareto Chart.
  • Project Charter.
  • Process Mapping.
  • RACI Matrix.
Q.9 What do you understand by operations management?
Operations management is a business function that is responsible for managing the process of creation of goods and services. It includes planning, coordinating, organizing and controlling all the resources required to produce the goods and services of a company.
Q.10 When should we use Six Sigma?
Six Sigma should be used when there is a requirement to define an unknown cause or situation and when issues are not defined well.
Q.11 What are the types of teams?
There are four common team types namely: functional, cross-functional, virtual, and self-directed.
Q.12 What do you mean by team communication?
Team communication forms the basis of team collaboration. In order to work together, one needs to communicate. To work together well, one has to ensure the team communication is stellar.
Q.13 Which industries use Six Sigma?
Six Sigma has a key role in manufacturing and improvement Industry. Most of the industries focus on producing raw material useful to make other things.
Q.14 What are the levels of Six Sigma?
The six steps of the Six Sigma process are defining, measuring, analysing improve, controlling, improve (DMAIC) for finding and fixing defects in a process.
Q.15 What are the tools of operations management?
There are various operations management tools like Six Sigma or DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control) which are used to overhaul and enhance operations in an organisation.
Q.16 Mention the nine team roles.
  • The Monitor Evaluator
  • The Plant
  • The Specialist
  • The Shaper
  • The Completer
  • The Implementer
  • The Team Worker
  • The Coordinator
Q.17 Explain the define phase of Six Sigma.
The define phase is the first step of the Lean Six Sigma improvement process. The project team creates a Project Charter in this phase that is a high-level map of the process and begins to understand the requirements of the customers of the process.
Q.18 How is Six Sigma useful?
Six Sigma helps in enhancing the quality of the final products by finding and eliminating the causes of errors and decreasing variance in manufacturing processes.
Q.19 Define a project charter.
A project charter is basically a short formal document that describes the project including what are the objectives and how will it be carried out, and who are the stakeholders. Moreover, it is an important ingredient in the planning of a project as it is used throughout the project lifecycle.
Q.20 Is there any disadvantage of Six Sigma?
Since, Six Sigma is applied to all the aspects of the production as well as planning process, therefore, it may create rigidity and bureaucracy that may generate delays and stifle creativity.
Q.21 What is the significance of communication skills in team management?
Good communication helps in keeping the conflicts and confusion from bogging a project down by making sure that key players are aligned on the goals of a project and know exactly what is expected of them. Moreover, it helps in building team-wide trust so that everyone works better as a team from the start to the finishing of that project.
Q.22 What are network diagrams?
PDM network diagrams usually find their use in project management and are an efficient alternative to ADMs. In this diagramming method for making network diagrams, each box represents an activity, with the arrows showing relationships between the different activities.
Q.23 Define communication management.
Communication management is a set of phases or processes that help in ensuring that the right messages are sent, received, and understood by the right people.
Q.24 What is Sigma metric?
Sigma metrics is the evolution of total quality management with a better quantitative assessment of process performance and refined goals for process improvement.
Q.25 What are the characteristics of good primary metrics?
Primary metrics are to be tied to the problem statement. They should be measureable and must be expressed with an equation.
Q.26 What is the importance of metrics?
Well-organized metrics are essential as they help to identify areas where a process can be improved in a better way. Moreover, detailed metrics can help measure the effectiveness of Lean Six Sigma initiatives.
Q.27 What is a secondary metric?
A secondary metric is a project metric that one does not want to sacrifice at the expense of primary improvements in a process.
Q.28 What do you understand by the term project?
A project basically has a predefined beginning and ending time along with defined scope and resources. Besides, it is not just a routine operation, but a particular set of operations framed in order to fulfill a single goal.
Q.29 What do you mean by project cycle management?
Project management life cycle is basically a framework that consists of a set of distinct high-level levels for transform an idea of concept into reality in an efficient manner.
Q.30 Describe the planning phase of project management.
Well, during the planning phase of the project management life cycle, one breaks down the bigger project into smaller tasks, builds their team, and prepares a schedule for the completion of assignments.
Q.31 What are the objectives of a project?
Firstly, function or performance Secondly, containment of expenditure within budget Thirdly, time scale
Q.32 Name the quality tools of project management.
There are around seven basic quality tools for use in both the quality management plan and control quality processes. They are: histograms, cause-and-effect diagrams, flowcharts, Pareto diagrams, check sheets, control charts, and scatter diagrams.
Q.33 What are the principles of Six Sigma?

