
You must heard of Blockchain technology. Blockchain is basically a technology that underpins digital currency (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and the like). So wanting to become a Blockchain expert, checkout these interview questions.

Q.1 What are blocks in the blockchain technology?
Blockchain primarily gives information about all the financial transactions. We can define block as a list of records, such that when these lists are combined with each other, they are referred as blockchain. For instance an organization has 50 ledger books such that the combination of which is referred as Blockchain and a single ledger would be referred as a block.
Q.2 Can we remove one or more block from the networks, in a Blockchain?
Yes, we can remove one or more block from the networks, in a Blockchain. At times only a specific portion of this online ledger is required to be considered. Therefore with the help of default options and filters, this can done without a lot of efforts.
Q.3 What is your understanding of Blockchain?
Blockchain is a technology that was initially designed for the Bitcoin which later got a lot of appreciation and acceptance due to an array of benefits it brings when it comes to monitoring and recording all the financial transactions made on a network. Blockchain is considered as a trusted methodology being used by a lot of organizations at present since everything is secure, and since it is an open source approach, it can be trusted for long run.
Q.4 How are blocks recognized in the Blockchain approach?
Every block in the online ledger consists of a hash pointer which acts as a link to the block which is prior to it, transaction data and in fact a stamp of time.
Q.5 What is security of a block?
As we all may know that a block cannot be modified by all the users on a network. Due to which it offers an excellent level of security. Additionally every block is secured using cryptography that is another vote in this matter. Therefore one needs not to worry about the safety as well as the security of data present in a block.
Q.6 What are the network specific conditions required for using Blockchain technology in an organization?
There are pre-defined condition for using blockchain technology in an organization. However, the network must be a peer-to-peer network under the concerned protocols. This helps to validate the new block easily and also helps organizations to keep pace in this matter without investing further in third-party applications.
Q.7 How can we possibly modify data once it is written in a block?
It is not possible to modify data once it is written in a block. Such that if in case any modification is required, then the organization need to erase the information from all other blocks as well. Due to this reason data must be entered very carefully while using this approach.
Q.8 What kind of records are maintained in Blockchain?
At present there is no restriction on keeping any kind of records in the Blockchain approach. At present a lot of organizations across the world are using the Blockchain approach with records of medical transactions, events related to organizations, management activities, transaction processing, identity management, together with any generic type of records as well. Also remember record keeping is not just limited to these applications only.
Q.9 List the different types of blockchain technology/ledger.
As we may all know Bitcoin is one of the public blockchain which is truly decentralized in nature. The other kind of blockchain/ledger are -
1. Public blockchain
2. Private blockchain
3. Consortium or Federated blockchain
Q.10 What do you understand by public blockchain?
Public blockchain is public in nature which is completely decentralized such that anyone can read, write and join. In public blockchain no central authority controls the blockchain. The data can be validated as data once are written cannot be altered. Some examples of public blockchains are - Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Q.11 What do you understand by Secret Sharing?
We all know that security id one of the biggest concern in digital transactions. The Secret sharing approach is used for the same. Secret Sharing in Blockchain technology is an approach which divides secret or personal information into different units and then sends them to the users on the network. Such that the original information can only be shared when a participant to whom a share of the secret is allocated asks to combine them together with others.
Q.12 List the steps involved in the implementation of Blockchain project?
The process of implementing Blockchain Project involves the following steps -
1. Requirement identification
2. Screen ideas consideration
3. Project development for Blockchain
4. Feasible study on the security
5. Implementation
6. Controlling and monitoring the project
Q.13 What according to you are the benefits of Blockchain technology?
The benefits of blockchain include -
1. Blockchain encourages secure online transactions which is one of its biggest benefits.
2. Blockchain Technology does not permit alteration of records since it a distributed and decentralized ledger that keeps a close eye on all the transaction records . This enhances security.
3. Additionally participants and the business owners can always ensure of IOS cost auditing at the end.
Every block or unit can be transferred only once which eliminates the double spending problem.
Q.14 What are the types of records present in the blockchain database?
