Subversion Version Control

Here is the list that contains the top Subversion Version Control interview questions and answers that are most frequently asked by employer.

Q.1 Define SVN.
Subversion, or SVN, is an open source code management system. It's used to keep track of all the modifications to your source code or files. It's a database that keeps track of files, folders, and directories, as well as the changes made to them over time. The SVN repository maintains a complete history of file changes and can easily track who made changes to the file.
Q.2 What is the distinction between a GIT repository and an SVN repository?
Git does not handle “commits” across different branches or tags, which is a difference between SVN and GIT. Subversion allows you to create folders at any point in the repository hierarchy. Subversion allows committers to consider a tag as a branch and generate several revisions under a tag root, but Git is immutable. Git is not recommended for handling huge files or binary files that change regularly, but SVN can handle numerous projects in the same repository.
Q.3 Make a list of everything that should be kept in the SVN repository.
Source Code Build scripts can be stored in an SVN repository. QA relies on test data. schema for the database Configuration of the project (When the whole team is using the same IDE) Documentation for the project (Internal and External) Meeting minutes, important e-mails, and web-based information Artifacts that were created at a high cost As well as other project-related documents
Q.4 What is the command to add a file or dir?
To add a file or dir in SVN the command you will use svn add filename svn add dirname
Q.5 What are the most commonly used subversion commands?
Common subversion commands include Import Checkout Commit Update
Q.6 What is the difference between commit and update?
Update is used to sync the local workspace with the changes made to the repository by the team, whereas commit is the act of committing changes from the local workspace to the repository, or in other words, uploading a file to the repository.
Q.7 Explain how you can apply a patch in SVN?
In order to apply a patch in SVN, you must first "Create Patch" by making changes and generating a.diff file. Then, using "Apply Patch," you can apply this.diff file to the new code base.
Q.8 What is the command for creating a new version-controlled directory?
The following commands can be used to create a new version-controlled directory: svn mkdir directory svn mkdir http://url/directory
Q.9 What is the procedure for importing your existing directory into the new repository?
Writesvn import/home/mysurface/programming file:/home/mysurface/repo/programing repo-m “initial import” is the command you'll use to import your existing directory into the new repository.
Q.10 What command should I use to see what's inside the repository?
svn list file command: To see what's within the repository, go to /home/mysurface/repo/programming repo.
Q.11 What command should I use to see the differences between the local and repository versions?
To see the differences between the local and repository versions, use the command: svn diff filename svn diff dirname
Q.12 Describe the meanings of the result codes G and R in SVN.
In svn, the result codes G and R denote G code: Changes to the repo were merged into the working copy automatically. R code: This code indicates that the item in your working copy has been replaced. This indicates that the file was planned or scheduled to be deleted, with a new file with the same name being added in its stead.
Q.13 What is the purpose of the Revert command in subversion?
The "Revert" function will undo your local changes and reload the repository's most recent version.
Q.14 Explain how you can revert to a previous version?
You must use the "revert" command to get an earlier version. However, the revert command will simply erase local edits; instead, you should use the "merge" command. For example, suppose you have a file [abc.txt] that is currently at version 101 and you want to upgrade to version 201. Then you'll use a command like this: svn merge –r 101:201 abc.txt svn commit –m “Reverted to revision 201” abc.txt
Q.15 Which commands are available for moving a chunk of code and its history from one SVN repo to another?
The commands listed below can be used: svnadmin dump svndumpfilter include svnadmin load svn remove
Q.16 What Do You Mean By "Repository Synchronization"? What Is the Difference Between "update" and "update"?
The process of synchronising with the repository involves updating the local workspace with modifications made by others. This differs from Update in that it allows us to manually merge Merge conflicts.
Q.17 What are the recommended practises for using SVN?
The best SVN practises are to update and test before committing. Work from the comfort of your own home or office. Make incremental, independent modifications. Verify that the files you're committing have been altered. Maintain contact with the repository. Keep an eye out for any conflicts. Always arrange your check-ins in a sensible order. Make use of comments.
Q.18 Define branch in SVN.
A branch is a copy of code derived from a specific point in the trunk that is used to make significant modifications to the code while maintaining the trunk's integrity.
Q.19 What is trunk in SVN?
The trunk is the major body of work that runs from the beginning to the end of the project.
Q.20 What is a distributed version control system (VCS)?