1. Focus on the customer.

2. Understand how work happens.

3. Make the processes flow smoothly.

4. Reduce waste and concentrate on value.

5. Stop defects by eliminating variation.

6. Get buy-in from the team via collaboration.

7. Make systematic and scientific efforts.

Q.34 What does CBA stand for?
CBA stands for cost-benefit analysis. This is the process of measuring the benefits of a decision or taking action minus the costs corresponding to that action
Q.35 What are the parts of cost benefit analysis?
The two parts of cost-benefit analysis are knowing the cost and measuring the benefit by that cost.
Q.36 Mention the types of cost analysis.
Cost allocation, and cost-benefit analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis represent a continuum of types of cost analysis that may have a place in program evaluation.
Q.37 What are the types of cost?
Costs are mainly of four types including direct, indirect, fixed, and variable.
Q.38 What do you mean by a cost analysis tool?
A cost analysis tool is nothing but a different name for a cost analysis. This is a process that a company can use to analyze decisions or potential projects so as to determine its value before they pursue it.
Q.39 Describe the role of a stakeholder.
Stakeholder has the rights to make legal decisions and control project scheduling and budgetary issues. Moreover, most of the project stakeholders are responsible for businesses that include educating developers, creating scheduling parameters, financing projects, and setting milestone dates.
Q.40 What are the types of stakeholders?
Stakeholders are inclusive of Customers, Investors, Employees, Suppliers and Vendors, Communities ,and Governments
Q.41 What is reserve analysis?
Well, reserve analysis is among the most common techniques used to determine the budget of a project. During reserve analysis, a project is analyzed from a cost overrun point of view, and buffers are placed in the relevant place. Hence, these buffers are known as contingency and management reserves.
Q.42 What is SPC?
SPC refers to the Statistical Process Control tool for Six Sigma initiatives. This is a control chart that is the graphical tracking of a process input or an output over time.
Q.43 What is the Dmaic model?
DMAIC stands for define, measure, analyze, improve, and control. This is a data-driven quality strategy used to improve processes.
Q.44 What is the Kaizen methodology?
Kaizen methodology is basically an approach that pushes forward the continuous improvement in an organization on the basis of constant positive changes that may result in major significant growth.
Q.45 What are the elements of Kaizen?

The 5 elements of Kaizen approach are:

1. teamwork

2. personal discipline

3. improved morale

4. quality circles

5. suggestions for improvement

Q.46 Mention the pillars of Kaizen.

The 3 pillars of Kaizen are:

  • Housekeeping
  • Elimination of Waste
  • Standardization
Q.47 What is 5S?
5S has been derived from the philosophy of "kaizen". This means "continuous improvement". It stands for the 5 steps of this technique: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize and Sustain.
Q.48 What are the principles of Kaizen?

Kaizen's principles include:

  • Defects
  • Excess processing
  • Overproduction
  • Waiting
Q.49 What is Kaizen Blitz?
A Kaizen Blitz is an intensive approach towards process improvement. Each tool incorporates brainstorming, team empowerment, and problem solving to make improvements to a particular product or portions of a process quickly.
Q.50 What is the PDCA cycle?
The Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle refers to a four-step problem-solving iterative method that is used to improve business processes.
Q.51 What is the root cause analysis?
Root cause analysis is the procedure of discovering the root causes of problems so as to identify adequate solutions. It assumes that it is much more effective to systematically prevent and solve for underlying issues instead of just treating ad hoc symptoms and putting out fires.
Q.52 What are RCA tools?
Root Cause Analysis tools are the methods that are used in quality management and continuous improvement for identifying and solving a given problem.
Q.53 Which is the most popular tool for process analysis?
One of the most popular tools for process analysis is a flowchart.
Q.54 What is the use of control charts?
Control charts give a clear way of evaluating and talking about process behavior as well as performance to the leaders. They also help managers in making good decisions about which processes are stable and which need attention and improvement.
Q.55 What are the types of control charts?

The three types of control charts are:

  • Xbar and Range Chart
  • Xbar and Standard Deviation Chart
  • Individual-X Moving Range Chart
Q.56 What is regression analysis?
Regression analysis includes the identification of the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables.
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