Blockchain Database has two types of records namely - Block records and Transactional records. Such that both these records can easily be accessed and it is possible to integrate them together without following complex algorithms.
Q.15 List the important principles in Blockchain which are used in eliminating the security threats that are required to be followed?
Some of the principles that are required to be followed with reference to time are -
1. Auditing
2. Securing applications
3. Securing testing and similar approaches
4. Database security
5. Continuity planning
6. Digital workforce training

All these principles are helpful in making the transactions records useful.
Q.16 What do you understand by security policy?
Security policy in blockchain describes what exactly is required to be secured on a system. Security policy bounds a network user under some core protocols which all must agree and follow to enhance the overall security. Therefore when it comes to information or financial records of an organization, multiple security policies are implemented.
Q.17 How can we handle risk management in order to secure the transactions records?
Risk management is a process of locating the threats and all the vulnerabilities to the financial records of an organization. One of the best approach is to take the right counter measures against them immediately. Second approach is to pay attention to a back-up plan. Therefore depending on the value of information, more approaches such as buying new risk management software can simply be considered. The prime risk to information is from black-hat hackers.
Q.18 What are the common type of ledgers which are considered by users in Blockchain?
common type of ledgers which are considered by users in Blockchain are -

1. Centralized Ledgers
2. Decentralized Ledgers
3 .Distributed Ledgers
Q.19 What are the points of difference between a blockchain ledger and an ordinary one?
Some of the point of differences are -
1. Prime difference is Blockchain is that it is a digital ledger that can be decentralized very easily which cannot be done in an ordinary ledger.
2. Chances of error in this approach are far less than that in an ordinary ledger.
3. In an ordinary ledger everything is prepared with hands or with human efforts while the Blockchain performs all its tasks automatically. It only required to be configured in a proper manner and by following all the guidelines.
Q.20 Why is blockchain considered a trusted approach?
Some of the reasons to consider Blockchain as a trusted approach are -
1. Its compatibility with other business applications due to its open-source nature.
2. Since all the transactions happen online, the developers have paid special attention to keeping up the pace when it comes to its security.
3. The type of business really doesn’t matter and the type of business someone owns, Blockchain can easily be considered.
Q.21 Name the two types of records that are present in the blockchain database?
These records are block records and transactional records. Both these records can easily be accessed, and the best thing is, it is possible to integrate them with each other without following the complex algorithms.
Q.22 What is Blockchain technology, and how does it work?
Blockchain is a decentralized, distributed ledger that records transactions across multiple computers, ensuring transparency and security.
Q.23 What are the key components of a Blockchain network?
Components include nodes (computers), transactions, blocks (containers for transactions), and consensus mechanisms.
Q.24 Can you explain the concept of "decentralization" in Blockchain and its significance?
Decentralization means there's no central authority; data is stored and verified across a network of nodes, enhancing security and trust.
Q.25 What is a "cryptocurrency," and how does it relate to Blockchain technology?
A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. Many cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin, are built on Blockchain technology.
Q.26 What is a "smart contract," and how does it function within a Blockchain network?
A smart contract is a self-executing contract with predefined rules. It automatically enforces and executes agreements when certain conditions are met.
Q.27 What is "consensus mechanism," and why is it essential in Blockchain networks?
Consensus mechanisms are rules used to achieve agreement on the state of the Blockchain. They ensure the validity of transactions and prevent fraud.
Q.28 How does Blockchain ensure data integrity and security, especially in financial transactions?
Data integrity is ensured through cryptographic hashing and the decentralized nature of the network, making it highly resistant to tampering.
Q.29 Can you explain the difference between public and private Blockchains, and provide examples of each?
Public Blockchains are open to anyone (e.g., Bitcoin), while private Blockchains are restricted to a specific group or organization (e.g., Hyperledger Fabric).
Q.30 What are some potential use cases for Blockchain technology beyond cryptocurrencies?
Use cases include supply chain management, voting systems, healthcare records, and intellectual property protection.
Q.31 How does Blockchain handle scalability challenges, and what are some proposed solutions?
Scalability issues are addressed through techniques like sharding, sidechains, and off-chain transactions to increase transaction throughput.