These are systems that do not save a project file and all of its versions on a central server. Every contributor in Distributed VCS can acquire a local copy or "clone" of the main repository. As seen in the figure above, any programmer can keep a local repository, which is essentially a copy or clone of the central repository on their hard drive. They have no problems committing and updating their local repository. They can update their local repositories with fresh data from the central server using the "pull" operation, and the "pull" action impacts changes to the main repository from their local repository.
Q.21 What exactly is the distinction between Git and Github?
Git is a distributed version control system for tracking changes in source code during software development. It helps programmers coordinate their work, but it may also be used to track changes in any set of files. Git's key goals are speed, data integrity, and distributed, non-linear workflow support. GitHub is a service that hosts Git repositories and adds many of its own services. GitHub has a graphical user interface that is accessible over the web. It also has access control and collaboration features, as well as basic task management tools for all projects.
Q.22 What are the advantages of employing a version control system?
All team members can work freely on any file at any time using the Version Control System (VCS). VCS allows you to combine all of the changes into a single version. Inside the VCS, all prior versions and variants are properly stored. You can request any version at any moment that meets your needs, and you'll have a snapshot of the entire project at your fingertips. Your VCS asks you to provide a brief summary of the changes you've made whenever you save a new version of your project. You may also examine what changes have been made to the file's content. This allows you to see what modifications were made to the project and who made them. A distributed VCS, such as Git, allows all team members to have a complete history of the project, so if the central server goes down, you may use any of your teammates' local Git repositories.
Q.23 What is the Git language?
Git is written in the C programming language. GIT is quick, thanks to the ‘C' programming language, which reduces the cost of run times associated with high-level languages.
Q.24 Mention the numerous hosting options for Git repositories.
Github Gitlab Bitbucket SourceForge GitEnterprise
Q.25 What is the meaning of a commit message?
“git commit -a” is the command used to create a commit message. Using the -a flag on the command line informs git to commit the updated content of all modified tracked files. Also, if new files need to be committed for the first time, specify that you can use “git add file>” before git commit -a.
Q.26 How do you fix a commit that isn't working?
Use the command "git commit —amend" to correct any broken commits. You can correct the broken commit message in the editor by using this command.
Q.27 In Git, what is a repository?
In Git, a repository is a location where Git saves all of the files. Git may store files in either a local or remote repository.
Q.28 In Git, how do you make a repository?
To make a repository, first make a directory for the project if it doesn't already exist, and then run the command "git init." Use this command to get started. In the project directory, a git directory will be established.
Q.29 In Git, what does it mean to have a "bare repository"?
In Git, a "bare" repository comprises only version control metadata and no working files (no tree), as well as the special.git subdirectory. Instead, it includes the entire contents of the.git subdirectory in the main directory, whereas the working directory just contains: A.git subdirectory containing all of your repository's Git-related revision history. A functioning tree, or copies of your project files that have been checked out.
Q.30 What is a 'conflict'?
Most merges can be handled by Git on its own, thanks to its automatic merging features. When two independent branches make updates to the same line in a file, or when a file is removed in one branch but changed in the other, a conflict occurs. When working in a group setting, conflicts are more prone to arise.
Q.31 What is the git is-tree command?
‘git is-tree' creates a tree object with the mode and name of each item, as well as the blob or tree's SHA-1 value.
Q.32 In Git, how do you resolve a conflict?
The procedures below will help you settle conflict in Git- Determine which files are causing the conflict. Make the appropriate adjustments to the files to prevent a recurrence of the disagreement. The command git add can be used to add these files. Finally, use the command git commit to commit the altered file.
Q.33 How do you undo a commit that has been pushed and made public in Git?
There are two ways to address this question, and you should cover both since, depending on the situation, any of the following options can be used: In a fresh commit, remove or fix the problematic file before pushing it to the remote repository. This is the most obvious method of correcting an error. Once you've made the appropriate modifications to the file, use the command git commit -m "commit message" to commit it to the remote repository. You can also generate a new commit that undoes all of the modifications done in the previous one. Use the command to accomplish this. git revert bad commit name>
Q.34 What exactly is SubGit?
SubGit is an SVN to Git migration tool. It can make a writable Git mirror of a local or remote Subversion repository and allow you to use both Subversion and Git for as long as you like. You may now include some benefits, such as a quick one-time import from Subversion to Git or the ability to use SubGit within Atlassian Bitbucket Server. A bi-directional Git-SVN mirror of an existing Subversion repository can be created with SubGit. Depending on your preferences, you can push to Git or commit to Subversion. SubGit will handle the synchronisation.