Q.32 What is a "fork" in the context of Blockchain, and how does it impact the network?
A fork is a divergence in the Blockchain's protocol. It can be a hard fork (creating a new chain) or a soft fork (backward-compatible).
Q.33 How do you ensure the privacy of data on a Blockchain network, especially in applications involving sensitive information?
Privacy is maintained using techniques like zero-knowledge proofs and private/permissioned Blockchains.
Q.34 What are the energy consumption challenges associated with Proof of Work (PoW) Blockchain networks like Bitcoin?
PoW networks require extensive computational power, leading to high energy consumption. This has raised environmental concerns.
Q.35 Can you explain the concept of "immutable ledger" in Blockchain, and why is it significant?
An immutable ledger means once data is recorded, it cannot be altered or deleted. This ensures trust and transparency in the Blockchain.
Q.36 What is the difference between a Blockchain and a traditional database, and when is Blockchain a better choice?
Blockchain is decentralized, tamper-resistant, and suitable for applications where trust and transparency are paramount, whereas traditional databases are centralized and more efficient for certain tasks.
Q.37 How are new blocks added to a Blockchain, and what is the role of miners in this process?
Miners validate transactions, solve complex mathematical puzzles (Proof of Work), and add new blocks to the Blockchain in a process known as mining.
Q.38 What is the role of a "public key" and a "private key" in Blockchain transactions?
A public key is used to generate a wallet address, while the private key is kept secret and used to sign transactions, providing ownership and security.
Q.39 Can you explain the concept of "tokenization" in Blockchain, and how are digital assets represented on the Blockchain?
Tokenization is the process of representing real-world assets (e.g., real estate or stocks) as digital tokens on the Blockchain.
Q.40 How does Blockchain technology enable transparency and traceability in supply chain management?
Blockchain records every step of a product's journey, providing a transparent and auditable history, reducing fraud, and ensuring product quality.
Q.41 What are the limitations and challenges of Blockchain technology that organizations should consider before adopting it?
Limitations include scalability, energy consumption, regulatory concerns, and the need for skilled developers.
Q.42 What is a "51% attack" in Blockchain, and how does it affect the security of the network?
A 51% attack occurs when an entity controls the majority of a network's computational power, potentially enabling them to manipulate transactions.
Q.43 How does Blockchain technology impact the financial sector, and what benefits does it offer in terms of reducing fraud and increasing efficiency?
Blockchain simplifies cross-border payments, reduces fraud, and enables faster, more transparent transactions in the financial sector.
Q.44 What are the potential legal and regulatory challenges surrounding Blockchain and cryptocurrencies, and how can organizations navigate them?
Challenges include tax regulations, anti-money laundering (AML) laws, and securities regulations. Organizations should seek legal counsel and compliance solutions.
Q.45 How can Blockchain be used to improve identity verification and data security in digital identity systems?
Blockchain can provide individuals with control over their personal data and enable secure, immutable identity verification.
Q.46 What is the role of "tokens" in Blockchain-based applications, and how do they represent value or utility within the ecosystem?
Tokens can represent ownership rights, access to services, or voting power within a Blockchain network's ecosystem.
Q.47 Can you explain the concept of "cross-border remittances" and how Blockchain can simplify and reduce the costs of international money transfers?
Cross-border remittances involve sending money across borders. Blockchain technology can streamline this process by eliminating intermediaries and reducing fees.
Q.48 How does Blockchain contribute to increased transparency and fairness in digital advertising and content monetization?
Blockchain allows transparent tracking of ad impressions, preventing fraud and ensuring fair compensation for content creators.
Q.49 What are some notable examples of successful Blockchain projects or applications in various industries?
Examples include Ethereum (smart contracts), VeChain (supply chain management), and Chainlink (decentralized oracle network).
Q.50 What is the role of "digital wallets" in Blockchain transactions, and how do they store and manage cryptocurrencies?
Digital wallets store private keys, enabling users to send, receive, and manage cryptocurrencies securely.
Q.51 How can organizations ensure the security of their Blockchain networks and protect against vulnerabilities and cyberattacks?
Security measures include regular audits, consensus mechanism selection, and adherence to best practices like multi-signature wallets.
Q.52 What is the difference between a "permissioned" and a "permissionless" Blockchain network, and when would you use each type?
Permissionless Blockchains (e.g., Bitcoin) are open to anyone, while permissioned Blockchains (e.g., Hyperledger Fabric) restrict access to authorized participants. Use cases vary based on trust requirements.
Q.53 How does Blockchain technology address the issue of double-spending in digital currencies, and why is it crucial for the integrity of a cryptocurrency?
Blockchain prevents double-spending by recording and verifying every transaction in a public ledger, ensuring that the same funds aren't used twice.
Q.54 What are some common consensus mechanisms used in Blockchain networks, and how do they achieve agreement among network participants?
Common mechanisms include Proof of Work (PoW), Proof of Stake (PoS), and Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS). They achieve agreement by different means, such as computational power or stake ownership.
Q.55 Can you explain the concept of "hashing" in Blockchain, and how is it used to secure data and transactions?
Hashing is a one-way function that converts data into a fixed-size string of characters. It ensures data integrity and security by creating a unique fingerprint for each piece of data.
Q.56 How do "private keys" and "public keys" work together to facilitate secure transactions in a Blockchain network?
A private key is used to sign transactions, while a public key is used to generate an address. Together, they enable secure ownership and transaction verification.
Q.57 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a public Blockchain like Ethereum for building decentralized applications (DApps)?
Advantages include a large user base and security through decentralization. Disadvantages include scalability issues and transaction fees.
Q.58 Can you explain the concept of "token standards" in Blockchain, such as ERC-20, and how they enable interoperability among different tokens and DApps?
Token standards define rules and standards for creating and managing tokens on a Blockchain platform. ERC-20, for example, standardizes the creation of fungible tokens.
Q.59 How does Blockchain technology enable provenance tracking in supply chain management, and why is this valuable for consumers and businesses?
Blockchain records the origin and history of products, providing transparency and ensuring the authenticity of goods. This benefits both consumers and businesses.
Q.60 What are the primary security risks associated with Blockchain technology, and how can organizations mitigate these risks?
Risks include 51% attacks, smart contract vulnerabilities, and wallet breaches. Mitigation strategies involve code audits, secure development practices, and regular updates.
Q.61 How do "hard forks" and "soft forks" impact the Blockchain network, and what is their role in implementing upgrades or changes to the protocol?
Hard forks create a new, incompatible chain, while soft forks are backward-compatible. They're used to implement protocol upgrades or changes in consensus rules.
Q.62 How does Blockchain technology address the issue of trust in situations where parties may not trust each other, such as in cross-border trade?
Blockchain's transparency and consensus mechanisms eliminate the need for intermediaries, increasing trust among parties.
Q.63 What are some potential security vulnerabilities in smart contracts, and how can developers prevent and address these vulnerabilities?
Vulnerabilities include reentrancy attacks and unchecked external calls. Developers can use best practices, code audits, and formal verification to prevent and address these issues.
Q.64 Can you explain the concept of "Blockchain as a Service" (BaaS) and how it simplifies the development and deployment of Blockchain applications for businesses?
BaaS platforms offer pre-configured Blockchain networks and services, reducing the technical complexities of setting up and maintaining a Blockchain.
Q.65 How does Blockchain contribute to data privacy in healthcare by allowing patients to control access to their medical records?
Blockchain enables patients to grant and revoke access to their medical data through decentralized identity management, enhancing data privacy.
Q.66 What is the role of "nodes" in a Blockchain network, and what types of nodes exist in a typical Blockchain ecosystem?
Nodes are computers that participate in validating and maintaining the Blockchain. Types include full nodes, mining nodes, and light nodes (SPV nodes).
Q.67 How do Blockchain networks achieve "immutability," and why is this a fundamental property of Blockchains?
Immutability is achieved through cryptographic hashing and consensus mechanisms, ensuring that once data is added, it cannot be altered or deleted without consensus.