Q.35 What is the distinction between git fetch and git pull?
The git pull command pulls new changes or commits from a certain branch in your central repository and updates your local repository's target branch. Git fetch serves the same objective, although it operates in a somewhat different manner. A git fetch pulls all new commits from the selected branch and saves them in a new branch in your local repository. Git fetch must be followed by git merge if you want these changes to be reflected on your target branch. After merging the target branch and the fetched branch, your target branch will be updated. Remember the equation below to make it easier for you: Git pull = git fetch + git merge
Q.36 In Git, what does ‘staging area' or ‘index' mean?
That it can be prepared and examined in an interim section known as the 'Staging Area' or 'Index' before the commits are completed. Every modification is first checked in the staging area, which I've dubbed the "stage file," and then committed to the repository, as shown in the diagram.
Q.37 When the deleted branch is recovered, what work is restored?
The files that were saved in the stash index list and stashed will be recovered. Any files that aren't traced will be deleted. It's also a good practise to always stage, commit, or stash your work.
Q.38 What exactly is git stash?
When you've been working on a part of your project for a while, things can get a little messy, and you'd like to switch branches for a little to focus on something else. The problem is that you don't want to commit half-completed work simply so you can return to it later. Git stash is the solution to this problem. Stashing stores your working directory, which includes all of your updated tracked files and staged changes, to a stack of unfinished modifications that you can reapply at any moment.
Q.39 What is the purpose of the command ‘git stash apply'?
The ‘git stash apply‘ command is used to restore the saved modifications to your current working directory if you wish to continue working where you left off.
Q.40 What's the difference between a git diff and a git status command?
‘git diff' shows the differences between commits, commits and working trees, and so on, whereas ‘git status' reveals the difference between the working directory and the index, which is useful in better understanding git. The main difference between ‘git diff' and ‘git status' is that it indicates the differences between multiple commits as well as between the working directory and index.
Q.41 How do you tell the difference between git remote and git clone?
‘git remote add' adds a name to a URL in your git config, whereas ‘git clone' creates a new git repository by copying an existing one at the URL.
Q.42 What is the git stash drop command?
To remove a stashed object, use the Git ‘stash drop' command. By default, it removes the most recently inserted stash item, but it can also remove a specific item if you pass it as an argument.
Q.43 What is the purpose of the command ‘git config'?
Git associates commits with an identity based on your login. You can alter your Git setup, including your login, with the git config command.
Q.44 What is the content of a commit object?
The components of a commit object are as follows, and you should mention all three of them: A collection of files that represent the state of a project at a particular point in time. Parent commit objects are referenced. A 40-character SHA-1 name that uniquely identifies the commit object
Q.45 Explain Feature branching.
A feature branch model maintains all modifications for a specific feature contained within a branch. The branch gets merged into master once the feature has been completely tested and approved by automated tests.
Q.46 In Git, what do you mean by "hooks"?
This directory contains shell scripts that are launched when you perform the Git commands that correspond to them. After you've made a commit, git, for example, will try to run the post-commit script.
Q.47 Define Task Branching.
Each task is implemented on its own branch in this paradigm, and the task key is mentioned in the branch name. Simply look at the task key in the branch name to discover which code implements which task.
Q.48 How will you know whether a branch has been merged into master in Git?
To know if a branch has been merged into master or not you can use the below commands: git branch --merged – It lists the branches that have been merged into the current branch. git branch --no-merged – It lists the branches that have not been merged.
Q.49 Why is it preferable to make a new commit instead than changing an existing one?
This is due to a number of factors — The commit procedure saves the state, but the amend operation destroys it. It's not a problem if the commit message is the only thing that's changed. However, if the contents are changed, the odds of missing anything vital increase. Abusing "git commit- amend" might cause a tiny commit to grow and acquire irrelevant changes.
Q.50 Define Realase Branching.
You can clone the develop branch to create a Release branch once it has enough functionality for a release. This branch kicks off the next release cycle, thus no new features can be contributed beyond this point; only bug fixes, documentation generation, and other release-related tasks should be placed here. The release is merged into master and given a version number once it is ready to ship. It should also be merged back into the develop branch, which has likely progressed since the initial release.
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