Q.68 What are the potential environmental concerns associated with Proof of Work (PoW) Blockchains, and how do Proof of Stake (PoS) and other consensus mechanisms address these concerns?
PoW Blockchains consume significant energy due to mining. PoS and other mechanisms, which don't rely on energy-intensive mining, offer more eco-friendly alternatives.
Q.69 How do Blockchain-based digital identities enhance security and privacy compared to traditional centralized identity systems?
Blockchain-based identities provide individuals with greater control over their personal information and reduce the risk of data breaches.
Q.70 Can you explain the concept of "interoperability" in the context of Blockchain networks and how it enables communication between different Blockchains?
Interoperability allows different Blockchains to communicate and share data, facilitating cross-chain transactions and interactions.
Q.71 How does Blockchain technology improve the efficiency and transparency of the voting process in elections or referendums?
Blockchain ensures that votes are secure, transparent, and tamper-proof, reducing the risk of fraud and providing verifiable election results.
Q.72 How can organizations implement private Blockchains for internal use cases, such as supply chain management, and what are the advantages of doing so?
Organizations can set up private Blockchains with restricted access, offering control, privacy, and security for internal operations.
Q.73 What are some examples of real-world projects or companies that have successfully implemented Blockchain solutions to solve specific problems?
Examples include IBM's Food Trust for food traceability and Everledger for tracking diamonds.
Q.74 How can organizations ensure the legal compliance of their Blockchain-based projects, considering varying regulations in different regions?
Compliance involves working with legal experts, conducting regulatory assessments, and staying informed about evolving laws.
Q.75 How do you see the future of Blockchain technology evolving, and what potential innovations or developments are you excited about?
The future may see increased scalability, improved consensus mechanisms, and broader adoption in industries like finance and healthcare.
Q.76 What are the factors that influence the choice of a Blockchain platform or protocol for a specific project, and how do you assess which one is the most suitable?
Factors include scalability, consensus mechanism, use case requirements, and community support. An assessment should consider these factors.
Q.77 What is a "merkle tree" in Blockchain, and how does it contribute to the efficiency and integrity of the system?
A merkle tree is a hierarchical data structure that verifies the integrity of data in blocks efficiently by using hashes of individual transactions.
Q.78 How does "proof of authority" (PoA) differ from "proof of work" (PoW) and "proof of stake" (PoS) as a consensus mechanism in Blockchain networks?
PoA relies on trusted validators rather than computational power or ownership of tokens to secure the network.
Q.79 Can you explain the concept of "hardened security" in the context of Blockchain wallets and keys?
Hardened security involves adding an extra layer of security to private keys, making them more resistant to attacks.
Q.80 What are "atomic swaps" in the context of Blockchain, and how do they enable trustless exchanges between different cryptocurrencies?
Atomic swaps are smart contracts that allow users to exchange cryptocurrencies directly without an intermediary, ensuring trustless transactions.
Q.81 How can Blockchain technology enhance the authentication and authorization processes in identity management systems?
Blockchain provides a secure and tamper-proof ledger for verifying identities and granting access rights, reducing fraud and identity theft.
Q.82 What is the concept of "tokenomics" in the context of Blockchain-based projects, and how does it relate to the economic aspects of tokens?
Tokenomics refers to the economics of tokens, including supply, demand, utility, and incentives, in a Blockchain ecosystem.
Q.83 How does "plasma" technology address the scalability issues of Ethereum and other Blockchains, and what are its key principles?
Plasma is a layer-2 scaling solution that allows for faster and more scalable transactions by creating child chains with their consensus rules.
Q.84 What are the potential security challenges and best practices when creating and managing digital wallets for cryptocurrencies?
Security challenges include the risk of losing private keys, wallet breaches, and phishing attacks. Best practices involve secure storage and backup of keys.
Q.85 Can you explain the concept of "cross-chain communication" and its significance in enabling interoperability between different Blockchains?
Cross-chain communication allows different Blockchains to share data and assets, promoting interoperability and expanding the capabilities of Blockchain networks.
Q.86 How does Blockchain technology contribute to intellectual property protection, particularly in industries like music and art?
Blockchain enables artists and creators to prove ownership and authenticity of their work, reducing copyright infringement and ensuring fair compensation.
Q.87 What is the role of "token issuance platforms" in creating and managing tokens for Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and tokenized assets?
Token issuance platforms facilitate the creation, distribution, and management of tokens, often used for fundraising in ICOs.
Q.88 How does "zero-knowledge proof" enhance privacy and security in Blockchain transactions, and what are some real-world applications of this technology?
Zero-knowledge proofs allow one party to prove the truth of a statement without revealing the details, enhancing privacy in areas like authentication and voting.
Q.89 What are some potential ethical considerations and challenges related to Blockchain technology, particularly in areas like identity, privacy, and data ownership?
Ethical considerations include consent for data usage, privacy protection, and addressing biases in Blockchain systems.
Q.90 How does Blockchain contribute to the traceability and authenticity of luxury goods, such as high-end fashion products and fine wines?
Blockchain records the journey of luxury goods from production to sale, ensuring authenticity and enabling customers to verify their origin.
Q.91 What is the role of "oracles" in Blockchain-based smart contracts, and how do they enable smart contracts to interact with external data and real-world events?
Oracles are trusted data sources that feed external data into smart contracts, allowing them to execute based on real-world information.
Q.92 How does Blockchain technology address the issue of censorship resistance in content publishing and communication platforms?
Blockchain-based platforms can prevent censorship by distributing content across a decentralized network, making it difficult for a single entity to control.
Q.93 What are "sidechains," and how do they enable the transfer of assets and data between different Blockchains while maintaining their independence?
Sidechains are separate Blockchains that can interact with the main chain, allowing assets and data to be transferred across chains.
Q.94 How can organizations use Blockchain technology to improve the transparency and efficiency of charitable donations and aid distribution?
Blockchain provides a transparent ledger of donations and ensures that funds reach intended beneficiaries efficiently.
Q.95 Can you explain the concept of "token burning" in Blockchain projects and how it affects the supply and value of tokens?
Token burning involves permanently removing a specific number of tokens from circulation, reducing supply and potentially increasing token value.
Q.96 How do organizations ensure the security and integrity of "oracles" in smart contract execution, given their critical role in feeding external data?
Security measures include using trusted oracles, cryptographic proofs, and multi-oracle solutions to minimize risks.
Q.97 What are blocks in blockchain technology?
A block is part of the bitcoin network. A Block stores the Transactional data permanently. Also, the blocks are always sequential, and new data is added to the latest block. In simple words, it is a record book with a fixed size to it. Once a block is completed, a new block is generated which is then attached to the chain of blocks. This is where the name of “block” chain came from. All the information in the block is encrypted and can only be accessed by the receiver and sender.
Q.98 How blocks are created?
when the block size is reached the Blockchain automatically creates Blocks. As the block is a file, the transactions are kept on the file until it becomes full. They are listed linearly and are connected so that the latest block stays in contact of the previous one. To identify a block, using a mathematical function, a hash value is generated. It also indicates any changes that are made to a block.
Q.99 How are blocks changed together?
A hash value assigned to a block is used to chain them together. If the hash value is changed, this indicates that someone is trying to spoof the data stored in the hash. The blocks are linked by storing the hash value of the previous block.
'For instance:, block 3 will store the hash value of block 2 and so on.'
Q.100 Can blocks be removed from a blockchain?
The removal of blocks from a blockchain entirely based on how it is handled. Though it is not possible to manually remove a block. Nevertheless, if it is lost, then the blockchain generally tries to rebuild the database using other peers. While, once they are verified, to lower the blockchain size they can be deleted as it is not required anyone to do normal operations. It can be re-downloaded again when needed. This process is known as pruning.
Q.101 Can the data stored in a block modified once it is written? If so, why?
The data kept on the blockchain is protected with correct encoding employing a digital signature. This makes the data written in a block as a one-time process only. It cannot be altered by any means.
Q.102 What type of records can be stored in a blockchain?
As the Blockchain acts as a data structure which indicates that it can be used to store any form of data. Industries can make proper use of blockchain record types as they can completely take advantage of what it has to offer. The most common styles of records/data which will be unbroken in blockchain are:
Identity management
Transaction processing
Medical records
Management activities
Business transactions
Q.103 What is block identifiers?
On a blockchain every block has a unique identifier is. It is the hash value that acts as a unique identifier. This means that no two blocks identifiers will be identical.
Q.104 What do you understand by ICO?
ICO stands for Initial Coin Offering. It is similar in concept with an IPO(Initial Public Offering). ICO is used by start-ups or companies to raise capital for their product. It can be a direct blockchain product or a product utilizing benefits of the blockchain. To raise the money they sell their platform or service tokens.
Q.105 Is there a need to understand ICO in order to get a complete picture of blockchain technology?
ICO is one of the imperative parts of the blockchain ecosystem. This doesn’t mean that you need to learn about ICO and how they are implemented. But, it is always good to possess an understanding of ICO in the current market. ICO is one of the best use-cases of blockchain technology.
Q.106 Name the Popular platforms for developing blockchain applications?
The most popular platforms for developing blockchain applications include Ripple, R3 Cords, Hyperledger Fabric, Ethereum, and Quoru.
Q.107 What is Hyperledger?
Hyperledger is an open source collaborative effort to improve blockchain. It offers an enterprise-grade framework. These tools will help to strengthen blockchain implementation across multiple sectors including manufacturing, supply chains, finance, etc. The Linux Foundation manages it.
Q.108 What is a smart contract?
A smart contract is best defined as a computer code that lets you enforce rules and regulations between two parties that are going to interact to carry out a deal. The agreement once is written can be executed automatically for any number of times. Smart contracts is a legal agreement that is written with the help of code. It is widely used in blockchain to automate tasks and also bring transparency to a particular system. For example, smart contracts can be used to sell or own real-world assets.
Q.109 What is dApp?
dApp also stands for “decentralized application” that runs on a blockchain. Smart contracts are used to automate different functionality of the dApp. As it is an application, more than one peer can participate and is not controlled by a single entity. dApps generally follow a protocol or algorithm and also require an incentive attached to its functionality. Lastly, it is a completely open source.
Q.110 How is dApp different from an app?
dApps run on a decentralized network or system whereas apps, in general, are not designed to work in a decentralized ecosystem. dApps are the next generation apps that take advantage of blockchain and runs on it. NEO and Ethereum are included in the Popular blockchain solutions that support dApps.
Q.111 How are dApp different from a smart contract?
dApps are the decentralized app that fulfills a particular action or feature on the blockchain. It is maintained by an organization so that they can effectively automate some or complete processes. Smart contracts, on the other hand, are made to act as two peers under pre-defined rules using code. Unlike smart contracts, dApps can be accessed by multiple peers at any given time.
Q.112 What is Solidity?
Solidity is a high-level programming language that offers contract-based programming. It is used to enhance the functionality of Ethereum Virtual Machine and is also actively used to program Ethereum smart contracts. It is similar to JavaScript when it comes to syntax and esy to access.
Q.113 What is Metamask?
Metamask is a web app that lets you connect with Ethereum dApps directly from your browser. This means that you don’t need to have a full Ethereum node to access dApps and its functionalities.
Q.114 What is the lightning network?
To improve the working of bitcoin the lightning network is an off-chain and scalable solution. It will bring instant transactions at low or no cost associated with it. Moreover, it will make bitcoin more scalable by taking the majority of the hard work off-chain. The lightning network is in active development and is already being used by many vendors.
Q.115 What is atomic swap?
Atomic swap enables faster transfers thanks to the use of smart contracts. It is a revolutionary technology that allows peers to exchange one cryptocurrency to another without any intermediary exchange. It is done off-chain and between two different blockchains.
Q.116 What is a private key?
A private key is an alphanumeric phrase that is used in pair with a public key to provide encryption and decryption. It is a part of cryptographic algorithms that are used in blockchain security. The key is assigned to the key generator and should stay with him only. If he fails to do so, anyone can access the details or data located within the wallet or the address for which the private key is assigned.
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